I. Best Response 最佳回應句

8. (A) He left his money to his sons.
(B) He was not a very generous man.
(C) He asked his sons to create his will.
(D) He gave most of his money away to charity.
9. (A) She recovered from her accident.
(B) She was injured in an accident.
(C) She hit someone with her car.
(D) She ran away from an accident.
10. (A) Because she wants to exercise inside.
(B) Because she wants an expensive gift.
(C) Because she gets hungry when she’s outside.
(D) Because she wants to know how many steps she takes.
◎ 答案卡請正確畫記班級、座號等資料,畫記缺漏或有誤將扣成績 5 分
一、聽力測驗 10%
I. Best Response 最佳回應句
Choose the best response to each question or statement.
1. (A) I’m glad he’s taking his uncle along.
(B) I’m glad he’s taking a tour guide along.
(C) I’m glad he’s taking his tent with him.
(D) I’m glad he’s taking a friend with him.
2. (A) Everyone was dancing and singing.
(B) Everyone was pushing and shoving.
(C) Everyone was hugging and greeting.
(D) Everyone was talking and eating.
3. (A) Yes, it is half-sugar.
(B) Yes, it is low in sugar.
(C) Yes, it is sugar-free.
(D) Yes, it is full of sugar.
4. (A) Yes, renting is a good idea.
(B) Yes, buying is a good idea.
(C) Yes, trading is a good idea.
(D) Yes, selling is a good idea.
5. (A) Yes, she is his wife.
(B) Yes, she is his girlfriend.
(C) Yes, she thinks he’s cute.
(D) Yes, she doesn’t like him.
II. Short Conversations 簡短會話
Listen to the conversations. Then answer the questions.
6. (A) Stop coming for a visit.
(B) Notify her before she comes.
(C) Visit her house more often.
(D) Bring her some nice gifts.
7. (A) Force Stan to read a religious book.
(B) Force Stan to read an educational book.
(C) Persuade Stan to read an educational book.
(D) Persuade Stan to read a religious book.
二、字彙測驗 20%
11. In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a beautiful youth who got ______ by his own
reflection in the stream.
(A) diagnosed
(B) specified
(C) transfixed
(D) published
12. Some parents use money as a reward to build up their children’s ______ for studying.
(A) anticipation
(B) registration
(C) motivation
(D) isolation
13. Professor Jones is ______ for giving his students surprise tests.
(A) notorious
(B) superb
(C) awkward
(D) admirable
14. When Lehman Brothers ______ bankruptcy, it negatively impacted the rest of the
banking world.
(A) excelled
(B) leased
(C) declared
(D) flaunted
15. The ______ tried to expand his company into an international corporation.
(A) specimen
(B) merchant
(C) mascot
(D) version
16. The mudslide caused by Typhoon Morakot ______ a village and buried its residents alive.
(A) moved on
(B) put on
(C) wiped out
(D) played out
17. Helen Keller’s story is very ______. It tells us how much we can achieve with
(A) artistic
(B) convincing
(C )visual
(D) inspiring
18. The discovery of gold ______ development and prosperity for this small town.
(A) brought up
(B) ushered in
(C) wore out
(D) made sure
19. The ______ number of all the people gathered here is twenty thousand.
(A) time-consuming (B) inconceivable
(C) indecipherable (D) approximate
20. Cartoons have an irresistible ______ to young kids.
(A) segment
(B) attraction
(C) treadmill
(D) pedometer
21. Joe was not friendly. He was ______ and slammed the door in my face.
(A) hostile
(B) solitary
(C) stern
(D) solemn
22. The clerk caught her stealing clothes and she was ______ of shoplifting.
(A) delegated
(B) resorted
(C) mocked
(D) convicted
23. Amy has great ______ for the stray dogs. She has adopted 3 dogs and has been taking
very good care of them.
