Fields/Greenberg Erin Hubbartt: Session 1 Thesis Statement: _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Context: Answers Who/Where? I. Quote: Answers What? Explanation: Why is this quote important? TOPIC SENTENCE: Evidence that my Social Issue is a problem: If you must drink and drive, drink Pepsi. *insert a ridiculous amount of statistics here. A. Evidence 1: 1. Context: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) stated in their 1998 Accident Analysis and Prevention that: B. 2. Quote: “Every minute, someone is injured in an alcohol related crash.” 3. Explanation of Evidence 1: Shocking evidence in regards to the frequency of drunken crashes. Evidence 2: 1. Context: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) stated in their 2008 Traffic Safety Annual Assessment that: 2. Quote: “This year (in America), 10,839 people will die in drunk-driving crashes – one every 50 minutes.” 3. Explanation of Evidence 2: Though drunk-driving rates decreased 3.7% from 2007 to 2008, fatal crashes are still far too common. C. Evidence 3: 1. Context: 23 year old Nicole LaFreniere’s January 2005 article in Cosmopolitan, “I Drove Drunk and Killed Three People,” stated: 2. Quote: “I want people to know that drunk-driving accidents happen to ordinary people. I was a happy, regular person, and now I’m in prison.” 3. Explanation of Evidence 3: Drunk-driving crashes can happen to you, too. 1 Fields/Greenberg II. TOPIC SENTENCE Causes of my Social Issue ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ A. B. Cause 1: 1. Context: In regards to Nicole and her regularity: 2. Quote: “Saturday, February 23, 2002, was the last normal day of my life.” 3. Explanation of Cause 1: One poor decision can change your life forever. Cause 2: 1. Context: Analysis of the 1995 National Survey of Drinking and Driving Attitudes and Behavior stated & the Transportation Research Board in regards to strategies for controlling the persistent DUI offender stated: 2. Quote: “An average drunk driver has driven drunk 87 times before (their) first arrest,” & “50 to 75% of convicted drunk drivers continue to drive on a suspended license.” 3. C. Explanation of Cause 2: Repeat offenders of drunk driving are a huge reason for fatalities. Cause 3: 1. Context: Laura Sperling, a florida writer whose father was killed by a drunk driver in 1996 stated: 2. Quote: “Some people are just too addicted, too reckless, too destructive, too careless to think about the consequences. Every day, they’re out there, plying the roads and in no shape to drive.” 3. III. Explanation of Cause 3: People have poor judgment and make bad decisions. TOPIC SENTENCE: Effects of my Social Issue: _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ A. Effect 1: 2 Fields/Greenberg B. 1. Context 2. Quote 3. Explanation of Effect 1 Effect 2: (probably inadmissible). 1. Context Blog Post by cbaby and ekrgh;kegb;keh 2. Quote: “It was the worst drunk driving crash "ever" in the U.S., killing 27 people -- all but three were children.” 3. Explanation of Effect 2: On Saturday May 14, 1988, Larry Mahoney, an intoxicated pick up truck driver traveling in the wrong direction on a Carroll County, Kentucky highway, had a head-on collision with a church bus. This fatal crash resulted in the death of 27 people and injured 34 of the 67 passengers. "I'm a victim of a drunk driver, not a bus crash," said a survivor. C. Effect 3: 1. Context: An article in USA Today by The Associated Press published on Tuesday, October 12, 2004 reported that there was a: 2. Quote: “Teen Found Alive 8 Days After Wreck.” 3. Explanation of Effect 3: 17 year old Laura Hatch had been last seen at a party on October 2nd. At the party she attended there had been underage drinking. Therefore, other attendees did not cooperate with the police, which caused a stalled search for Hatch. Four days after the party, the police were finally able to locate where it had been held. Four days after that and after Hatch’s family had already accepted her dead, she was found in the backseat of a crumpled car, 200 feet down a ravine. Hatch was so disassociated, once she was found the first thing she said was “I think I might be late for curfew.” Hatch was brought to the hospital and treated for dehydration, a blood clot in her brain and a variety of broken bones. IV. TOPIC SENTENCE: Solutions to my Social Issue: ___________________________________________ 3 Fields/Greenberg ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ A. Solution 1: 1. Context: According to Professor David J. Hanson’s online article Drinking & Driving (Alcohol; Problems and Solutions): 2. Quote: “Automatic license revocation along with a mandatory jail sentence appears to be even more effective than just automatic license revocation.” (In regards to resisting drunk driving). 3. Explanation of Solution 1: Automatic license revocation along with a mandatory jail sentence, by today’s standards, is the single most effective method to resisting drunk driving. These punishments aren’t only handed out to drunk drivers who have crashed, but to those who haven’t. If you are caught drunk driving, even without injury, you can be sentenced to prison and/or automatically lose your license. This method is the most effective way to keep repeat offenders and future abusers off the road and out of their own harm’s way. B. C. Solution 2: 1. Context 2. Quote 3. Explanation of Solution 2 Solution 3: 1. Context: According to Wall Street Journal in a December 31, 2009 SIRS article: 2. Quote: “When Even Your Phone Tells You You’re Drunk, It’s Time to Call a Taxi.” 3. Explanation of Solution 3: An app for many apple products called ‘R-U-Buzzed?’ can estimate your blood alcohol level by allowing you to enter your weight and every type of drink you drank. (“I got the big red ‘Don’t even think about driving’ result.” – 27-year-old ad-agency worker Heather Poli.) *insert somewhere – tie Poli into the explanation somehow. 4