to view: messeng23.28 - Immanuel Christian School

A Newsletter for Supporters of Immanuel Christian School
Vol. 23 No. 28
April 14, 2011
From the Principal - Mr. P. Veenendaal
Some time ago, I wrote in the column that every day here is different and exciting. This week was
certainly not an exception to this “rule.” Mrs. Buist and Mr. Leach have been in part of this week.
Although their situations are very different, both need regular doctors’ care as well as “rest” days. We are
happy that, even though some days are difficult, that you both desire to be here and miss the students (and
hopefully, the staff) when you cannot be here. We pray that God will continue to be with you both in
times of treatment and recuperation. Mrs. Veldman has come back as well even though she is not quite
over her headaches. Thank you too, Maureen, for your diligent work and desire to be here for your
special duties.
On Monday, we hope to see Mrs. Heidema back in the Grade 5 classroom after her trip to the Netherlands
with her husband.
Thank you to the substitute teachers (Mrs. Julia Toet and Mrs. Lu Raap) and the regular staff members
who have helped us fill up the gaps in the teaching schedule when so many were not able to be here. We
would have been in quite a pickle if we were not able to call on you.
On Monday we had an all-day visit from Mrs.Shelley Hasinoff. Mrs. Hasinoff is the government liaison
to independent schools and she visits each independent school (about 50 in Manitoba plus some
international schools) once every two years. She comes in to see if we are teaching the Manitoba
curriculum and if our school is well run. She is very willing to give constructive criticism on many things
as she has experience as teacher, principal, and professor. She showed a lot of interest in the special
activities we have been busy with (gala dinner, PAC activities, BLT program, Art possibilities, Grade 12
French trip, new music teacher hiring). I had thought that I had a lot of news to tell her, but she has been
reading our MESSENGER and knew all about it. She gave us a huge compliment on the amount of
information we give parents in our weekly newsletter. She said that no other school puts so much effort
into keeping parents up-to-date on what is happening in the classrooms with their children. She will now
prepare a letter for the principal and school board chairman, in which she will make some comments
about her visit to ICS and perhaps include some suggestions for improvement in various things. It is
certainly a blessing to work with Mrs. Hasinoff who understands why independent schools exist, as well
as the rights we have as independent schools such as who we can hire and who can attend our schools.
On Wednesday we welcomed Rev. Dong, missionary among the Chinese population in the Fraser Valley
in BC who made a presentation to elementary and high school students about his work. The students
asked many good questions and hopefully learned to better appreciate the freedoms we enjoy in Canada.
Next Wednesday, we hope to see many of you attend our Easter Assembly at 8:45 AM. All ICS
students will attend. We encourage all those students who have a “spare” in the first class to attend this
assembly as well. After the Easter Assembly, we have a special puppet presentation concerning diseases
such as cancer, which are very hard for younger children to understand. There are 2 free presentations:
one for K – 3 and the second one for Grades 4 –8. Ask your children about it when they get home on
Best wishes to the Black Light Theatre members who have left for two performances today and Friday.
Enjoy your night at Camp Arnes and be good ambassadors for God and ICS when you meet other young
people in the schools you visit.
Tomorrow (Friday) ICS and DCS staff will meet here to share and make plans for future sharing in the
work that we do. We have a presentation on “Bullying” in the morning along with Case Studies to
discuss. In the afternoon, same-grade teachers will be spending time together in the classrooms. After the
Carman staff leaves, we will continue with some planning for CRTA West conference activities.
Next week Tuesday parents of Grades 7 – 12 can expect to receive progress reports to review in
preparation for the parent/teacher conferences on Thursday after school and evening. Forms for requesting
conferences will be included with the students’ progress reports; please return them to the school on
We still have about 50 packages of cheese left to sell, just $2.00 for 200 grams. If you are interested,
please stop by the school and speak to Mr. Folkerts or Mr. Veenendaal about purchasing a few. Thanks
for your support. Our second potter’s wheel is almost paid for.
