Crash Video Reflection Essay

Crash Video Reflection Essay
Watch the Movie “Crash”
a. This movie should be available to you at any local video store. I also have
a copy of the movie, but I only have 1 copy so if you borrow mine you
need to return it to me ASAP.
b. This movie is rated R so you will need to watch it on your own time or
have a permission slip signed by your parent or guardian to watch it at
school(if you are not 18 years old).
Take notes from the movie while you are watching it
a. Make sure to focus on things that are discussed in you chapter
b. Write down specific examples that you might like to make reference to in
your paper.
c. You will have to turn your notes in with your finished essay, so please
make sure that they are readable. Thank you!!
Write a 1-1 ½ page reflection essay on the movie
a. A reflection essay is your opinion of the movie, along with an explanation
of how the movie impacted you and your thoughts.
b. Use examples from the movie to support your thoughts about the movie
c. Do you think this is an accurate depiction of how racial issues are handled
in the United States?
Minimum Points Average Points
Above Avg. Points
Maximum points
6 +1 Writing
Incorrect essay
Correct body
Clear thesis
Clear thesis statement
5 points
structure, but no
statement, but unclear with clear supporting
clear thesis
supporting evidence
evidence and a correct
statement or
essay structure
supporting evidence
20 points
20 points
20 points
20 points
20 points
Total Points