3-1 Notes: Early English Settlements

3-1 Notes: Early English Settlements
1st English Attempt to Settle in America:
 Sir Walter Raleigh- started a settlement at
Roanoke Island
 settlers all DISAPPEARED—we still don’t
know what happened!
1st Permanent English Settlement in America:
 Jamestown, Virginia- started by the Virginia
Joint Stock Company
 They started a colony because they got a
 Charter = permission slip from king to start a
Why did Jamestown almost fail?
1. It had bad soil- swampy land is bad for farming
2. Many diseases were spread by mosquitoes
3. People did not want to work—they were only
worried about looking for gold.
Why did Jamestown survive?
1. John Smith forced people to work and got help
from Natives.
2. John Rolfe showed them how to plant tobacco.
Jamestown’s Government
House of Burgesses- 1st Representative Government
in America!
3-2 Notes: New England Colonies
4 New England Colonies:
 Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island &
New Hampshire
 New England colonies were founded for
religious reasons
Protestants Split into 2 Groups:
Puritans & Separatists
Wanted to change
church in England
1. Wanted to leave
2. Start new church in
3. Example = Pilgrims
Massachusetts Colony
 Plymouth settlement- Pilgrims traveled here
on the Mayflower
 Their leader was William Bradford
 They came here to start new church
 Squanto and Samoset showed Pilgrims how to
grow corn, beans & pumpkins
Squanto helping
Pilgrims fish
Connecticut Colony
 Founded by Thomas Hooker (he left
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Rhode Island Colony
 founded by Roger Williams (believed in
religious freedom for everyone
3-3 Notes: Middle Colonies
4 Middle Colonies:
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware
New York:
 1st it was called New Amsterdam & it was ruled
by the Dutch (They bought it from the Natives
for BEADS!)
 The English attacked New Amsterdam & took
 It was then ruled by the Duke of York—so he
called it “New York”
 New York became a Proprietary Colony
 Proprietary Colony= all land in the colony is
ruled by one or more people. They control the
land and the government
New Jersey
 1st a part of New York
 Duke of York then gave it to Lord Berkeley and
Sir George Carteret
 William Penn founded the colony
 Quakers lived here; Quakers were Pacifists
 Pacifists = Don’t believe in violence
 Penn treated Natives as equals
3-4 Notes: Southern Colonies
5 Southern Colonies:
Virginia, Maryland, North & South Carolina &
**Slaves needed in all southern colonies**
 Founded by Lord Baltimore
 Home for Catholics
 However, anyone could settle there
-Home of Jamestown
Bacon’s Rebellion:
 Nathan Bacon & Farmers vs. Virginia’s
 Farmers wanted more land to the West
 Bacon dies but Farmers get more land
North and South Carolina
-Indigo is grown here; Indigo = Blue dye that was
introduced by Eliza Lucas
-Slaves needed to work on Tobacco and Rice
 founded by James Ogelthorpe
 home for people in-debt
 Protected the other colonies from Spanish