Next week’s Messenger will cover 2 weeks of material. The Messenger after that will be published on
May 6.
Library News:
Beautiful pictures and history to inspire potential architects (available in our
school library):
Seven Wonders of Architecture, by Ann Kerns, takes readers from 326 A.D. to
2009 A.D. in the construction of seven architectural wonders, showing the reasons
for the building of Saint Peter’s Basilica, and moving up to one of the newest
massively tall skyscrapers, the Burj Dubai tower.
For many great library items, many with colour cover illustrations,
check out (or the display in the foyer).
Library hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday mornings;
and Tuesday afternoons.
The following students have overdue library books:
Kirsten V.
Zack D.
Emily V.
Cassandra V.
Grade 4:
Ashley W.
Nathan P.
Grade 2:
Jordan H.
Carson T.
Jordan V.
Grade 3:
Grade 5:
Devon R.
Grade 6:
Ashton B.
Stephen S.
Rebecca V.
Laurie S.
Adam W.
Grade 7:
Kevin D.
Jordan V.
Jessica V.
Erin W.
Grade 9:
Daniel M.
Kenneth V.
Courtney W.
Grade 8:
Mark M.
Grade 10:
Alanna B.
Cherika B.
Samantha B.
Kari D.
Kristianne R.
Tyson S.
Thomas V.
Anne-Marie V.
Grade 11:
Kylie K.
1. Request from the Grad Class 2011: Our grad class is looking for some adults who would be able and
willing to cater or to assist with the catering of our grad dinner. This involves shopping, meal preparations,
cleaning up, for both the dishes and the kitchen. We are looking for two groups of volunteers, one to handle
the food preparations and a different team of volunteers to handle the clean-up. If you can be of assistance in
either of these areas, your help would be greatly appreciated. Please call Stephen Dykstra (668-7105) or Matt
Hoogerdijk at 330-7886 if you are able to help us out. Thanks for your willingness.
2. BLT News: We had a great time with our performance last Friday! A HUGE thank you to all those
who helped with the evening – whether you helped with the flash mob, video taped the performance,
helped at the bake sale table, etc. It was all appreciated! This coming week ask the BLT members how
they enjoyed their time performing at Christ the King School, staying overnight at Camp Arnes and
spending the day at Morweena Christian School. I’m sure there will be fun stories to tell!
3. Aloha! Hawaiian Dress-up Day is set for Friday, April 29th for both Elementary and High School
4. Where to shine as lights in the world with your writing:
Write or e-mail the media, its ad sponsors, or your MLA or MP.
Check or
Teen Ink has an online poetry contest.
Click on the tag activism or reasons-to-write on
Mr. Dykstra has recent news of the latest essay and poetry contests.
REQUEST: ICS will be hosting four students from the Netherlands in October as part of the OMF
program. Although it is still early, we need to start making some plans for our visitors. There are two
ways you can help. If you have a son or daughter in grade 11 or 12 next year, maybe you can host one of
our guests. Otherwise I need some enthusiastic people (not necessarily parents) that are willing to be part
of a committee that will assist me in planning an overnight excursion as well as day trips, and evening
events for our guests. Talk to Mrs. Dykstra if you’re interested.
Scholarships and Awards:
April 30
Application form and more Information
Variety Club
“Leadership in the
Ask Mrs. Dykstra for an application form and/or
more information.
April 30
Variety Club’s:
Variety Pat Riordan
Fine Arts Scholarship
for students entering
studies in music and/or
the fine arts.
Ask Mrs. Dykstra for an application form and/or
more information.
May 7
Y.E.S. Showcase of
Sustainability Projects
for scholarships and
Available to grades 912 and post-secondary
Red River Exhibition
Foundation Inc.
This showcase takes place at Oak Hammock Marsh.
For more info check out
May 13
May 13
Mark and Dorothy
Danzker Scholarship
for Excellence
May 20
Phi Delta Kappa
scholarship for
Prospective Teachers
Manitoba Community
May 20
Scholarships for students entering careers in
automotive, agriculture, business, tourism and
Agri- Food. Brochures near guidance board or
check out
This scholarship is for students aged 17+ who have
been involved in preserving their cultural heritage.
