January 14-18, 2013 District Plan School District - Literacy Events Ongoing District/School Events Hendry County School District Westside Elementary School Literacy Week Activities Monday, Jan. 14 Stop, Drop and Read – 20 minutes extra AR Reading Tuesday, Jan. 15 Students will create a Book Report or Story Map of their favorite book to display. Wednesday, Jan. 16 Read to Kindergarten or 1st Grade Students. Thursday, Jan. 17 Family Night – Read In Your Pajamas Friday, Jan. 18 Students will create posters “Take the Lead and Read” or “Readers Are Leaders”. Ongoing Activities Grade groups will decorate doors to show favorites stories. Guests readers during the week, Author Study in classrooms, students will dress up day as a favorite book character, 5th grade safety patrol students will read to classes, classes will read a book together and write a book report on the book, and “Get Caught Reading” contest. Ongoing District/School Events Hendry County School District Central Elementary School School Literacy Events Monday, Jan. 14 “Reading in the Street” Kick-off Pep Rally in Circle Drive All teachers, staff, and students will assemble around the circle drive, where Mr. Roquett will arrive in a racecar! Teachers will join him in the circle drive and perform the song ‘Reading in the Street’. General excitement about reading to follow! Students will be asked to wear red on that day so that Central can ‘Paint the School Read (red) and Read!’ Assembly concludes with all staff and students sitting down for five minutes of silent reading. Everyone needs to bring a book. “Read My Shirt” Day Staff and students are invited to wear a t-shirt with an appropriate text printed on it. Grade levels will devote a block of time, 10-15 minutes, to allow students/teachers to read each other’s shirts. Family Literacy Night The evening will kick-off with a Spaghetti Dinner, followed by a teacher-led literacy workshop. The “Families Building Better Readers” includes a general opening session, breakout sessions, and a wrap-up session to teach the importance of consistent reading practice at home, while providing parents with easy-touse strategies for helping their children. Door Prizes will be part of the fun! Tuesday, Jan. 15 Wednesday, Jan. 16 Thursday, Jan. 17 “Show Your Character” Day Teachers pre-select a book to read to their class (making sure to select one that is easy to dress-up as). Students dress up as their favorite character from the chosen book. At a pre-determined time, classes will begin to ‘parade’ through the hallways-picking up each class as they pass their doors. “T.O.W.E.L.” Day with Cross-Grade Level Buddy Reading Together Outside While Enjoying Literacy Students will be invited to bring a towel to school that day, on which they will sit for outside reading. Higher grade level classes will be paired with lower Friday, Jan. 18 Ongoing Activities Ongoing District/School Events grade level classes for buddy reading. Classes will go outside and sit on their towels to read at a predetermined time with their buddy class. Visiting Author All third, fourth, and fifth grade classes will enjoy a visit from Florida author, David Lopez, who will make a presentation during each grade level’s enrichment period. Get that “DEAR in the Hallway” Look! At a predetermined time, all classes will go out in the hallway to read for 15 minutes of SSR. Students are encouraged to wear some item of ‘camo’ clothing this day because we will be ‘hunting for good readers’. Favorite Book Posters-Students will be provided 12x18 tag board prior to Celebrate Literacy Week. They will be instructed to design a poster depicting their favorite book. Guess the Mystery Reader Contest-On the pod cast, a ‘mystery reader’ will read a book, with their identity masked. Students will be allowed to make 1 guess as to who the reader is. The names of students who make a correct guess will earn a ticket for a prize drawing for a Barnes & Nobles gift card. Caught You Reading-Throughout the week, students can earn tickets for being ‘caught reading’. Dinner Theater-Throughout the week, literacy will be encouraged by having guest readers read a story aloud during lunch. Hendry County School District Upthegrove Elementary School School Literacy Events Monday, Jan. 14 Classroom doors will be decorated based on a literacy theme, story or author. Paper Chains – Students can add a link for every passing AR test throughout the week. Wacky Hair Day Tuesday, Jan. 15 Mix Match Day – Get mixed up with a good book. Bookmark Contest – Mr. Conner Wednesday, Jan. 16 Jersey Day – Wear your favorite team jersey. Thursday, Jan. 17 School Wide Read In – Sustained reading school wide, parents are invited. Pajama Day-Wear pajamas and curl up with a book for the Read In. Character Parade – Students and teachers will dress as their favorite story character. Friday, Jan. 18 Ongoing District/School Events Hendry County School District Country Oaks Elementary School Literacy Events Monday, Jan. 14 Kick-off with contests and reader on morning how. School wide Read 30 minutes. Tuesday, Jan. 15 Graffiti Table in Library for students to draw and label favorite books and authors. Wednesday, Jan. 16 Continue with graffiti table and Morning show activities. Distribute tickets to students for Book Swap. Thursday, Jan. 17 Friday, Jan. 18 Ongoing Activities Book Swap Pie throw at Mr. Sealey for students reaching 200% of AR goal at 85% comprehension. Graph # of words read daily on