(A) manifestation (B) distress
(C) compassion
(D) precaution
24. The audience ______ loudly after the dancer finished her spinning. It was marvelous.
(A) despised
(B) devoured
(C) applauded
(D) consented
25. Even if you are dieting, you can ______ yourself and eat what you want once in a while.
(A) flourish
(B) indulge
(C) suppressed
(D) mingle
26. To polish his English ability, Jimmy ______ in an English course at LTTC(語言測驗訓練中
心) aside from learning English at school.
(A) enrolled
(B) summoned
(C) endeavored
(D) staggered
27. The couple looked at several different cars with the ______ of buying one soon.
(A) quest
(B) intent
(C) menace
(D) asset
28. Some people believe that there are ______ on Mars(火星) but no one has seen them.
(A) detergents
(B) aliens
(C) commuters
(D) bandits
29. The CEO ______ a temporary deputy(代理人) to act for him in his absence.
(A) nominated
(B) snatched
(C) discarded
(D) escorted
30. Sarah is a full time mother. Her kids are the center of her universe and her life ______
(A) is apt to
(B) complies with (C) wards off
(D) revolves around
the language changed itself over time. After Samuel Johnson, the most well-known
lexicographer was Noah Webster. One achievement of Webster was that he included a great
number of words __38__ America in his dictionary. Also, Johnson and Webster were similar
in some ways. For example, he followed Johnson’s theory that spoken words __39__ a
language so he recorded words people used in daily conversation.
) 31. (A) which made
(B) made
(C) making
(D) was made
) 32. (A) which
(B) what
(C) in that
(D) in which
) 33. (A) instead of
(B) rather
(C) regardless of (D) other than
) 34. (A) made…to write
(B) led…to write (C) made…writing (D) led…writing
) 35. (A) which
(B) what
(C) that
(D) whatever
) 36. (A) Therefore
(B) However
(C) Otherwise
(D) Besides
) 37. (A) it
(B) that
(C) that it
(D) it is
) 38. (A) native for
(B) native to
(C) originate from (D) coming to
) 39. (A) were made up of (B) consisted of
(C) made up
(D) composed of
Twenty years ago, most experts believed that differences between boys’ and girls’
behavior were mainly __40__ differences in how they were treated by others. However,
recent research has suggested that biological differences between sexes may be the true
cause. For example, girls are born with more __41__ hearing than boys, and the difference
increases as kids grow up. So when a grown man speaks to a girl in __42__ he thinks to be a
normal voice, she may hear it __43__ yelling. Conversely, boys who __44__ inattentive in
class may just be sitting too far away to hear the teacher.
__45__, girls are better in their expression of feelings because they develop an early
connection between the area in the brain that stores emotions and __46__ enables them to
talk about their feelings. In boys these links develop later. So adolescent boys may find
__47__ difficult to describe what his feelings are.
Dr. Sax, a proponent of single-sex education, also points out that keeping boys and girls
separate in the classroom has yielded striking educational, social, and interpersonal benefits.
Therefore, parents and teachers should try to __48__, understand, and make use of the
biological differences when raising and educating children.
) 40. (A) because
(B) due to
(C) on account
(D) resulted from
) 41. (A) sensible
(B) sensory
(C) sensitive
(D) sensual
) 42. (A) one
(B) that
(C) which
(D) what
) 43. (A) as
(B) X
(C) is
(D) to be
) 44. (A) seem like
(B) seem to be
(C) seem to have been
(D) seem that they are
三、克漏字 27%
The first dictionary, or glossary, was actually a list of Latin-English glosses __31__ by
monks in the seventeenth century. Later Robert Cawdrey had the idea of publishing a
dictionary __32__ the words were listed alphabetically. In 1721, Nathaniel Bailey wrote his
dictionary, which was a history of words __33__ a word-book dictionary. Interesting enough,
though it was intended for educated people, common people began buying Bailey’s
dictionary and it became a bestseller. Its popularity __34__ a learned man, Samuel Johnson,
__34__ his own dictionary. About dictionary-making, Johnson had a firm belief __35__ a
dictionary should fix the pronunciation of words. __36__, by the time his dictionary was
published, Johnson no longer believed __37__ possible to fix the language. He realized that
) 45. (A) Actually
) 46. (A) it
) 47. (A) it
) 48. (A) announce
(B) Clearly
(B) that
(B) it was
(B) characterize
(C) Otherwise
(C) the one that
(C) X
(C) prescribe
(D) Similarly
(D) the area
(D) that
(D) recognize
saw Hera, Zeus’s jealous wife, coming toward her. In an attempt to stop Hera from seeing
what her husband was __61__, Echo lied to Hera and said that Zeus had gone back to Mount
Olympus to look for Hera. Then, Zeus, coming out from behind the bush, gave Echo a ring
as a reward for what she had done. However, as soon as Hera realized that she __62__, she
returned to the forest to __63__ Echo. She punished Echo by making her repeat the last
words others say. Later, Echo fell in love with Narcissus, who had never found anyone in the
world __64__ his love. Narcissus did not love Echo, which made Aphrodite angry. Aphrodite
cursed him to love someone who could not return his love. At last, Narcissus fell in love with
his own __65__ and turned into a flower by the riverside.
