1 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE – SOCIAL STUDIES COURSE NAME: Modern US History Topic: _Emergence of Modern America 1890-1920 X Goal 1 Cycle: __X_Goal 2 __X_Goal 3 ____Goal 4 ____Goal 5 __X_Goal 6 ____Goal 7 ____1-2____ __X__Goal 8 THEME:_____ Impact of Technology, Mass Markets and Advertising __________US Role in the World__________________ Learner Outcomes 1.1 Identify the significant changes in the industrialization and urbanization of America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and explain the causes and effects of these changes. Critical Content Industrialization Urbanization Working Conditions Role of Labor Immigration Social Studies Suggested Formal/ Informal Assessments Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Cause and Effect Chart Thematic Map of Urbanization CAPT-Persuasive Essay on the most significant invention/scientific advance and its impact on American life. Résumé of an American industrialist. Debate on the role of the “robber barons”. Honors- Group Newspaper Assignment- required elements: Report of news articles on incidents or events; biographical feature story on an important personality of the period; editorial; political cartoons & period appropriate advertisements. Honors – Research & writing assignment- “The Arts as a reflection of the Time Period” Cause and Effect Chart Map Persuasive Essay Résumé Debate Group newspaper Research/ Writing Assignment DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 6 American History Political Cartoon 14, 15 Primary Source Reading 6 Literature Reading 6 America: Pathways Ch. 16, sec. 2 and 3 Comparing Primary Sources-On Cultural Ties *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 7 Guided Reading-Problems of Urbanization Primary Sources-How the Other Half Lives, Artifacts from Ellis Island, America 1900, PBS Video Ellis Island http://www.ellisisland.org Jacob Riis’ How the Other Half Lives http://www.cis.yale.edu/amstud/inforev/riis/contents.html Tenement.org http://www.tenement.org/ NY 1900-1920 http://www.albany.edu/mumford/1920/groups.html 2 Learner Outcomes 1.2 Critique the importance and judge the success of the progressives and other reform movements in social, economic, moral and political reform. Critical Content Goals of the Progressive Movement Accomplishments of the Progressive Movement Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Re-creation of a Muckraker news story for modern readers. Political Cartoon Analysis. CAPT-Persuasive Essay on the successes and failures of the Progressives. Panel discussion on the Election of 1912 Honors-DBQ-How progressive were the progressives? Honors- Rank the 3 presidents & defend rankings- Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft & Woodrow Wilson – political effectiveness and administrative accomplishments. Suggested Formal/ Informal Assessments New story Political Cartoon analysis Panel Discussion Persuasive Essay DBQ Rank and Defend Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 8, 9 Literature Reading 8, 9 Graphic Organizer Activity 8, 9 Primary Source Activity 9 America: Pathways-Ch. 16, sec. 4; Ch. 19 Literature Activity-Horrors of the Meat-packing Industry Primary Source Activity-The Shame of the People Decision-Making Activity-Marching for Child Labor Laws *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 9 Guided Reading-The Origins of Progressivism Literature Selections-The Jungle Primary Sources-Child Labor in the Coal Mines New York: A Doumentary, Episode 4, PBS Video. “The Hardest Struggle”, Women and Sweated Industrial Labor, A Unit of Study for Grades 7-12, by Eileen Boris and Rita Koman, NCHS and OAH. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/trianglefire/ Regents Prep Progressive Reforms http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/themes/reform/progressi ve.htm Women and Social Movements http://history.sandiego.edu/gen/soc/reform-women.html Social Studies DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History 3 Learner Outcomes 1.3 Analyze the rise in segregation and discriminatio n, the impact of Jim Crow, and the responses of African American leaders. 