Early Childhood or Middle Childhood
Readings: Bee chapters 6, 7, 8, & 9
I don’t have a specific question or topic for you – you get to choose. Select any topic/issue
from these three stages. The psychosocial stages of Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt, Initiative vs.
Guilt, and Industry vs. Inferiority. The whole issue of Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt and the
behavior of the 2-year-old is so interesting – Why is this stage of development called the
“terrible twos?” Why are these children into everything? What are the effects of severe
punishment for their behavior? The life and experiences of the preschool child (3 – 5) in
Initiative vs. Guilt. Is daycare a good idea? The impact of different parenting styles? Spanking
versus Discipline? Brain development in early childhood? The effects of school on the children
in middle childhood, moral development, effects of media, obesity, abuse & neglect, etc.
Remember, the objective in essay writing is to develop a clear thesis statement (which is your
perspective) and use a number of course content and outside sources to support your thesis, and
end with a conclusion paragraph that rephrases your thesis and ties everything together. YOU
MUST reference the Bee textbook, and attempt to reference classroom handouts, videos,
classroom discussion/lecture, and of course you must write at least one paragraph of personal
reflection, experience, or insight after the conclusion. Do research to find at least three
legitimate outside sources for support of your thesis. For help, review the syllabus, the MLA
writing guidelines and the sample essay on the class webpage. For more intensive help, make an
appointment with a writing tutor in the library building.