58. _______ 59. _______ 60. _______ 61. _______
62. _______ 63. _______ 64. _______ 65. _______
One sunny Monday morning, I was driving slowly down York Avenue, __49__ for a
customer. As I stopped opposite New York Hospital, I saw a __50__ man dashing down the
hospital steps toward me. __51__, I wondered about my passenger after he jumped in my
taxi. Then, we started a conversation. He asked me an ordinary question and I found out that
he was Fred Plum, M.D., Chief Neurologist of New York Hospital. Since I often received
good __52__ from my passengers, I decided to ask a favor __53__ him. I asked if he could
get my son a job in the hospital. At first, he didn’t say anything and I felt I was foolish to
__54__ the subject. __55__ to my surprise, he generously helped my son get a summer job in
the hospital, __56__ inspired my son to make up his mind to become a doctor. Now, my son
is a famous doctor and is __57__ private practice. Some might call it fate, and I guess it was.
But it shows you that big opportunities can come out of something as ordinary as just a taxi
) 49. (A) and look
(B) look
(C) looking
(D) looked
) 50. (A) well-dressing (B) dressed-well (C) well-dressed (D) well-dress
) 51. (A) As always
(B) As soon
(C) As fast
(D) As far
) 52. (A) advise
(B) advice
(C) advises
(D) advices
) 53. (A) about
(B) for
(C) of
(D) on
) 54. (A) bring about (B) bring up
(C) search for
(D) take off
) 55. (A) Most
(B) Rather
(C) Much
(D) Once
) 56. (A) what
(B) which
(C) that
(D) when
) 57. (A) at
(B) of
(C) by
(D) in
五、閱讀測驗 10%
Hush. The Volcano Is Sleeping…
Volcanic eruptions are among the most destructive forces of nature. We’ve all heard
about the fate of Pompeii(龐貝), Italy, a city buried by volcanic ash due to the eruption of
nearby Mount Vesuvius on Aug. 24, 79 A.D. When the city was rediscovered 1,600 years
later, scientists were amazed at how well the city was kept under meters of ash. They could
even make out the frightened look on the faces of citizens of Pompeii.
According to what we have learned as children in science class, volcanoes are classified
into three categories. Those that erupt regularly are called active volcanoes; those that
erupted long ago but are now quiet are called dormant (which means sleeping); and those
that have not erupted in recorded human history are called extinct. Actually, many scientists
have different opinions on distinctions.
As to the “activeness” of volcanoes, there is no consensus among scientists. The life of a
volcano can be as short as months and as long as several million years. Defining a volcano’s
activeness based on the length of human history is illusive, even dangerous. For example,
some volcanoes have erupted many times in the past few thousand years but are not currently
showing signs of eruption. Those volcanoes, which have a very long lifespan, should be
considered “active” because they are very likely to erupt again in the future. But we tend to
call them “dormant” or even “extinct” because they have been quiet in human history.