1.4 Chart the changing role of the United States in world affairs. Critical Content W.E.B. Dubois, Ida B. Wells, Booker T. Washington Great Migration Jim Crow Plessey v. Ferguson Imperialism Spanish-American War Panama Canal Moral Diplomacy Dollar Diplomacy Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Case Study-Plessy v. Ferguson decision. Chart of the responses of African American leaders to the rise in segregation and discrimination. Map of the “Great Migration” of African Americans and explain the impact of this migration on society. Map of the areas of US involvement/ intervention. Summary of the major justifications for imperialism. Create a political cartoon on the role of US in world affairs. Suggested Formal/ Informal Assessments Case Study Chart Map Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 3, Sec. 4 Literature Reading 3-The Cruelty of Jim Crow Laws America: Pathways-Ch. 17, sec. 3 Primary Source Activity-The Washington-Du Bois Debate, Lynchings and Mob Law Decision-Making Activity-Can Separate Be Equal *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 8, Sec. 3 Plessy v. Ferguson http://www.landmarkcases.org/plessy/home.html Jim Crow History http://www.jimcrowhistory.org/ Map Summary Political Cartoon American Nation-Ch. 10 Geography Activity 10 Literature Reading 10 America: Pathways-Ch. 18; Ch. 20, sec. 5 Comparing Primary Sources-On the Race for Empire Critical Thinking-Drawing Conclusions-The Explosion of the Maine *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 10 Skillbuilder-Analyzing Bias Geography Application-Geography of the Panama Canal. The Philippine-American War, A Unit of Study for Grades 7-12, by James A. Williams and Charles F. Pennachio, NCHS and OAH. The Spanish American War http://www.loc.gov/rr/hispanic/1898/ Imperialism http://www.smplanet.com/imperialism/toc.html Empire Beyond the Seas http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1978/3/78.03.07.x.ht ml Social Studies DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History 4 Learner Outcomes 1.5 Analyze the role of the United States in World War I and the impact of the War on American society. Critical Content Causes of WW1 Reasons for US entry Impact on Women, African Americans, Labor Wilson’s 14 Points Versailles Treaty Social Studies Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Writing prompt-Explain and analyze the causes of WW1 and the justifications for US entry. Comparison of the Map of Europe pre-1914/post-1918 Diary entries for a soldier at the Western Front. Chart of impact of war on women, labor and minorities. CAPT-persuasive essay comparing the Alien and Sedition Acts 1918 to the Patriot Act. Student newspaper-WW1 on the home front. *Honors-DBQ-Position paper on validity of claim the US was fighting to “make world safe for democracy.” Suggested Formal/ Informal Assessments Writing Prompt Map comparison Diary entries Chart Persuasive Essay Student Newspaper DBQ DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 11 Geography Activity 11 Primary Source Reading 11 Graphic Organizer Activity 11 America: Pathways-Ch. 20 *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 11 Primary Sources-The Zimmermann Note WW1 Document Archive http://lib.byu.edu/~rdh/wwi/ WW1-England http://www.schoolhistory.co.uk/gcselinks/wars/w wi.html WW1-Trenches on the web http://www.worldwar1.com/ WW1.com http://www.firstworldwar.com/index.htm NARA-Digital Classroom-Zimmermann Note http://www.archives.gov/digital_classroom/lesso ns/zimmermann_telegram/zimmermann_telegra m.html Wilson’s War Message http://www.lib.byu.edu/~rdh/wwi/1917/wilswar m.html World War 1 http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/world_war_ one.htm WW1-England http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAwar.ht m 5 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE – SOCIAL STUDIES COURSE NAME: _ Modern US History Topic: ____The 1920’s, Great Depression and World War 2_(1920-1945)___ __X_Goal 1 ____Goal 2 ____Goal 3 Cycle: ____Goal 4 __X__Goal 5 X_Goal 6 ___3-4_____ _X__Goal 7 __X_Goal 8 THEME:______ The Impact of the Government on American Society ___________The Role of the US in the world_______________ Learner Outcomes 1.6 Describe and evaluate the causes and consequences of the Great Depression. Critical Content Social Studies Causes of the Great Depression Effects of Great Depression Causes/Impact of the Dust Bowl and the Bonus Army Major legislation of the New Deal Impact of the New Deal. Goals of the New Deal (Relief, Recovery, Reform) Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Stock market simulation. Chart comparing impact of Great Depression/New Deal on women, AfricanAmericans, and labor. Policy letter suggesting a course of action to deal with an economic problem. Speech analysis comparing FDR’s and Hoover’s plans to end depression. Group discussion-Effects of the Great Depression using economic statistics. *Honors-Debate-the New Deal worsened the Depression. Suggested Formal/ Informal Assessments Simulation Graphic Organizers Policy Letter Speech analysis Discussion Debate DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 14, 15 Primary Source Reading 14, 15 Literature Reading 14, 15 American History Cartoon 23, 24 Geography Activity 14 America: Pathways-Ch. 22, 23 Literature Activity-In Search of Work, Migrant Farmers *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 