Choose an animal that is listed as an endangered species. Your assignment is to research your chosen animal and write a 1500 word research paper. The paper should be typed using Times
New Roman or Arial font size 12. Everything should be double-spaced. Your paper should include a title page and a works cited page. The works cited page should include at least three sources. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! You are writing a paper, not copying and pasting it!
With few exceptions, your sources should be current - less than five years old. Please proofread your work. A picture, diagram, and/or graph would be a nice addition to your report. Your report should include the following information:
Check out the following websites to find an endangered species:
Include following in your paper:
Name of animal - common and scientific
Description - physical characteristics and behavior
Characteristics birthrate lifespan food activities - migration, hunting, grazing, etc.
Habitat - description and location
Why is the animal endangered?
What is the outlook for the preservation of this animal?
What are the obstacles to preservation?
Organizations dedicated to protecting or rescuing the species
Personal opinion
Achieve Success With Honor!
North Atlantic Right Whale
John Smith
Mr. Kling
January 5, 2010
Works Cited
American Cancer Society. Accessed 10 Jan. 2003
< >.
Bipaldi, Joseph. Cancer-causing Agents in Tobacco. 5 th
ed. New York:
Modern Language Association, 1999.
Baldwin, Sandra, and Susan Gubar. The Effects of Nicotine on the Health of American Children.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979.
"Black Lungs." U.S. News & World Report 26 Apr. 1978: 84.
Cole, Harrison, ed. The Danger of Tobacco. New York: Random House, 1985.
Harrison, Micheline R., et al., eds. Merck Medical Manual.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
Lawrence, George. "Big Tobacco’s New Target." Time 12 Mar. 1980: 25-29.
Summers, Roberta. "Tobacco Industry Targets Teens." New York Times 14 June 1991, sec. 4: 1.
Research Paper Guidelines –The Basics
Minimum 1500 words (approximately 4-5 pages)
Use size 12 font
Font must be Times New Roman or Arial
First page is a cover page
Use citations properly (refer to handouts)
You may want to include one of the following data organizers:
It may also be helpful to include a diagram or picture to illustrate an idea
Last page is a works cited page (bibliography)
Please staple paper in the upper left-hand corner
Please DO NOT cover your paper with a plastic report cover.
Due Date: 1/5
Thank You
Title Page (10 pts. Possible)
•According to specified format
Introduction (20 points possible)
•Well-developed and clearly prepares the reader for
the body of the paper.
Body (50 points possible)
•Topic is explained clearly
•Topic is explored in appropriate detail
•Body is organized logically
•Very few errors in word usage, mechanics, and spelling
•Citations are accurate and included
Conclusion (10 points possible) _____
•Fully summarizes the paper
Works Cited (10 points possible)
•Complete, accurate, and in proper format