Check out for applications
and/or more info ask Mrs. Dykstra.
Ask Mrs. Dykstra for an application form and/or
more information
Scholarships for students pursuing a career in
journalism or graphic design.
Check the bulletin board or talk to Mrs. D for more
Sports 2011:
 Please look for the track schedule on the gym bulletin board.
 Soccer schedules will be coming this week.
Elementary Classroom News:
Kindergarten: Mrs. Nyhof
The students were excited to take home their
own choice of books for home reading on
Monday. Parents please continue to read these
books with your children. It will give them the
daily practice most of them need. On
Wednesday we made our own “nests” (rice
krispie treats) after reading the book “The Best
Nest” by P.D. Eastman. We’ve been busy
practicing for the up coming Easter assembly
with K-3. The songs are coming along. Only one
more practice with everyone on Monday. Enjoy
your Friday off Kindergarten students.
Here is what’s planned for another short week
next week:
Monday: Library books and Home Reading
Kits are due.
Show and Tell: M-Timothy and Zack, W-Cody
and Damian
Memory Work: Song: Psalm 100:1 (new
version), Text: Proverbs 3:3 (Faithfulness), our
home address and our birthdays
Bible:, M-Jesus betrayed, condemned and
crucified, W-He’s alive!
ELA: This month we will do reading and
writing activities related to the theme. We will
continue reviewing the upper case letters. We
will also begin the Word Wall program (learning
some sight words) Word Wall Words: and, at,
do and no.
Math: Numbers and Measuring
Theme: Spring and Trees
Music: Songs for the Easter Program
Grade 1: Miss Harke
April seems to be the month of special events!
This past week we had a presentation by Rev.
Dong about the work he does in China. On
Wednesday we will have our Easter Assembly
(8:45am in the gym) and a puppet show about
the lives of children with cancer. For the Easter
Assembly, please have your child come to the
classroom first and then we will go as a class to
the gym. The students will be sitting with their
choir group. Also, I have begun sending
unfinished work home at the end of the week for
homework. Students do have in-class time to do
the work (as well as “catch-up” time) but if
students are ill or don’t use their time wisely then
they will need to finish this work at home. Please
return the work on Monday even if it is not all
finished (but please strive to get it all
completed). Thanks!
Memory Work Song: Hymn 78:1 (new version)
(due Thurs., April 21)
Memory Work Text: Philippians 4:12b-13 (due
Fri., April 29)
Word Wall Words: Canada, school, never, saw
(due Thurs., April 14)
Show & Tell: M – Tyrell, T – Samuel, W –
Logan, Th – Melissa
Bible: Daniel, Return & Rebuilding, Review,
Test on Thursday, April 21
Math: Subtraction & Addition practice
Science: Characteristics of Objects & Materials
Phys. Ed. (K&1): Play Gymnastics
Dylan’s Report: We played Social Studies
Grade 2: Miss Vandermeulen
Memory Song: Hymn 31B – from the new Book
of Praise (due April 21)
Memory Text: Revelation 5:12 – In a loud voice
they sang: “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain,
to receive power and wealth and wisdom and
strength and honor and glory and praise!” (due
April 21).
Bible: –We will be finishing off our unit on
Parables with some review and a quiz. Next
Unit: Jesus’ Death and Resurrection: Jesus’
Triumphal Entry – Jesus Cleanses the Temple –
Jesus Teaches in the Temple – Jesus Teaches
about Taxes and Love – The Evil Plot – Jesus as
Servant – The Last Supper – Jesus Comforts His
Disciples – Betrayal and Arrest – Jesus’ Trial –
Jesus is Crucified – Jesus is Buried – The Risen
Lord – Jesus’ Appearances – Jesus and the
Miraculous Catch of Fish – Jesus’ Ascension
Mental Math: Continuing with adding with
10’s and multiples of 10. (10+1, 20 +2, 30 +3, 40
+ 5, etc.)