14, 15 Guided Reading-Ch. 23 sec. 1, A New Deal Fights the Depression. Primary Source-The Stock Market Crash, Political Cartoon, Attack on the Bonus Army, Letter from a Dust Bowl Survivor. Humanities Transparencies-Dust Storm. Literature-John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath New Deal Network http://newdeal.feri.org/ Library of Congress-WPA Life Histories http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/wpaintro/wpahome.html DBQ-Impact Great Depression http://www.murrayschools.org/mhs/apus/dbq/2003/group05.ht m Library of Congress-Voices of the Dust Bowl http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/afctshtml/tshome.html PBS-Surviving the Dust Bowl http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/dustbowl/ Bergen.org Great Depression and New Deal http://www.bergen.org/AAST/Projects/depression/ 6 Learner Outcomes 1.7 Chart the events in Europe and Asia, which drew the United States into World War II. Critical Content Rise of Dictatorships Events leading to War in Europe US Neutrality Pearl Harbor Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Quickwrite- What freedoms are worth fighting for? Timeline of major events leading to WW2. Comparison chart of dictators. Speech Analysis-“Day of Infamy”. Debate: Resolved: The U.S. provoked the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor. Journal Entries: A soldier in either the Atlantic or Pacific Theaters. Honors- Compare and contrast U.S. entry into World Wars I and II. Suggested Formal/ Informal Assessments Quickwrite Timeline Map Graphic organizer Debate Speech Analysis Journal Entries Comparison/ contrast Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 16 Primary Source Reading 16 Graphic Organizer Activity 16 American History Outline Map 32 America: Pathways-Ch. 24 Great Debates-How Much Should the US be Involved in World Affairs? *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 16 Guided Reading (including Spanish version)-America Moves to War Primary Sources-FDR’s Quarantine Speech, the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, War Poster Humanities Transparencies-Nazi Party Poster, Skillbuilder Practice-Developing Historical Perspective Geography Transparencies-Aggression in Europe Geography Application-Japanese Aggression Critical Thinking Transparencies-Timeline WW2-England http://www.schoolhistory.co.uk/gcselinks/wars/wwii.html Pearl Harbor http://history.acusd.edu/gen/WW2Timeline/RD-PEARL.html Pearl Harbor-National Geographic http://plasma.nationalgeographic.com/pearlharbor/ Pearl Harbor Hearings http://www.ibiblio.org/pha/pha/ Social Studies DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History 7 Learner Outcomes 1.8 Analyze the causes and general course of World War II and its impact on American society. Critical Content War in Europe & Pacific Allied Strategy Axis Strategy Major Battles and Turning Points Participation of minorities Japanese American Internment Response of Americans at Home Economic impact of war on home front. Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Map of turning points in Pacific and European theaters. Diary entry of life on the Home front. Map analysis of advantages and disadvantages of Allies and Axis. Debate/position statements on the need for and legality of Japanese American Internment, bombing of civilians, use of Atomic bomb. Suggested Formal/ Informal Assessments Map Diary entry Map analysis Debate/position statement Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 17 Geography Activity 17 American History Outline Map 19, 20 Graphic Organizer 17 Literature Reading 17 America: Pathways-Ch. 25 Literature Activity-Dispatches from the Battle Front Literature Activity-Black Boy Literature Activity-Hiroshima Primary Source Activity-Experiences of an African American Soldier *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 17 Guided Reading-the War for Europe and North Africa, The War in the Pacific, the Impact of the War Outline Map-Crisis in Europe Primary Sources-the Bombing of Nagasaki Critical Thinking Transparencies-Human Cost of WW2 Literature-John Hershey’s Hiroshima, Julie Otsuka’s When the Emperor Was Devine Video-Saving Private Ryan Women in WW2 http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/WWII_Women/tocCS.htm l Japanese-American Internment http://www.children-of-the-camps.org/ WW2-Hyperwar http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/ WW2 History http://www.worldwariihistory.info/WWII/war.html Social Studies DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History 8 Learner Outcomes 1.9 Analyze Hitler’s Final Solution and evaluate the Allies response to the Holocaust and war crimes. Critical Content Genocide Final Solution Wannasee Conference Concentration Camps Auschwitz