Example 3

Assessment Plan
Learning Goal One: Students will be able to list and differentiate between geometric
and organic shapes (VA2, FA2, GLE 1A EP grade 9). LG1
In the pre-assessment for learning goal one, the students are to define the
terms geometric and organic shapes. The students will complete a worksheet (see
appendix 1) which includes drawing shapes as well as fill in the blank and short
essay questions. The questions will test the students on their knowledge of the
angles, the number of sides shapes have, and observation of shapes in their
environment. I suspect the students will have a hard time recalling more complex
shapes, angles, and the number of sides they all have.
Formative Assessment
After the pre-assessment, the students will participate in a lecture and
discussion about shapes. In the lecture, I will use a power point presentation (see
appendix 2) to talk about various shapes, sides, and angles. As a class we will
practice drawing numerous geometric shapes and organic shapes. With each
shape, we will point the shape out in the classroom. The students will also use
their memory to recall where they have seen the shape outside of the classroom.
For example, an octagon is found on a stop sign. We will also talk about the
pentagon and the events of 9-11. Seeing how these shapes are used throughout
their everyday life will help them understand the relevance of learning them.
Post Assessment
In order to post assess the students on their knowledge of shapes, I will
have them complete a worksheet (see appendix 3). In the assessment, the students
will not only recall their new knowledge of shapes, but also demonstrate that
knowledge into small sketches of each shape. They will also be expected to write
a short essay on how shapes apply to their daily lives. Since we reviewed this
idea in class the students should have a basis to start their essay.
Learning Goal Two: Students will understand and identify works from Pablo Picasso
and other cubism artist (VA4, FA5, GLE 1A History grade 10). LG2
In order to pre-assessment learning goal two, the students will study the
work of Pablo Picasso. The painting they will study closely is the “Three
Musicians” (see appendix 4), which is designed using shapes and lines. The
students will be asked to list the types of lines and shapes they recognize. On that
same paper they will write using any prior knowledge they know about Pablo
Formative Assessment
After completing the pre-assessment, the students will listen to a brief
lecture about the history of Pablo Picasso (see appendix 4). Throughout the
lecture the students will be able to see images of Picasso and his work including
his paintings, assemblage sculptures, and ceramics. They will also learn about his
family and his interest in bull fighting. Finally they will learn about the start of
cubism. While I discuss his life and his ideas, I will ask and answer questions in
order to keep their interest. I figure the bull fights will interest the majority of the
students since the majority of them take an agriculture class and live in the
Post Assessment
The post assessment will ask the students to write about Pablo Picasso.
They will write on their own notebook paper and the questions will be displayed
in appendix 4. While writing about the history of Picasso the students should
describe things like his education, his advancements in art (realism to cubism), the
mediums he used, his interest in bull fights, his family, his wealth, and finally his
death. The students will again look at the “Three Musicians”. This time they will
describe the ideas behind cubism and how the painting is an example of cubism.
In the response the students should talk about the multiple points of view shown
in the one painting, the use of lines and shapes, and the childlike feel of the
Learning Goal Three: Students will use cubism to draw an original self portrait (VA1,
FA1, GLE 3A Product grade 10). LG3
The pre-assessment for learning goal three will be based off of the
information they learned in learning goal two. In learning goal two the students
learned what cubism was and they also studied the master of cubism. As a result
they should understand how to draw in a cubist style. In order to practice drawing
in the cubist style, the student will be assessed on their ability to draw three
people using the cubist style. Images of people will be selected for the students
and will be seen on a power point in appendix 4. A class demonstration will help
them with the first drawing, but they will complete the other two on their own.
Formative Assessment
Throughout the formative assessment, the students will use the cubist style
to create their own self portrait. They will have practice drawings from the preassessment to help them get started. The drawing will contain at least one other
person like a friend or family member. The 9”x 12” portrait will include the
entire body not just the bust, and the figures will be portraying action. For
example, the students could draw themselves with their sister playing basketball.
Once the students are finished drawing their figures, they will fill the shapes using
colored pencil. Finally they will outline all of their lines and shapes using a black
marker. This drawing will be graded according to a rubric (appendix 5).
Post Assessment
In order to be sure the students understand the cubist style, I will have
them complete a worksheet (see appendix 6). The students will first answer
aesthetic related questions, which is a key component of a discipline based art
education. The questions will be written in full complete sentences using proper
grammar and spelling. They will be asked to tell about the story they have
depicted in their drawing. The students will also be asked to discuss the various
angles and points of view they used to make their cubist drawing. The final
question will ask the students if using lines and shapes to depict people is easier
then drawing realistically.
Learning Goal Four: Students will be able to compare and contrast their work with the
work of Pablo Picasso and their peers (VA3, FA3, GLE 2A AP grade 10). LG4
For my pre-assessment, students will complete a chart (see appendix 7).
In order to complete the chart, they will be asked to observe their own work, the
work of one of their peers and the “Three Musicians” by Pablo Picasso. They will
be looking at the shapes all three artists used and how each was able to show the
cubist style. They will also write what they thought the subject or action was and
their initial reactions to the work.
Formative Assessment
In the formative assessment, the students will converse with one another
about their drawings. Each student will stand in front of the class while
displaying and talking about their drawing. They will discuss the shapes, the
action, how they used cubism, and what they like best about their drawing. The
class will also discuss their thoughts. However they will not be permitted to say
negative opinions because art class is about building creativity and self esteem not
destroying it. Throughout the class critique, the students will be asked to relate
some of the works to that of Picasso.
Post Assessment
In order to be sure the students understand the cubist style, they will have
a more formal assessment. On a piece of notebook paper, the students will be
asked to compare and contrast their work with that of another peer, not the one
they used for the chart in the pre-assessment. Once again they will be graded on
English composition skills as well as their ability to compare and contrast. In the
essay they will need to compare and contrast the shapes, colors, media, action or
subject of the composition, and the cubist style shown.
Learning Goals
Learning Goal 1:
Students will be
able to list and
between geometric
and organic shapes.
Pre Assessment
Format of
Shapes worksheet
Formal Assessment
Shapes Power Point
Post Assessment
Shapes drawings
and worksheet
Autistic student will
be given templates
to trace in order to
make geometric
shapes, with the
help of his aid.
Aid will translate
information to deaf
student and notes
will be typed.
Learning Goal 2:
Students will
understand and
identify works from
Pablo Picasso and
other cubism artist.
Pre Assessment
Prior knowledge of
Formal Assessment
Picasso Power Point
Post Assessment
Picasso History
Help students when
Autistic student will
listen to lecture and
stay as long as
possible. He will be
given vocabulary
related to Picasso
and cubism to write
with the help of his
Aid will translate
information to deaf
student and lecture
will be typed.
Pre Assessment
Learning Goal 3:
Students will use
cubism to draw an
Formal Assessment
original self portrait.
Post Assessment
3 People Drawing
Self Portrait Action
Cubism worksheet
Help students when
Autistic student
receive assistance
drawing. He will
then color using
colored pencil, with
the help of his aid.
Aid will translate
information to deaf
student and
directions will be
Learning Goal 4:
Students will be
able to compare and
contrast their work
with the work of
Pablo Picasso and
their peers. LG4
Pre Assessment
Comparison Chart
Formal Assessment
Verbal critique
Post Assessment
Peer Comparison
Help students when
Autistic student will
compare the shapes
and colors used in
his drawing and
another student,
with the help of his
Aid will translate
information to deaf
student and notes
will be typed.
IEP students with
speech impediments
will be allowed to
write their critique
instead of speaking
about the drawings.
Help students when