Math: Continuing with the Unit: Number Sense
Science/Social: Continuing with the unit: The
Canadian Community. In connection with our
previous unit on our local community, a field trip
has been booked to the Transcona Historical
Museum. This also will include a community
walk. Because the museum is currently
undergoing some renovation work, an opening
won’t be available until May. Wednesday, May
4th has been booked for grade 2. The program
should run from 1:30 – 3:00pm. A permission
slip will be sent home in the last week of April.
Spelling: Lesson 27: Adding endings – jogging,
running, trimming, skipping, shopped, sadder,
gladdest, hopped, winning, mixed (due April 21)
Word Wall Words: been, talk, night, around,
teacher (due April 21)
Gym: Grade 2&3: Gym Days: Tuesdays and
Thursdays. We will continue using the basic
movement skills and concepts that we have
learned in various cooperative and lowcompetitive games. Students will also have an
opportunity to create and manage their own
Show and Tell: We will continue with show
and tell every Friday at lunchtime. The schedule
for April is: April 8– Mallory, Naomi, Owen,
Summer. April 14 – Abigail, Alexis, Alicia,
Austin. April 21 – Carson, Jordan H., Jordan
V., Julia, Kiana.
Grade 3: Miss vanDoornik
Everyday this week we had close to half of the
class missing due to sickness! Some things had
to be postponed because of the absences (you
may notice some repeats from last week below).
We hope that everyone may have a restful
weekend and that all the “bugs” may leave us so
that we can all return to school again on Monday
in good health.
Memory Work: For Apr. 21 – Psalm 108:1
Memory Work Text: For Apr. 29 – John 10:911
Church History: We are continuing to learn
about Rev. H. de Cock. We plan to have this
quiz on Thursday, April 21.
Spelling Words: For Apr. 21– some review
words: light, thought, coming, another, stopped,
again, decided, machine, friend’s, woman,
around, does
Word Wall Words: For Apr. 21 – that’s, threw,
independent, were, weather
Math: We will start learning and practicing our
5 and 10 times tables.
Social Studies: We will be starting our new
unit: Communities of the World. In this unit we
will be learning about Mexico and Zimbabwe.
We have run out of kleenex boxes. Please send
one to school with your child. Thanks!
Grade 4: Mrs. Kottelenberg
Don’t forget that Hawaiian Day has been
rescheduled to April 29th!
Memory Work: Text: 1 Sam. 15: 22;
Song: Psalm 25: 1.
Bible: Students enjoyed a presentation by Rev.
Dong which fits in nicely with our Church
History unit on ministers and how they are
trained at the Theological College in Hamilton.
ELA: Some students have finished typing their
stories! Congratulations! Others will work on
finishing up their publishing and working on
some of their illustrations.
Music: We hope to begin preparing for the
Easter and spring programs. This means learning
some new songs and singing as a choir again.
We have also been listening to some classical
music and drawing pictures that reflect the
music. Students enjoyed listening to the Flight of
the Bumblebee!
Spelling: Unit 27 words: lesson, presents,
blossom, sign, secret, it’s, person, science,
biggest, sudden, present, bottom, picnic, that’s,
Math: We are working in groups now. We have
split into groups and are working on reading
dates on calendars and writing dates in metric
Phys Ed: We will be wrapping up badminton
this week and we hope to spend some time
outside over the next few weeks. Make sure
students are prepared for the spring
weather…rubber boots, splash pants, etc.
Grade 5: Mrs. Heidema
For next week: Although it was a short week, it
was a very productive one. We learned about and
made our own gears. We continued practicing
fraction and decimal work, this time
incorporating division (tricky!) We also
completed our banner entries for the Transcona
Biz festival of Banners. On Wednesday we were
privileged to hear from Rev. Dong. The students
really enjoyed his presentation and had lots of
questions to ask! Overall, it has been a pleasure
spending the last two weeks with you grade five
students! Thanks for all the laughs;) Next week
you will welcome back Mrs. Heidema!