Kristallnacht Nuremburg Trials War Crimes SS St. Louis Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Quickwrite- Reaction to Pastor Niemoller’s poem, “First They Came for the Jews”. Timeline-Hitler’s Final Solution. Holocaust memoir on Literary Selections. Moot Court-Examination of issues arising from US response to the Holocaust. *Honors-Policy paperComparison of international responses to genocide in the 20th century. Suggested Formal/ Informal Assessments Quickwrite Discussion Timeline Small and Large Group Discussions Literature Reading Memoir Video Research Project Moot Court Policy Paper Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 17, Sec. 3 America: Pathways-Ch. 24, Sec. 4 Why Study History-Genocide Has Happened Again *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 16, Sec. 3 Guided Reading (including Spanish version)-The Holocaust Literature Selection-William Styron’s Sophie’s Choice American Lives-Elie Wiesel Literature-Alicia Appleman-Jurman’s Alicia: My Story, Arnold, Geier’s Heroes of the Holocaust, Klein Weissmann’s All But My Life, Jayne Pettit’s A Place To Hide, Elie Wiesel’s Night, William Styron’s Sophie’s Choice Video-Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List, America and the Holocaust, PBS Video US Holocaust Memorial Museum http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/ PBS-America and the Holocaust http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/holocaust/index.html Holocaust Cybrary http://www.remember.org/ Social Studies DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History 9 Learner Outcomes 1.10 Assess the significant social, political and economic changes in the United States. Critical Content Social Studies Impact of Great Depression, New Deal and World War 2 on Minorities Harlem Renaissance “Lost Generation” Great Migration Outcome of World War 2Europe, Asia, United States Costs and Results of WW2. Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Biographic presentation or Reader’s Theater presentation of an African American in the Jazz Age and the Harlem Renaissance. Map of world, post-WW2 with explanation of changes. Diary Entries-Comparison of life of a minority during the 1920’s, Depression, New Deal, and WW2. Writing Prompt-Analysis of technological changes resulting from WW2. Essay explaining the impact of the New Deal and World War 2 on the role of government. DBQ of changing role of women. Data analysis of costs and results of war. Suggested Formal/ Informal Assessments Biography or Reader’s Theater Peer Evaluations Map Day in the Life Writing Prompt Essay DBQ DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 12-17 Literature Reading 12, 13 Geography Activity 13 Primary Source Activity 13 Graphic Organizer 15 America: Pathways-Ch. 21-25 *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 12-17 Literature-F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, Langston Hughes-Poems Video-Ken Burn’s Jazz (PBS Video) The Great Depression and The Arts, A Unit of Study for Grades 8-12, by Robert Gabrick, Barbara Markham, and James Curtis, NCHS and OAH. Red Scare http://newman.baruch.cuny.edu/digital/redscare/ Harlem Renaissance http://www.si.umich.edu/CHICO/Harlem/ Sacco and Vanzetti http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/SaccoV/Sacc oV.htm Scopes Trial http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/scopes/scope s.htm PBS-Jazz http://www.pbs.org/jazz/ Hoover Archives http://www.hoover.archives.gov/ 1930’s http://xroads.virginia.edu/~1930s/front.html 10 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE – SOCIAL STUDIES COURSE NAME: Modern US History Topic: __Post-War United States (1945-1974)_ _X_Goal 1 __X_Goal 2 Cycle: __X_Goal 3 _X__Goal 4 ____Goal 5 _X_Goal 6 ____Goal 7 __5-6____ ___X_Goal 8 THEME:______The Role of Minorities______________________The Role of the US in the World____________________________________ Learner Outcomes 1.11 Analyze causes, events and consequences of the Cold War on American economic, social, political, and cultural life. Critical Content Causes of the Cold War. Costs and Consequences of the Cold War McCarthyism Nuclear Fall-out Shelters Alger Hiss/ Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Trial Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Timeline of major events of the Cold War. Storyboard on Cold War issues. Map areas of US and USSR-influence. Cause and Effect Chart. Résumé of significant Cold War leader. Persuasive Essay-The Rosenberg TrialGuilty or Innocent? DBQ-Causes of McCarthyism. Suggested Formal/Informal Assessments Chart Résumé Evaluation Summary Essay Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 18 American History Political Cartoon 26 Literature Reading 18 America: Pathways-Ch. 27 Geography and History-A Cold