KEY FOCUS: Geography In Geography we will extend our knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America. This will include naming, locating and identifying the characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant mountain ranges. We will develop the use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to describe and understand key aspects of these mountain ranges and volcanoes, and understand how some of these features have changed over time. USEFUL WEBSITES: Try these useful websites for this topic: s.html ch/volcanoes/newsid_1768000/1768595.stm VISITS OR VISITORS: This term we hope to invite Miss Berry into our classroom fully kitted out in all her Winter Mountaineering gear! As a fully trained winter mountaineer Miss Berry will explain survival if you should happen to fall from a mountain plus teach us all about avalanche awareness! KEY FOCUS: Art Our art this term develops our understanding of how an artist uses visual elements including colour and space, and how these can be combined and organised for different purposes, specifically through exploring the works of David Hockney. We will revisit skills such as colour mixing, and then apply our knowledge in our own Hockney composition. HAWTHORN CLASS Y6 TERM 5 2015 THIS TERM OUR TOPIC IS: MIGHTY MOUNTAINS CROSS-CURRICULAR LINKS: ICT: We will be blogging! We will learn to create a post with an uploaded url – web address, upload an image into a post, and then remove and re-organise posts. PE; Striking and fielding games, athletics and swimming French: Quoi de neuf? What’s in the news? Looking at French and British newspapers – layout, common elements and the way the news is presented in different sections. KEY FOCUS: Science Science this term sees us explore forces! We will be explaining how unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object. We will identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction which act between moving surfaces. Finally we will look at mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, and explore how they allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. HOMEWORK PROJECT DETAILS: Due date: Monday 18th May 2015 Your task is anything at all that relates to VOLCANOES! Be creative – explore anything that fascinates you about volcanoes?? You could create a 3D model of a known volcano. You might want to use some scrap materials to make a collage of a specific volcano with pictures that show how your image relates to the real one. You could draw a map showing where volcanoes are located around the world, and label them and the countries they are located in. Use your science skills to make an exploding volcano to share with the class. Or tell the story of ‘the day the volcano erupted’ - you could write it or record it.