Due Date:
A qualitative observation is where you observed a quality about an object (it smelled good, it was green, etc.). Another type of
observation is quantitative, meaning that it can be described or measured in concrete numerical terms. For example, there are 30
students in my class or 1 ate a pound of potatoes.
OBSERVATIONS: Identify the following statements as QUANTITATIVE or QUALITATIVE.
1. _____________ The cup had a mass of 454 grams.
2. _____________ The temperature outside is 250 degrees Celsius.
3. _____________ The liquid is 50 mL.
4. _____________ The tree is 30 feet tall.
5. _____________ The building has 25 stories.
6. _____________ The building is taller than the tree.
7. _____________ The sidewalk is long.
8. _____________ The sidewalk is 100 meters long.
9. _____________ The race was over quickly.
10. ____________ The race was over in 10 minutes.
11. ____________ The candle went out in 3 seconds.
12. ____________ The candle flame flickered and finally glowed.
OBSERVATION-INFERENCES (for definitions, please refer to the “Think like a scientist” reading)
For each scenario below, list an observation and inference.
13. A Boy walks into a restaurant with a Patriots jersey on and the waiter says you must be patriots fan.
14. After watching a student walk into the classroom on crutches, the teacher said, “I bet you broke your leg playing football over the
Study the lab notes from a students’ M & M EXPERIMENT:
In the M & M experiment, I used 50 mL of water and nail polish remover with a blue M & M. Both liquids were at room temperature
(28 deg. Celsius.) The M & M in the water lost its color the fastest. Both liquids turned blue and made these complicated patterns. I
got the same results when I repeated my experiment. I was surprised by water dissolving the M&M faster because vinegar is an acidic
substance. I thought that vinegar would corrode the M & M faster. I guess water has a higher tendency of dissolving things than nail
polish remover. Water is considered a universal solvent meanwhile nail polish remover is very specific.
15. Give one quantitative observation from the notes above:
16. Give one qualitative observation from the notes above:
17. Give one inference made in the notes above.
18. Summarize your M & M experiment using at least 1 quantitative, 1 qualitative observation, and 1 inference. Underline your