Helpers: Robyn & Julianne
ICS Safety Patrol: Grade 5 members team 5:
Evan & Melannie
Memory Work: Text: due Friday April 29 –
Ephesians 6:13; Song: due Thursday – H 26
(New Book of Praise)
Bible: The topics will be At Gethsemane and the
Death of Jesus.
ELA: We will continue our Cornerstones Unit.
Spelling: Unit 27 - Contractions
Homework: p. 127 # 1, 3, 4, 5; p.128 # 1; p. 129
# 1, 2, 3 or p. 130 # 1, 2; p. 131 # 3, 4, 5, 7 +
your own sentences
Math: In our fractions and decimals unit we
will deal with estimating sums and differences.
Afterwards it is time to learn how to add
Social Studies 5+6: What inventions are actually
Canadian inventions because the First Nations
had a hand in them? We will find out!
Science: What kind of gears do we have? That
will be the topic of this week.
Grade 6: Mr. Folkerts
Field Trip: Next week Thursday, April 21,
we’ll be going to the Manitoba Electrical
Museum. Please sign the permission slip and
consider driving for this event.
Safety Patrols: The patrols next week will be
Nathan and Ashton.
Industrial Arts: I.A. will be next week Monday.
Memory Work: Song: Psalm 80:1 (From the
new Book of Praise. Due Thursday.)
Spelling: Lesson 27 – Unstressed Endings.
When learning how to spell list words carefully
sound out each syllable. Remember to make all
corrections from previous lessons. Define the
following words and use them in a sentence
(minimum 10 words in each sentence):
advantage, barefoot, desperate, effective and
fortunate. Observing Patterns: 1-4; Discovering
Patterns: 1-3; Exploring Patterns: 2, 4;
Challenges with Words: 1a. (Due Thursday.)
ELA: This week students put more voice in their
writing by writing from the perspective of
various dog breeds. Students will have a chance
to share their work next week.
Math: In unit 5 we are focusing on improper
fractions and mixed numbers. Next week we
may begin working with ratios. It would be a
great idea to review your multiplication facts, as
they are very important when working with
equivalent fractions.
Science: This week students have been busy
drawing detailed blueprints for their
robots/vehicles. Next week we’ll have a look at
electric magnets. Fieldtrip Thursday!
Church History: This week we finished up our
unit on the Huguenots. Next we will look at the
present missionary work going on in Brazil.
Recorder: Continue to practice recorder 10
minutes a day.
Grade 7 and 8:
ELA gr 7: We started reading "Clever Manka"
today and will finish the reading next week.
Students will then participate in a number of
follow up activities. Spelling: Learn the list
words for Unit 23.
ELA gr 8: Once again we have many and varied
entries for both grade 7 and 8 for the Transcona
BIZ banner contest! Next week we will continue
working on our Non-Fiction project and aim to
complete the booklet of worksheets. This will be
followed by a visual and some poetry
representation of the topic. Spelling: list words
for Unit 22.
Bible 7: Students are working well on the
Haggai assignment. We will aim to get it
finished before the end of the week and do a
review assignment on it as well.
Gr 7 SocSt: As part of our introduction to
societies in Asia and Australasia we discovered
just how many countries there are in that part of
the world that we have no idea about. Over the
course of the next weeks therefore, we will spend
some time examining their cultures and creating
projects and presentations to learn more about
the many countries in those areas.
Gr 8 SocSt: Our brief unit on the development
of France and Germany is just about finished.
We’ll wrap it up and review on Tuesday and
have a quiz on Thursday. Next we’ll be studying
Feudal Europe.
Gr 7 French: On Wednesday we’ll have a test
on Unit 3. We’ll review the necessary material
on Monday.
Gr 8 French: Students are working on building
puppets which we will use to practice our
vocabulary about clothes and shopping. Students
will have a quiz on the clothing vocabulary on
Gr. 8 Math: T-Quiz on Graphs of Linear
Relations; Thr- Quiz on Applications of Graphs
of Linear Relations.
