Essay 4

Essay 4 (Due Nov. 2): Sin Taxes
Write a well-developed persuasive essay in which you discuss some aspect about
so-called “sin taxes”—taxes on morally dubious or unhealthful practices or products such
as gambling, smoking, and drinking alcohol or even soda
You can write a blanket thesis either broadly favoring or opposing such taxes or
focus on individual issues that sin taxes have been applied to. Be sure to use appropriate
sources and format your documentation formally.
Your paper must:
 Contain a minimum of 703 words;
 Include a descriptive title;
 State a clear thesis;
 Provide proper evidence in support of your thesis;
 Refrain from using bad evidence, especially emotional language;
 Include advanced essay structure: introduction, body paragraphs, a
sense of order, transitions, and conclusion;
 Use formal documentation format—in-text citations and works cited
 Follow standard rules of written English.
 Build on your previous writing. Retain what has worked and get help fixing
what hasn’t;
 Add in the advanced structural techniques in your final revision when you are
sure of the order of ideas in your paper;
 Consider your prospective audience. It is hard to know whether or not your
reader(s) partakes of one or more of these “sinful” activities, so keep your
tone appropriate;
 Spend time on the “thought” aspect of writing—pre-planning and revision;
 Ask for help if you need it.