Complicating things more, the length of recorded human history is different everywhere.
For example, in the Mediterranean(地中海區域), recorded history reaches back more than
3,000 years but in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, it reaches back less than 300
years. According to The Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program, a project sponsored by the
United States government, the definition of an “active” volcano is one that has erupted
四、文意選填 8%
A. had been tricked B. confront C. on her way D. flirting
AB. worthy of
AC. came upon
AD. reflection
E. up to
Once upon a time, a beautiful nymph named Echo lived in a deep forest. One day, Echo
__58__ Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who bragged that if there was anyone Echo loved,
she could make him adored Echo. Echo merely laughed and said that she had not met the
man of her dreams yet. After saying goodbye to Aphrodite, Echo continued __59__.
However, she saw Zeus, the king of gods, __60__ with a river nymph. Simultaneously, Echo
六、單字填充 15%
within the last 10,000 years.
There are other factors that scientists think should be included in considering the
activeness of a volcano, such as producing earthquakes, venting gases, or other non-eruptive
activities. For example, the Yellowstone Caldera(黃石破火山口) in America’s Yellowstone
National Park(黃石國家公園) is at least 2 million years old and hasn’t erupted for about
640,000 years. According to common knowledge, it is extinct. However, the volcano had
hydrothermal eruptions less than 10,000 years ago and lava flows about 70,000 years ago.
For this reason, scientists do not consider the Yellowstone Caldera extinct. So next time you
call a volcano “sleeping,” watch out! It may just be taking a “nap.”
) 66.What happened to Pompeii, Italy, after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius?
(A) It was completely destroyed.
(B) It has not been found yet.
(C) People in Pompeii now are frightened.
(D) It was buried, but unearthed.
) 67. According to the article, which of the following does not constitute(組成) a
category of volcano?
(A) Extinct volcanoes.
(B) Active volcanoes.
(C) Destructive volcanoes.
(D) Dormant volcanoes.
) 68. How do scientists determine the activeness of volcanoes?
(A) No agreement has been reached.
(B) It depends on the length of human history.
(C) It depends on when the volcano last erupted.
(D) It depends on when the volcano will next erupt.
) 69.Which of the following areas has the longest recorded human history?
(A) The Pacific Northwest in the United States.
(B) The Mediterranean.
(C) The Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program.
(D) The Yellowstone Caldera.
) 70.Which of the following is NOT considered an eruptive activity?
(A) Venting gases.
(B) The burial of a city.
(C) Hydrothermal eruptions.
(D) Lava flows.
71. This teacher always gives students a q
after they read a book to check students’
reading comprehension.
72. She accidentally found an article written by her dead father while she was b
through some old magazines.
73. Although he is an amateur, he can compare with most p
l players in both build and
74. If you come across any unfamiliar word, check its d
n in the dictionary.
75. The boss r
ded Eddie with a free season ticket for the huge profits he made for their
76. A recent s
y showed 75% of the citizens questioned disapproved of increasing the
national health insurance premium rate.
77. We went to that Italian restaurant on the r
n of a restaurant review and found that the
review was credible. Their food was really delicious.
78. With his impressive school record and high score on the entrance exam, he got a
to the university he had dreamed of.
79. He wrote the answer on a s
p of paper, passed it to his classmate and got caught by
the teacher during the process.
80. Being rescued out of the fire, the princess looked at her hero a
ly. She found this man
respectful and attractive.
81. The Smithsonian Institution b
ts 19 museums, nine research centers and a zoo.
82. The noise was barely d
e by the human ear. Thus, nobody in the room noticed it.
83. The chief inspector swore in public that the police would not stop p
uing the
cold-blooded serial murderer until he was caught.
84. This i
e film, which introduces the life of crocodiles, is surprisingly entertaining.
85. In mythology, gods and goddesses have the power to bless those people who please them
and c
e those who annoy them.
七、翻譯 10%
86. Johnson 相信遵守承諾是重要的。(believe it + OC)
87. 儘管困難,他只能夠繼續努力。(Despite…. no choice…)