graph in cafeteria/classroom from each grade level with greatest # of words will receive icy pops. Mystery reader each day on morning show to support COES theme reading around the world/contest on morning show for classes to guess who the mystery reader is/winning class each day will receive a book for their classroom library. Mystery reader will read a poem or fable daily on morning show. Daily morning show contests guessing trivia about books/winners will receive a new book Ongoing District/School Events Hendry County School District Eastside Elementary School School Literacy Events Monday, Jan. 14 Teachers will swap classrooms to read to other students. Monday – Friday Wednesday, Thursday and Friday The Media Specialist will provide literacy-rich activities throughout the week to enhance literacy in the media center to all enrichment classes. These activities will include: book talks, bookmarks, videos of authors telling their story of how they wrote their book, illustrations, and why they might want to read their book. The students will also create activities or posters to highlight the books read that week. David Lopez, Children’s Author who wrote “Ride Like An Indian” and other history fiction books, will talk to students about being an author, introduce his books, and sale his books to students. Thursday, Jan. 17 Community readers will read to the students during scheduled enrichment time. Friday, Jan. 18 A teacher will host “Island Dances”. County School Hendry LaBelle Middle Ongoing/Planned Activities Book Fair Book Club for Advanced Higher Lexile 8th grade students Favorite book posters/advertisements – Students create posters advertising their favorite books and post in library for other students to see, thus generating an interest in those titles. Bronco Board Bulletin Board – Students post what books they have recently read and pertinent information such as Title, Author, Lexile, Reading Counts Quiz Points, and why they enjoyed the book on library bulletin boards to share with other students. “Get Caught Reading” Promotion – Students earn a card when they are caught reading by any staff member and place card in box on library circulation desk. Drawings each day and students come to the library to choose a free book. Library Media Specialist has been and will be collecting additional nonfiction books in all curriculum areas that meet the Common Core requirements for our State and grade levels. Display materials in prominent area of library for students to peruse and check out from library. Display signage around library media center encouraging students to read and enjoy more nonfiction materials. Ongoing District/School Events Hendry County School District Clewiston Middle School School Literacy Events Monday, Jan. 14 Students will “Take the Lead and Read” an additional 20 minutes. Non Fiction Reading Contest Begins. Teachers will keep a tally sheet on the amount of non fiction books read by students. The winning class will receive a Continental breakfast. Find a Book, Get a Book activity – The students will search for a “Find a Book, Get a Book” sticker. If students find a sticker, they will take it to the Media Specialist and win a book of choice if able to answer a literacy question correctly. Students will continue to work on posters and non fiction reading activities. Read Alouds continue Book Club Begins Students will continue to work on posters and non fiction reading activities. Read Alouds continue Book Club Begins Non fiction tally sheets are due. Non fiction/Literary Terms posters are due. Winners will be announced on Friday afternoon. School wide Family Literacy Night – Teachers will engage Tuesday, Jan. 15 Wednesday, Jan. 16 Thursday, Jan. 17 students and their families with special literary terms centers prepared and facilitated by the Reading and Language Arts teachers. Friday, Jan. 18 Ongoing Activities Read Alouds, Find a Book/Get a Book Activity, Book Club and winners of Non Fiction/Literary Terms Poster Contest and Non Fiction Reading will be announced. Non Fiction Read Aloud Literary Terms Poster Contest Non Fiction Reading Contest Find a Book, Get a Book Activity Ongoing District/School Events Hendry County School District LaBelle High School School Literacy Events Monday, Jan. 14 Department and School Literacy contest winners will be announced. Tuesday, Jan. 15 Middle School Day Thursday, Jan. 17 Book Fair Parent/Community Night Ongoing Activities Theme Contest Oct 29-Nov 9 Teacher Shirts Reading Student Survey Classroom Doors/windows decorated with book covers Teacher Top 10 book recommendations Principals Top 10 list Scholastic Book Fair Ongoing District/School Events Hendry County School District Clewiston High School School Literacy Events Monday, Jan. 14 “REaD CARPET WEEK” Teacher-Poems are placed on sticks around campus for students to read. Staff will wear Red Students will write a simple poem Oriental Reading tied to the Hai-Ku Staff-oriental/nature dress Students wear Hai-ku poems Tuesday, Jan. 15 Wednesday, Jan. 16 Remembering Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales Staff will wear fairy tale attire Students will write rhyming poems Thursday, Jan. 17 Bonnets for Sonnets Staff will wear bonnets/hats Students will write sonnet poems Friday, Jan. 18 REaD CARPET Event Poetry Bar: Students are recorded sharing their favorite poems Food for participating students will be provided during lunch periods. Students will perform their poetry.