Vehicle Systems Program Methods Roadmap Team

AIAA Aircraft Design Technical Committee
“Conceptual Aircraft Design Working Group 21” (CADWG 21) Sub-committee
Team Charter
April 23, 2004
Mission Statement: The purpose of this sub-committee is to serve as a forum for the
exchange of information regarding the state-of-the-art of aircraft conceptual design. This
information exchange may lead to the identification of common areas of interest,
facilitating collaborative efforts to advance the SOA.
Products of the sub-committee: The sub-committee will produce meeting minutes
capturing the information presented during sub-committee meetings. In addition, the
sub-committee will produce and submit to the general TC an annual report, suitable for
publishing in Aerospace America, which summarizes the previous years efforts in the
field of aircraft conceptual design.
March/April 2004
April 23, 2004
May - August 2004
Draft Team Charter
Submit Charter to TC for approval
Email communications continue, draft Aerospace
America Article
September 2004
1st face-to-face meeting, in conjunction with the
ATIO conference in Chicago
January, 2005
Meeting in Reno
Continued meetings as appropriate coincident with TC meetings
Customers: The primary customer is the Chair of the AIAA Aircraft Design TC
Approach: The mission statement may seem to overlap with one of the primary purposes
of the general TC, however the general TC meetings, by necessity, are dominated by
business and administrative needs leaving little time for technical exchange. The purpose
of the CADWG21 subcommittee is to provide that forum for technical exchange free
from the general committee business needs.
Charter Membership: Team membership is open to all those interested. There is no limit
to the size of a TC subcommittee. Ideally, the membership would include representatives
from the conceptual design communities of government, industry and academia.
Charter Membership:
Dennis Carter (AFRL, Aerodynamic Configurations Branch)
Steve Cox (NAVAIR, Advanced Airborne Systems Design Branch)
Bill Crossley (Purdue)
Gil Crouse (daVinci Technologies)
Clifton Davies (Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, Palmdale)
John Dixon (Boeing Commercial, Configuration & Engineering Analysis)
Ron Engelbeck (Boeing Commercial, Multidisciplinary Design and Sizing)
Kenneth Fowler (Boeing Commercial)
Dave Hammond (AFRL)
Ilan Kroo (Desktop Aeronautics)
Dolores Kraushe (Florida Center for Engineering Education)
Bill Mason (VA Tech)
Dimitri Mavris (GA Tech, Aerospace Systems Design Lab)
Jim McDaniel (University of Virginia, NIA)
John Morgenstern (Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, Palmdale)
Conrad Newberry (Naval Postgraduate School, ret.)
Craig Nickol (NASA Langley, CADWG 21 Organizer)
Dan Raymer (Conceptual Research Corp.)
Kevin Rowe (GE Aircraft Engines)
Russ Smiley (Pratt & Whitney)
Leslie Smith (Northrop Grumman)
Cory Tallman (Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, Ft. Worth)
Tom Weir (Northrop Grumman)
George Weller (NAVAIR, Advanced Airborne Systems Design Branch)
Sam Wilson (Avid LLC)
Shawn Woodson (NAVAIR, Aero)
Cale Zeune (AFRL, VAAA)