Ideas for integrating career development in the classroom

Look at the ideas below for using “Real life” information to teach academic skills. What are you doing in your classroom
now? Please share ideas on post-it notes and post them on the poster paper on the wall.
Read Career Zone
Read Classified Ads
Read articles on
interviewing skills
Read biographies of
people who are
employed in a field
of interest
Write a thank you
letter after a job
Write a 3
paragraph essay
about a job you are
interested in
Do a research
paper about a
career in
Learn about the net 
pay and gross pay
Figure out what
percentage of your 
check is taken for
Independent Living
Read about the
requirements for entrance
into a vocational program
Read about different
college majors and the
requirements to
successfully graduate
Read literature about
Accommodative services
departments at colleges
Read the DMV manual
Read contracts for cable
and electrical services
Read lease/rental
Read an owner’s manual
Read the movie theatre’s
internet site to determine
when and where movies are
Fill out a college
application and FAFSA form
Write a letter to a potential
roommate describing your
best qualities
Write a term paper on the
job market
Fill out forms for a doctor’s
Write a paragraph about your likes,
Read an owner’s manual to
learn how to set up a
vacuum cleaner
Write an essay about your dream job or
dream future
Write an opposing view to an book
review or movie review
Figure out if it is a good choice to buy a
Big Mac every day or to pack a
sandwich lunch
Learn how to use performance data to
ask for a raise or promotion
Figure out the expense of
college with room and
board attached
Determine how much you
would need to pay for an
apartment shared by 4
Fill out rental agreements
Write a letter of complaint
to a company about a faulty
Figure out how much
flooring it would take to
cover an 8 x 10 room
Estimate the costs of
running a household
Figure out the calories in a
McDonald Happy Meal
Read about the problem solving
Read articles about goal setting
Read an online discussion of a
Read about self-advocacy
Read about the difference between
IDEA and ADA regulations
Read about your disability
Look at the ideas below for using “Real life” information to teach academic skills. What are you doing in your
classroom now? Please share ideas on post-it notes and post them on the poster paper on the wall.
Learn how
medication impacts
your performance
at work
Investigate jobs
that relate to the
subject matter
Learn about taxes
and how they
impact a paycheck
and community
Write a paper
about what you
would have liked
about living in
Colonial times
Learn about unions
Identify college majors and
what jobs they will relate
to in the future
Identify training
opportunities that support
the lesson plan
Learn about the ADA
Have students write a
paper about what they
would like about living in a
From the viewpoint of the
college, write an essay on
why they should accept
Write a paper on the local
economy and job market
for on the field of interest
of the student
Learn about how the
dangers of using a bleach
and ammonium based
Learn about recycling
Learn what to do in case of
natural disasters
Learn to use a thermometer
to figure out how hot bath
water is
Learn how to contact
Learn how to get a lawyer
Learn how to get a deed to
a house
Learn about crossing the
border into Canada
Learn how to protect
yourself from identity theft
Learn about weather and appropriate
Learn how to make a choice about
Learn citizenship and volunteer
opportunities in the community
Selective service
Learn a decision making process
Learn about rights as a citizen
Identify a foreign culture and make a
plan for visiting
Learn where to vote in the community
Learn how to speak up if you are being
treated unfairly