War Confrontation *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 18, Guided Reading-Origins of the Cold War, the Cold War Comes Home Primary Source-Harry Truman’s Letter to His Daughter Humanities Transparencies-California Bomb Shelter, Political Cartoon Critical Thinking Transparencies-The Cold War, The Space Race Literature-Arthur Miller’s The Crucible The Origins of the Cold War, A Unit of Study for Grades 10-12, NCHS and OAH. Rosenberg Trial http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/rosenb/ROSEN B.HTM CNN Specials-Cold War http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/ The Cold War Museum http://www.coldwar.org/ Social Studies DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History 11 Learner Outcomes 1.12 Discuss changes in the direction of US foreign policy related to the Cold War. Social Studies Critical Content Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Containment Domino Theory Korean War Cuban Missile Crisis Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Writing PromptExplain how the Grand Alliance turned into the Cold War. DBQ: Assess “blame” for the Cold War. Memorandum: From Gen. Douglas McArthur to President Truman justifying his actions during the Korean War. Summary- Korean War. Diary entry for Cuban Missile Crisis. Role play-Cuban Missile CrisisKennedy, Khruschev. * Honors: include additional characters. *Honors-Essay comparing presidential policies. Truman to Nixon. Honors- Pie Graphs: the percentage of the world’s population residing in Communist and nonCommunist nations on the following dates: 1/1/1945, 1/1/ 1946, 1/1/1950 & 1/1/1960/ Suggested Formal/Informal Assessments Writing prompt DBQ Diary entry Role play Summary Extended role play Comparison essay Pie Chart DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 18, Sec. 2; Ch. 20, Sec. 1 Primary Source Reading 18 Geography Activity 20 America: Pathways-Ch 28, Sec. 3 Primary Sources: On the Cold War p. 153 (Pathways manual p. 742) *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 18, 20 sec. 1 Geography Application-Divided Germany and the Berlin Wall. Primary Source-Political Cartoon Video-Thirteen Days, The Missiles of October CNN Specials-Cold War http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/ The Cold War Museum http://www.coldwar.org/ 12 Learner Outcomes 1.13 Examine the impact of social and economic changes of the post-war period on America. Critical Content Baby Boom Culture of Abundance Move to Suburbs/ Decline of the City Democratization of Higher Education Rise of the Sun Belt War on Poverty The Great Society Hippie/Counterculture Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Thematic map of the population shift (1945-1975). Oral History: interview parents/family/friends about life in the 1950’s. DBQ: Portraits of American Life. Essay evaluating the effect of the GI Bill on American life in the 1950’s. Suggested Formal/Informal Assessments Map Oral History DBQ Essay Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 19, Sec. 1-2; Ch. 20, Sec. 3; Ch. 22, Sec. 3-4 Geography Activity 19 Literature Reading 22 America: Pathways-Ch. 27, Sec. 1 Suburban explosion, p. 772-3 Literature Activity: Conformity in the 1950s, p.76 Primary Sources: On Rock and Roll - R *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 19, 23 Sec. 3 Primary Sources-Cartoon Geography Application-The Baby Boom Skillbuilder-Comparing & Contrasting Primary Sources-Popular Song Literature-Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman The Fifties Web http://www.fiftiesweb.com/ Levittown-Suburbs http://tigger.uic.edu/~pbhales/Levittown/index.html 1.14 Evaluate the impact of innovation in mass media and technology. Social Studies Air Conditioning Television Science/medicine (penicillin/polio vaccine, plastics) Highway system/ Automobile Space race/ Sputnik/ Moon-landing Explain the impact of the highway system on US culture. Examine current debate on vaccinations. Case Study- Research one technological advancement such as air conditioning, transistors or plastics and discuss its impact on American life. Case Study: Research and analysis Debate PowerPoint presentation DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History American Nation Ch. 19, Sec. 2 America: Pathways-Ch. 28, Sec. 1 *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 27, Sec. 2; Ch. 28, Sec. 2-3 Primary Sources-Unsafe at Any Speed Geography Transparencies-G27 Humanities Transparencies-H42 Critical Thinking Transparencies-CT61 Inventors http://www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/ Fifties Web http://www.fiftiesweb.com/ 13 Learner Outcomes 1.15 Analyze the origins and assess the impact of the Civil Rights Movement Critical Content Social Studies Brown v. Board of Ed Bus Boycott