Keyboarding 7/8: Remind me to get another
HTML assignment on Bring a flash drive if
you want to continue work at home; keep up
good typing technique.
Math 7 – This week students wrote a quiz on
Wednesday testing their ability to add and
subtract fractions. Students also learned how to
add and subtract mixed numbers. We will review
that on Monday, and students will write a test on
Tuesday after which we will begin a new unit on
Solving Equations.
Science 7- This week we began our new science
unit on Mixtures. Students learned the difference
between pure substances and mixtures, as well as
the difference between solutions (homogeneous
and heterogeneous) and mechanical mixtures.
We will continue with these terms next week; if
time allows we will also study ways to separate
Science 8- Students are almost finished building
their toys. Students reviewed the different types
of light and the boys made a pinhole camera,
while the girls were at Red River College. Next
week, students will write a brief quiz on Monday
when they get back from IA. We will continue
with Light and how it behaves next week
including reflection and refraction.
Bible 8- We will conclude our study of the
prophesies of Isaiah by making a book for select
passages in groups.
High School Division:
Gr. 9 Math: T- Quiz on Graphs of Linear
Relations and Applications of those graphs; Thr
– Test on Chapter 4 Linear Relations
Gr. 9 Science: Thr- Quiz on Our Model of the
Atom. Note: Cody and Jason will be doing
their presentations during the week.
Gr 9 SocSt: We continue to look at
peacekeeping and the various places in the world
where peacekeeping has been necessary.
Through examinations of these case studies, we
are examining the effectiveness of the UN and
the role of the UN in the future. Once this is
complete, we’ll examine Canada’s role in the
Global Village.
Gr 9 Bible: We wrote a test today on the first
part of Jesus’ ministry. This coming week we’ll
study the Sermon on the Mount and Christ’s
preaching on the forgiveness of sins. Once this
is complete, students will work on projects on
the parables.
English 10F (Grade 9): One presentation per
day as we continue To Kill a Mockingbird. Work
due every class based on reading of novel.
Drama 20G (Grade 9): We’ve written radio
plays for the music and drama evening in May.
Marked practices on both Tuesday and
Thursday of next week.
Start Your Own Business 25G (Grade 9): Test
on Modules 4 and 5 on Friday, May 6. D & J
Enterprise’s present their business plan for the
contest at the end of May!
Gr10 Art: Some of the students would like to
continue with watercolours for the rest of the
year, but I am sure they will enjoy working with
clay as well next week
Gr. 10 Applied/Pre-Calc 20S: W- Quiz on
Relations and Functions.
Gr. 10 RefSt – Test on Wednesday.
English 20F: Next journal or letter due
Wednesday, April 20. Keep an eye on the letters
column of the Winnipeg Free Press and the
Winnipeg Sun. Next unit: World Literature
Presentations: Deadline every day next week;
assignment to be given on Monday.
Child Studies 31G- Student A: Remember I
expect to receive a journal from you every week
for the month of April. See your templates for
due dates as some Fridays are holidays for you.
Student B- Your assignments on Chapter 11:
“Physical Development of the Toddler” p. 194204 and review exercises as well as a journal are
due on April 18. Your next assignment is on
Chapter 12: “Intellectual Development of the
Toddler” p. 206-215. Read the chapter, complete
the review exercises and the test for April 25.
Gr11/12 RefSt: On Monday we have our last
student presentation on Jeremiah.
Congratulations students. You did a great job.
Hopefully, your YPS Bible study sessions will
benefit from what you have learned. We will
have a test on Wednesday and then read through
the Book of Lamentations together.
Careers 40S- Next week we will need to find
time to meet to study and discuss labour market
trends. Remember to keep track of your work
experience hours and document time spent at the
career symposium as well.
English 40S (Grade 11/12): Currently looking at
some very capital R Romantic writers: next up –
both prose and poetry. Poetry passage
“performers” will be marked when their
performance is required in class and at the drama
evening. Two literature presentations are done.
More coming. Remind me to give options for the
individual assignments in the next week.