Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Alpha Chapter Centennial Celebration The

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
Alpha Chapter Centennial Celebration
The 100th Awards Overview
Purpose/Foundation for this Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize the Top Guns of Alpha Chapter (i.e., the Best of the Best) based on
standards our Founders established 100 years ago. Specifically, as we celebrate our 100th anniversary, this award
is presented to those Brothers who are stellar examples of and have consistently displayed any of our Cardinal
Principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift or exemplify our motto of Friendship is Essential to
the Soul ongoing throughout their life towards others.
Since its founding, Alpha Chapter has initiated over 1,400 Brothers into Omega. Many of these Brothers have
made great contributions to the community, society, their profession and the Fraternity. As we celebrate our 100th
birthday, it is apropos to acknowledge the contribution of the top 100 as we celebrate our 100th.
Nomination/Submission Process
All Brothers who were either:
initiated into Omega through Alpha Chapter;
transferred to Howard University and were members/part of Alpha Chapter or
worked with the Brothers on campus to help build a strong Chapter
are eligible to be nominated for this award. Any Brother can nominate another Brother, living or in Omega
Chapter, as long as he meets the eligibility requirement. Also, a Brother can nominate as many Brothers as he
sees fit so long as they meet the eligibility requirement. A Brother should nominate another Brother if he feels that
the Brother:
demonstrated throughout his life one of the Cardinals in such a manner that it made a demonstrative
impact and/or example in his local community, profession, society at large or Fraternity.
Or truly demonstrates and lives in a superior manner, through his deeds and actions to others (Brothers
and non-Fraternity members alike), the motto of Friendship is Essential to the Soul.
Nominees for this award can represent professional achievement (scholarship and perseverance), fraternal
contribution (uplift and friendship), community involvement (manhood and uplift) and societal contributions
(manhood, perseverance and uplift), a combination of these items or something else that maybe omitted but
definitely worth honoring.
The nominating Brother need to present the following information:
The nominating Brother’s name and line signature
The name and line signature of the nominee they are nominating
A 1-2 brief paragraph write up on why the nominee is deserving of receiving one of the awards
Any supporting information (articles, web links, etc) that the Brother wishes to be included to support their
case for the nominee to receive an award
Brothers are open to nominate themselves. As part of the research performed on the history of Alpha Chapter, a
list of Brothers initiated prior to 1950 that deserve to receive this award (e.g., Z. Alexander Looby, Oliver White
Hill, and William Stuart Nelson) will be assembled and submitted for consideration by the History Committee.
Selection Criteria & Process
A select panel of 7 Brothers will make up the Awards Committee for this prestigious honor. Members of this
committee will be selected by Brothers who currently serve and are active on the Alpha Chapter Centennial
This committee will be responsible for developing a submission form for the Bros to complete, solicit names from
the Brotherhood, receiving submissions, evaluate and select Brothers to receive this award based on a
predetermined timetable.
All Alpha Chapter Brothers and those Brothers affiliated with Alpha Chapter will be asked to submit/nominate
qualified Bros who meet the standards of the award. A form will be provided for the Brother to complete. One
member of the committee will serve as the submission contact and receive all submissions. This Brother will also
send to the committee, in batches, nomination forms submitted by the Brothers. At select designated times, the
committee will meet to review submissions and make decisions as to the merit of the nominee receiving the award.
The committee will take into account the following in making their decision:
Brothers who exhibit exceptional contribution and display any of our Cardinal Principles to their local
community, profession, society at large and/or Fraternity. The standard is our Cardinal Principles which
were defined in a speech by one of our Founders, Bishop Edgar A. Love, as:
Manhood: “means character; one who dares to do all that doth become a man”
Scholarship: “there is a place for mediocrity in our society but not in Omega. We want men whose
minds are at least above average, that they can make a contribution to the life of an institution
and to the world.”
Perseverance: “we want men who will realize that they have a responsibility to stand by any
project that they may begin and see it through.”
Uplift: “which puts man in connection with the community in which he lives and lets him realize
that he has a responsibility to those who are less fortunate than himself.”
Brothers who display, on a consistent basis, friendship to both Brothers and others in what Bro. Love
defines as “the strongest attachment that can exist between an individual or groups of individuals.”
Other attributes such as the scale of service or contribution and impact/significance of efforts can be taken into
account as well as any other determining factor deemed appropriate collectively by the committee.
Brothers on the committee will vote on each nominee with a majority serving as the mark for receiving the award.
