Native American Film NAS3333 6/1/04 Research Paper Assignment (Due 6/22/04): For this assignment, you are to write a 5-10pp. research paper with at least THREE sources, and proper MLA documentation and bibliography on an Indian film that we have NOT watched/discussed this semester… You are to select ONE film that depicts either an Indian character or an Indian culture (you must decide on your film by Thursday, 6/3/04). After having selected and examined your film, you must formulate your response around the three focal concerns that John O’Connor identifies in his essay, “The White Man’s Indian: An Institutional Approach” (dramatic, commercial, and political). Some of the issues you may wish to critically examine that both affect and effect the film’s representation of Indians are: the historical time/context that the film depicts (i.e. the 1880’s west Texas cattle ranching; 1960’s mental institution) the historical time/context of the film’s production/reception (out of what climate is the film born? The Great Depression? Post-war prosperity? Cold war skepticism?) the film’s public and critical responses (box office revenues, awards, reviews, articles, etc.) the film’s production history the film’s adaptation (if any) from its original source the (un)stereotypical treatment of Indians (intellectual, spiritual, sexual) Please consult Timothy Corrigan’s Chapters 6 and 7 on “Researching the Movies” and “Manuscript Form” for proper citation and documentation techniques. Some additional resources you may want to consider are: The Internet Movie Database: Native Celebrities Website: UC Berkeley Native Film Bibliography: American Indian Film Institute: OU Library System and Resources: Please consult with me about any questions/concerns you may have… DO WELL!