Model Employee Engagement Committee Charter

[The following is a model committee charter (i.e., committee mandate) that can be used as a
template for setting up your organization’s new engagement committee. Feel free to download
and modify at will without further permissions. More info at]
Employee Engagement Committee Charter
Our mission is to enable high levels of employee engagement throughout the organization.
Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is the emotional commitment an employee has to the organization and
the organization’s goals. “Engaged” employees give discretionary effort, which in turn both
increases performance and decreases turnover.
Responsibilities & Deliverables
1. Provide advice and recommendations on methodology required to measure current and
future levels of engagement throughout the organization.
2. Provide advice and recommendations on how to increase awareness and competencies
related to engagement, for all employees—but especially front-line managers. This might
include training programs, guest speaker programs, book clubs, and other forms of
3. Provide coordination and engagement information with other organizational teams
including recruiting, management training, culture groups, compensation, etc.
4. Research and advise organizational executive leaders on new, innovative and best practices
for engagement.
5. Solicit ideas and feedback from employees on how to increase engagement.
6. Draft and circulate an annual Engagement Action Plan that details current levels of
engagement, performance against prior year initiatives and plans for activities, events and
resources required for the following year.
Authority and Accountability
The Employee Engagement Committee will meet biweekly and meeting dates will be scheduled
six months in advance; meeting location and agenda will be determined prior to each meeting
and is to be approved by Committee Chair. Committee Chair will facilitate all meetings unless
Chair asks another to facilitate.
Model Employee Engagement Committee Charter (January 2014) – download from
The Employee Engagement Committee is accountable to [NAME, TITLE], who as Executive
Sponsor is responsible for supporting the success of the Committee.
Structure and [Current Year] Committee Members
The Employee Engagement Committee will consist of 10-12 members, who reflect the
diversity of the organization including demographic, functional and organizational.
The Chair of the Employee Engagement Committee is [NAME, TITLE].
Sub-committee leaders include: [Name], Survey and Measurement Sub-Committee;
[Name], Employee Feedback Sub-Committee; [Name], Engagement Training Curriculum
Sub-Committee; [Name], Annual Report Committee.
Additional committee members include: [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name].
Nominating Rules
Persons nominated shall be employees with a strong performance evaluation.
The nominee must have the support from his or her immediate supervisor.
The nominees must submit a request to serve in writing.
The Committee will solicit new members no later than September each year.
The Committee shall carefully examine the qualifications of each suggested nominee.
The election of Committee leaders and members shall be held at the Annual Election
Meeting (scheduled for November–December). Elections shall be by voice vote;
however, if there is more than one (1) nominee for a position, the election shall be by
ballot. The nominee receiving the majority of votes shall be declared elected.
Committee members shall serve one-year terms, but may serve consecutive terms if
successfully elected each year.
Elected members begin their duties on January 1.
Council members shall be collaborative, be respectful of other members and the
different points of view, and consider the VCFA division as whole in making decisions.
Discussions will be based on data, research, and information. Within the Council,
decision-making methods appropriate for the task will be used, including consensus,
respectful majority, and delegated by and to the chairs.
Model Employee Engagement Committee Charter (January 2014) – download from