Year 6 Literacy Homework

Year 6 Literacy Homework
Date Set Monday 9th September 2013
Due in Friday 13th September 2013
Our focus for Literacy this week is BIOGRAPHICAL WRITING
In our lesson on Monday morning, we identified the main features of biographies.
We have understood that biographies are written in the past tense using chronological order. They are
third person accounts and use time connectives to link ideas.
Your task is to choose one significant moment in your own life and to write it in the style of a
BIOGRAPHY. You should not use the pronouns ‘I’ or ‘me’ but use ‘he’ or ‘she’ as appropriate.
Remember, you are not writing a complete life story, you are just recalling one significant moment.
If you really can’t think of a significant moment its perfectly OK to make something up – it is the quality
of your writing that is important.
You should spend approximately 45 minutes on this task.
Think about your vocabulary and punctuation.
Try to engage and interest your reader.
Level 3c I am beginning to engage my reader’s interest through the vocabulary that I use.
Level 4c I can choose and use verbs, adjectives and adverbs together to make my writing
interesting and imaginative.
Level 5c I can combine description, action and characterisation effectively.