Unit 1 test review

Chapters 1-3
I can successfully explain the following…
C. 1
Native American beliefs on land ownership, natural world, source of life
African Slave Trade (Africans had been involved in enslaving Africans long before long before 1492
when Columbus sailed the ocean blue!)
Columbus’ motivations for coming to America
Treaty of Tordesillas
Columbian Exchange
Impact on Native Americans/ Africans
C. 2
Jamestown – motivation for starting a colony in the New World, disastrous start, cash crop, leaders
(John Smith, William Berkeley, Nathaniel Bacon,) interaction with the Powhatan Indians and other Indian
Indentured Servants
Bacon’s Rebellion - Who was Nathaniel Bacon, what happened that led to Bacon raising an army, how
Governor Berkeley reacted to the army, what were the events of the rebellion, ***consequences of the
rebellion in terms of the growing power of the Virginia’s “rabble” (former indentured servants) vs.
wealthy Virginians
Puritan New England – What they wanted to purify in the Church of England, Separatists, why they
came to the New World, where they founded their colony
Roger Williams’ new colony
Anne Hutchinson’s religious beliefs
Pequot War – winners/losers
King Philip’s War – (Metacom/Philip) – Reason why the Indians launched this war against the Puritans,
New Netherlands – founded by and the reason for settling
William Penn – Religion and basic beliefs of the colony
C. 3
Characteristics of Mercantilism – how it works, who it benefits, who it hurts
Navigation Acts – Passed by, Colonial industry that developed because of these acts, how these acts
hurt the colonies
Glorious Revolution – What Parliament establishes with this act
Southern Plantation economy – Where does this occur, slave jobs, main cash crop
Triangular Trade – slave trade grew in the mid 1700’s due to southern labor needs, Middle Passage
Difference of duties and rights for northern and southern slaves
Reason(s) for the growth of cities in the Northern colonies
Enlightenment – type of movement, Ben Franklin
The Great Awakening – type of movement, Jonathan Edwards
C.3 cont.
Northern colonies - Major industries and cash crops produced per farm
Southern colonies – Major industries and people who live there
The role of colonial women – in the north and south, lower class white women
Sectionalism – what it is and how it will affect the future of US History.
Sourcing – 5 W’s Who/ where/ when/ why /what/ know how to source a document.