No more than 100 Brothers will be selected for this award. If the committee fails to receive an adequate number
of submissions or the 100 awardees are not reached then the committee will serve as a body of one and
nominate/determine Brothers who are worthy to receive this honor up to the targeted 100 Brothers. All Brothers
receiving an award will be notified at one designated time determined by the committee (see below for timing).
No correspondence will be sent to the Brotherhood announcing the award recipients prior to Alpha Chapter’s
Centennial weekend.
Any Brother on the committee who is either nominated or submits a Brother’s name must recue himself from the
selection process on that particular Brother.
Proposed Timing
Notice to list servs of Award, nomination process and form (see below)
Nomination deadline for Brothers
Final Committee Decision Period
Notification to Awardees
Bio copy and picture due for Commemorative Book
Procurement of Awards
Award Ceremony (Legacy Ball)
Due Date/Deadline
September 12, 2011
October 15, 2011
October 31, 2011
November 1, 2011
November 9, 2011
December 1, 2011
December 17, 2011
Brothers who are selected to receive the Centurion Award will receive them in a special ceremony during the
Legacy Ball of the Centennial Celebration on Saturday, December 17, 2011. All living Brothers receiving awards will
be asked to:
Register and attend the Centennial Celebration
Submit a photo and jpeg
Submit a bio (if the nominating Brother has not done so already)
Brothers who are in Omega Chapter receiving awards will be celebrated and honored as well during the ceremony.
It will be the responsibility of the nominating Brother to provide a picture and bio of the deceased Brother.
All awardees will be included in a special section of the 100th Anniversary Commemorative Book along with their
picture and brief write up of the accomplishment(s) that is the basis for them receiving the award.
Additionally, a special unique commemorative award will be given to each Brother selected in addition to a multiplate plaque that will be on display at the Frat House commemorating the 100 Brothers selected for this honor.
The 100th Awards
Nomination Form Instructions (draft)
1. The nominee must either be:
a. initiated into Omega through Alpha Chapter;
b. transferred to Howard University and were a member/part of Alpha Chapter or
c. worked with the Brothers on campus to help build a strong Chapter
2. Can be living or deceased.
3. If selected, the living nominee is strongly encouraged to be registered (or register) for Alpha Chapter
Centennial Celebration.
1. Any Brother can nominate another Brother.
2. All nominations must be made on a fully completed nomination form (no exceptions); any incomplete forms
will not be accepted.
3. Please limit your submission to two pages (typed); please feel free to attach any articles or other information
you wish to submit to support your nominee.
What to include
A Brother should nominate another Brother if he feels that the Brother:
demonstrated throughout his life one or more of the Cardinals in such a manner that it made a
demonstrative impact and/or example in his local community, profession, society at large or
Or truly demonstrates and lives in a superior manner, through his deeds and actions to others (Brothers
and non-Fraternity members alike), the motto of Friendship is Essential to the Soul.
Nominees for this award can represent professional achievement (scholarship and perseverance), fraternal
contribution (uplift and friendship), community involvement (manhood and uplift) and societal contributions
(manhood, perseverance and uplift), a combination of these items or something else that maybe omitted but
definitely worth honoring. Provide examples of merit wherever possible.
 Completed Nomination Forms are due by end of day, Saturday, October 15, 2011.
 There will be no exceptions to the nominating deadline.
 Completed forms should be submitted via email to Bro. Keltric Goff (8-00-A) at
The 100th Awards
Nomination Form (draft)
Line Signature (e.g., 7-83-A):
Nominee phone # (if living):
Nominee Email:
Nominated by:
Line Signature (e.g., 7-83-A):
Nominator’s phone #:
Nominator’s Email:
Please provide a brief narrative as to why the Nominee should receive an award as being one of Alpha Chapter’s
top 100 Brothers. Please note that the Nominee should demonstrate throughout his life one or more of the
Cardinals in such a manner that it made a demonstrative impact and/or example in his local community,
profession, society at large or Fraternity or truly demonstrates and lives in a superior manner, through his deeds
and actions to others (Brothers and non-Fraternity members alike), the motto of Friendship is Essential to the Soul.
Nominees for this award can represent professional achievement (scholarship and perseverance), fraternal
contribution (uplift and friendship), community involvement (manhood and uplift) and societal contributions
(manhood, perseverance and uplift), a combination of these items or something else that maybe omitted but
definitely worth honoring. Provide examples of merit wherever possible and feel free to attach supporting