Unit/Topic: Ancient Civilizations of Mesopotamia Length: Grade: 6th grade Sequence: 3 Stage 1 – Desired Results Transfer Students will be able to independently use their learning to… Meaning UNDERSTANDINGS Students will come to understand that… ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Students will keep considering… U1. Ancient civilizations form the foundation for modern structures and technologies. Why settle here? What does _____have to do with me? What can we take from this society and learn from it in the future? U2. Specific landforms are influential to a society success, longevity, progress, development. Acquisition Established Goals Students will know… Students will be skilled at… (able to do) -Religions were Polytheistic -Important geographic structure is fertile -I can identify the reasons why people crescent. 16.8.43 Analyze the geographic, political, settled. -The economy was based on division social, economic and religious structure labor and allowed city-states to be -I can compare and contrast the and contributions of ancient civilizations, formed. Mesopotamian society to my own. including: Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Hammurabi and China. -Your social status determined your quality of life 16.8.96 Identify the importance of river valleys to the development of the early civilizations and describe how people in early civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and
China) shaped their environments during the agricultural revolution of 4000 B.C. -1000 A.D. -Tigris and Euphrates Rivers make up the Fertile Crescent I can describe the importance of a river to a civilizations -The surrounding bodies of water are the Red Sea, Mediterranean, Black Sea, I can locate the rivers and bodies of Caspian Sea, and Persian Gulf water on a map -Mesopotamia is located in Asia 16.8.45 Identify the contributions of the following ancient civilizations: Babylonians (e.g., first written code of law), Hebrews (e.g., monotheism), Phoenicians (e.g., development of simple alphabet), India (tradition of great literature), and China (accomplishments in art and architecture, and innovations in science and technology). -Babylonians contributed Hammurabi’s code. -Hebrews contribute monotheism. -The Phoenicians developed the first alphabet. 17.8.13 (17.C.3c) Analyze how human processes influence settlement patterns including migration and population growth. 17.8.19 Compare and contrast historical and contemporary depictions of the same place using a variety of sources, including: landscape paintings, photographs, and maps. 16.8.01 Identify multiple causes and effects A hunter gatherer society is when analyzing historical events. A city-state society is A agricultural civilization I can describe the contributions of each civilization during the Mesopotamian period. I can defend the necessity of Hammurabi’s code in the ancient Mesopotamian period. I can explain what makes a person choose to live somewhere. I can compare and contrast images from Google Earth of the Middle East to that of images of ancient Mesopotamia. I can describe the transition of early people from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural societies. 16.8.02 Identify the differences between primary and secondary sources. 15.D.3c Explain how workers can affect their productivity through training and by using tools, machinery and technology. a primary source is… A secondary source is… Irrigation Plow Division of labor Farming to industry Wheel Vocabulary Stage 2 – Evidence Code Evaluative Criteria I can distinguish between a primary and secondary source. I can identify the benefits of using a primary source vs. a secondary source I can explain how inventions of this time affected the advancement of their society. I can explain why the division of labor is necessary for the development of civilization(s) or empires. PERFORMANCE TASKS Students will really show that they understand by evidence of… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hammurabi’s Code writing Mapping – where is it, etc. Skits: Babylonian court cases (Hammurabi’s Code) Hunters/Gatherers/City builders Mesopotamian achievements (Web mapping – trace back the history of a favorite object?) Brain pop… Mrdonn.org Compare google earth images to OTHER EVIDENCE Students will show they have achieved Stage 1 goals by… 1. Stage 3 – Learning Plan Code Pre-Assessment What pre-assessments will you use to check student’s prior knowledge, skill levels and potential misconceptions? Learning Events Progress Monitoring / Formative Assessments Support Standards