Little Rock Univ. of Mississippi sit-ins Martin Luther King March on Washington “Two Societies” Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965 Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Document Analysis of Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” Persuasive essay evaluating the success of the Civil Rights Movement. Case Study-Analyze the effects of Brown v. Board of Education Timeline of events Journal entries on integration from the perspective of an African American, a northerner who is a freedom rider and an African-American living in the South Role play of meeting between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Speech Analysis “I Have a Dream” *Honors – DBQCivil Rights Leaders and Tactics. Suggested Formal/Informal Assessments Document Analysis Persuasive Essay Case Study Timeline Journal Entries Role Play Speech Analysis DBQ DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation- Ch. 19, Sec. 3; Ch. 21 Graphic Organizer 19, 21 Literature Reading 19, 21 America: Pathways-Ch. 27 Sect. 4, Ch. 29 Literature Activity: SNCC Workers, p. 78 Primary Sources: On School Integration, p. 151 On the Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement p. 161 Decision-Making Activity-Integrating the University of Georgia *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 21 Primary Source-Crisis in Little Rock, Civil Rights Song, “I Have A Dream” Literature-Anne Moody’s Coming of Age in Mississippi, Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird Video-The Murder of Emmett Till, American Experience, PBS Video Stride for Freedom: The Aftermath of the Brown vs. Board of Education, A Unit of Study for Grades 9-12, NCHS and OAH. Reporting Civil Rights http://www.reportingcivilrights.org/ Martin Luther King-Seattle Times http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/mlk/ 14 Learner Outcomes 1.16 Analyze the foreign and domestic consequences of US involvement in Vietnam. Critical Content Tet Offensive Peace movement/ Student protests Counterculture 1968 election Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies With a partner, create a chart showing events that led to increasing U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Interview Vietnam veterans and/or families or friends of veterans. DBQ-Viewpoints on Vietnam Debate: Should the U.S. be involved in Vietnam? Suggested Formal/Informal Assessments Chart DBQ Debate Interview summary Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 23 American History Outline Map 22 Literature Reading 23 Geography Activity 23 America: Pathways-Ch. 31 Literature Activity: Experiences of a Young Soldier in Vietnam, p. 83 Primary Sources: On the Tragedy of Kent State p. 157 *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 22 Guided Reading-Moving Toward Conflict, US Involvement and Escalation Primary Sources-Letter from a Soldier, Lyndon B. Johnson on Vietnam and Re-election. Outline Map-The Vietnam War Literature-Philip Caputo’s A Rumor of War Video-Making Sense of the Sixties, Vietnam: A Television History, VH-1’s 1968-Behind the Music The Vietnam War: A National Dilemma, A Unit of Study for Grades 10-12, by D. Antonio Cantu and Sandy Cantu, NCHS and OAH. The Vietnam Project http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/index.htm Vietnam: Yesterday and Today http://servercc.oakton.edu/~wittman/ NSA-Gulf of Tonkin http://www.gwu.edu/%7Ensarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB132/inde x.htm Social Studies DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History 15 Learner Outcomes 1.17 1.18 Evaluate the changing role of women in American society. Evaluate the impact of the Watergate scandal on the presidency and American society. Critical Content Feminine Mystique ERA “Glass Ceiling” Nixon Presidency Washington Post Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward The “Plumbers” “Deep Throat” Saturday Night Massacre Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Debate on the Equal Rights Amendment DBQ: To what extent has the role of women changed? Comparison of portrayal of women on TV: Lucy (I Love Lucy) to Carol Brady (The Brady Bunch) to Desperate Housewives Suggested Formal/Informal Assessments Debate DBQ Comparison of Images of Women Timeline of events CAPT-Persuasive essay: Was Mark Felt (the source for the Washington Post investigation of the Watergate affair) a hero or a traitor? Mock Trial: Impeachment of Richard Nixon. *Honors-Essay comparison of Watergate to other presidential scandals. Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 22, Sec. 1 Graphic Organizer 22 America: Pathways-Ch. 30 Sec. 1 Most women are in the work force p. p. 737 Primary Sources: On Working Mothers, p. 155 Lasting Impact Activity-The Lasting Impact of the 19th Amendment *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 23, Sec. 2 Primary Sources-The Feminine Mystique. Timeline CAPTPersuasive Essay Mock Trial Essay comparison Literature-Betty Friedan’s the Feminine Mystique American Nation-Ch. 24, Sec. 1-2 American History Political Cartoon 29 Primary Source Reading 24 America: Pathways-Ch. 32, Sec. 2 & 4 Primary Sources: On Nixon’s Impeachment p. 159 Literature Activity: Unraveling the Story of Watergate: *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 32, Sec. 1-2 Guided Reading-Watergate-Nixon’s Downfall Primary Source-from All the President’s Men. Literature-Woodward & Bernstein’s All the President’s Men Video- All the President’s Men Watergate Info http://www.watergate.info/ The Washington Post-Watergate http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpsrv/national/longterm/watergate/front.htm The Watergate Tapes http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/watergate.html Social Studies DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History 16 Learner Outcomes 1.19 Identify, describe and analyze major personalities in American politics Social Studies Critical Content The Kennedy mystique/Camelot Lyndon Johnson Ford Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Research project: investigate one of the assassinations of the 1960s and analyze its effect on the American public DBQ: To what extent was the war on poverty successful? Résumé of a modern day U.S. President. Panel Discussion: You have been asked to choose one of the presidents since 1950 to be enshrined on Mt. Rushmore. Who should it be and why? * Honors: Compare the war in which John F. Kennedy handled the crisis with the steel industry with Theodore Roosevelt’s handling of the trusts. Suggested Formal/Informal Assessments Research project DBQ Résumé Panel discussion Comparison DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 20 America: Pathways-Ch 28 *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 28; Ch. 32, Sec. 3; Primary Sources-John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address The Kennedy Assassination http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/home.htm 17 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE – SOCIAL STUDIES COURSE NAME: _ Modern US History _ Topic: _Recent U. S. History (1974-Present)_ __X_Goal 1 Cycle: ____Goal 2 __X_Goal 3 ____Goal 4 __X__Goal 5 __X__Goal 6 ____Goal 7 __7-8_____ _X__Goal 8 THEME:_________ The Impact of the Government on American Society _______________ The Role of the US in the World ____________ Learner Outcomes 1.20 Chart and explain the impact of the end of the Cold War on American foreign and domestic policy. Critical Content Social Studies Détente SALT I and II Camp David Accords Gorbachev“glasnost” and “perestroika” Fall of the Berlin Wall Tiananmen Square Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Comparison map of Soviet Union- 1950 and 2005 DBQ-Why the Cold War ended? Essay: What if the U.S. and the Soviet Union had remained allies after World War II? Suggested Formal/Informal Assessments Map DBQ Essay Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 25, Sec. 1 & 3 Geography Activity 25 America: Pathways-Ch. 41 *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 33, Sec. 4 Geography Transparencies-G33 CNN Specials-Cold War http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/ The Cold War Museum http://www.coldwar.org/ DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History 18 Learner Outcomes 1.21 Describe and analyze the impact of innovations in mass media and technology on contemporary American culture. Critical Content Plastic/other new materials Travel (jets/space) DNA/cloning Computers/internet Lasers Digital technology 1.22 Investigate the impact of terrorism on American society and US foreign and domestic policy. Iran Hostage Crisis Persian Gulf War 9-11 The Patriot Act Iraq War Social Studies Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Chart showing increase in number of wireless telephone/ internet subscribers 1980-2000 Panel Discussion: Should cloning be permitted? Research project-How have new materials/ technologies/ innovations have impacted students’ trade. Debate-Impact of Innovation: What shall we consider “truth” if photos can be altered with new technology? *Honors- Futures simulation/group presentation of a “decision that changed American history. Timeline of events in the war on terror. Create a political cartoon. DBQ-Historical Perspectives on Civil Rights in a time of war. Debate: Is the Patriot Act necessary? *Honors- Essay comparing presidential policies. Ford to George W. Bush. Suggested Formal/Informal Assessments Chart Panel Discussio n Research Project Debate Futures simulation/ group presentation Timeline Political Cartoon DBQ Debate Essay Comparison DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 26, Sec. 3-4 America: Pathways-Ch. 42 *Honors The Americans-Ch. 34, Sec. 3 American Nation-Ch. 25, Sec. 3; Ch. 26, Sec. 1; Ch. 27 America: Pathways-Ch. 41 *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 33, Sec. 4; Ch. 34, Sec. 1 Guided Reading-Changes in American Foreign Policy Primary Sources-The First Days of Desert Storm Literature-The 9/11 Commission Report Frontline-The Gulf War http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/gulf/ CNN The War Against Terror http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/index.html 19 Learner Outcomes 1.23 Assess America’s role in the world since the end of the Cold War. Critical Content Somalia Rwanda Middle East Former Yugoslavia Nuclear Disarmament Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies World map, charts, graphics showing areas (military, financial aid, etc) and costs of U.S. involvement. Group discussion: are we willing to sacrifice American lives for human rights in other nations? Suggested Formal/Informal Assessments World Map Charts Graphics Group Discussion Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 26 Graphic Organizer 26 America: Pathways-Ch. 34, Sec. 4 U.S. in the New World p. 988-93 Lasting Impact Activity-The Lasting Impact of the Atomic Bomb *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 33, Sec. 4; Ch. 34, Sec. 1 Guided Reading-Changes in American Foreign Policy Literature-Mark Bowden’s Black Hawk Down Video- Black Hawk Down 1.24 1.25 Analyze major economic, social and cultural changes in America since 1974. Evaluate the impact of environmental issues on American society. Globalization SUVs/oil conservation Pollution Nuclear power EPA Silent Spring 3 Mile Island Chernobyl Love Canal Chart comparing American life during the 1950s with life in 1974-2000. Magazine Activity/Group Presentation – “This Was the Best Year Ever”. Policy paper on environmental issue of the day – for example, whether SUVs should be permitted. Research project: Can the U.S. compete with China for oil? Chart Magazine project Group Presentation American Nation-Ch. 24, Sec. 3-4; Ch. 25, 26, 28, 29, 30 American History Political Cartoon 30 Graphic Organizer 25 America: Pathways-Ch. 35, Sec. 3 Persuasive essay Research project American Nation-Ch. 31 Primary Source Reading 31 Geography Activity 31 *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 34, Sec. 2 America: Pathways-Ch 30, Sec. 4 *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 32, Sec. 4 Primary Sources-Love Canal, Silent Spring Geography Transparencies-G32-OPEC Geography Application-Oil Consumption in the 1970’s Literature-Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring Social Studies DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History 20 Learner Outcomes 1.26 Evaluate the shifts in American political ideology. Critical Content Ronald Reagan Bill Clinton George W. Bush Contract with America Suggested Differentiated Instructional Activities/Strategies Chart analyzing swings in American’s political orientation (liberal or conservative and vice versa) since the Depression. *Honors-Analyze the result of the chart. Participation in large/small group discussion on changes in American attitudes/ values and how these are transmitted to the government. Suggested Formal/Informal Assessments Chart Chart Analysis Large/Small group discussion Textbook(s)/Resources American Nation-Ch. 25, Sec. 1-2; Ch. 26, Sec. 1 Primary Source Reading 25 Geography Activity 26 America: Pathways-Ch 34, Sec. 1, 2; Ch 35, Sec. 1 Literature Activity: Masters of the Universe, p. 88; The Republican Revolution, p. 89-90 *Honors-The Americans-Ch 33, Sec. 1, 2, 3; Ch. 34, Sec. 1 Primary Sources-Contract with America Telescoping the Times-The Conservative Tide Critical Thinking Transparencies-CT33, CT67 Literature-Thomas Frank’s What’s the Matter With Kansas 1.27 Describe and analyze the shifts in immigration patterns to in the last half of the 20th Century. Recent immigration Changes in immigration law Map and chart comparing immigration patterns from 1950-2000 with those of 1890-1920. Literature selection: American immigrant experiences/ contemporary authors. Map Chart Literature Selection American Nation-Ch. 29, Sec. 1-2 Geography Activity 29 Graphic Organizer 29 America: Pathways-Ch. 34 Primary Sources: On Immigration Policy, p. 163 *Honors-The Americans-Ch. 33, Sec. 3 Geography Application-Latino Population in the 1980’s. Literature-Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club Asian Immigration to the United States, A Unit of Study for Grades 8-12, by Padma Rangaswamy and Dorothie Shah, NCHS and OAH. Social Studies DRAFT Scope and Sequence – Modern U.S. History