CONSTRUCTION SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN 2008-2011 A fresh approach to people, homes and communities Berneslai Homes Limited is a company controlled by Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council. A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 4548803. Registered Office: Springfield House, Springfield Street, Barnsley, S70 6HH. Contents Page Number 1. Executive Summary 3 2. Introduction and Context 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Core Purpose and Objectives Company Values Who are we? Contribution to Corporate aims and objectives Impact on the Local Economy 3. Service Analysis 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Swot Analysis Pest Analysis Key Actions Performance Management 4. Risk Management 18 5. Delivering Excellence in Construction 19 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Responsive Repairs. Planned Maintenance/Servicing Decent Homes Manufacturing Quality Initiatives 6. Procurement of other goods and services 22 7. Financial Plan 23 8. IT Strategy 26 9. Communication and Marketing 28 10 Organisational Development & Human Resources Strategy 32 10.1 Human Resource Plan 11. Aspirations 13 36 Appendix 1 Construction Services Service Plan Appendix 2 Construction Services Risk Register -2- 37 42 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This is the second Business Plan produced by Construction Services and builds on the first plan developed in 2006. Since the transfer of the staff from the Council in 2005 Construction Services have gone through a number of transformational changes. The biggest operational change was the closure of the old depots and the opening of the Carlton Depot in December 2007 bringing all of Construction Services staff onto one site. The move coincided with the restructure of the organisation in order to meet the future needs of the service. Another major change within the organisation was the transfer of staff employed by Barnsley Council to deliver the purchasing and stores service for Construction Services into Berneslai Homes. Although thirteen staff were transferred no management were transferred so another restructure was required to ensure that the section were in a position to deliver the service that was required to make the operational delivery effective and efficient The aim of Construction Services is to work in Partnership to improve the repairs and planned maintenance service for the tenants of Barnsley and to retain the existing workload whilst expanding on Capital works programmes. The ultimate goal is to become the best deliverer of frontline services in the country. There will be a new challenge in 2009 when the current Housing Stock Maintenance Arrangement is due to be reviewed with a new arrangement to commence in the November. A key strategy will be to target new sources of income to compensate for the reduction in the Housing stock and the completion of the Decent Homes Programme in Barnsley. In particular we will explore the possibilities of carrying out Decent Homes work for other Public Sectors, Local Authorities or Contractors engaged by other authorities. We will be proactive in seeking work that we know that we can successfully deliver such as refurbishment, repairs and maintenance. It is also our intention to develop new services that can be sold directly to tenants and other Barnsley residents. We will need to continually review our strategy in line with our cost base, our Human Resource Plan, changes in the wider economy and the construction industry. Significant progress has been made in delivering the Key Actions for 2006/07 that were detailed in the 2006-2010 Business Plan The Delivery Plan has been developed in partnership with customers, key stakeholders and staff. Any comments on this document are welcome throughout the year by contacting Gary Williams, Construction Services Manager, Berneslai Homes, Carlton Depot, Unit 2, Carlton Industrial Estate, Industry Rd, Carlton, Barnsley, S71 6HH. Telephone 01226 773742 -3– 2. INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT Construction Services are the former employees of the Building Works Department of Barnsley MBC who were engaged on Housing Maintenance and who were transferred on 28 March 2005 into Berneslai Homes. Construction Services employ over 300 people and has a turnover of over £20m per year. It provides a comprehensive service for all trades for the repairs and maintenance of two thirds of the Council Housing Stock. Our work includes general Repairs, Planned Maintenance, Void work, Improvements, Decent Homes Projects and Equipment and Adaptations. Construction Services covers a variety of trades and our Operations Division includes Plumbing, Bricklaying, Plastering, Joinery, Glazing, Asbestos Surveys, Roofing, Drainage, Painting and Decorating. Our Services Division consists of Electricians, Heating Engineers and Gas Engineers. The Division are members of the Council for Registered Gas Installers and the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installations. The Manufacturing Unit includes the manufacture and fixing of upvc windows, doors, frames, fascias and soffits, bespoke joinery and seamless guttering. The frontline staff are supported by a Management and Technical Team that have a vast experience and knowledge in estimating, surveying and management of repairs, planned maintenance and capital works schemes. We have a commitment to the employment training, development of apprentices and to encouraging women into a predominantly male construction industry. Construction Services are now an integral part of the Asset, Regeneration and Construction Services Directorate within Berneslai Homes. We operate an Emergency Call Out service that operates outside of normal working hours making us available 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Construction Services are a major resource within Berneslai Homes and the Council’s Emergency Plan and its Managers are nominated as designated officers. The department is currently carrying out repairs to two thirds of the Council Housing Stock with the other third being maintained by our partner Inspace. We are working very closely with our partner on sharing best practice and continuing to drive improvements in service delivery. -4- This Business Plan is as a part of the Berneslai Homes delivery plan. It is intended to be a ‘live’ document that enables services to creatively address service implementation in line with: Defined priorities and targets. Available resources in terms of revenue, capital assets and workforce planning. Performance management requirement. The purpose of the plan is to: Outline the core purpose and activities of the service. Demonstrate how the activities contribute to the strategic goals of Berneslai Homes. Identify the resources required to provide the services. Identify the means by which service performance will be measured. Set out a 3 year plan for service delivery. Identify the basis for monitoring and reporting the progress towards achieving the stated aims and objectives and proposed action plan. The preparation and updating of the plan will be the responsibility of the Construction Services Manager with contributions from all staff and stakeholders within the service. An executive summary of the Business Plan will be issued to all of the Management Team within this service. Operational staff will have team briefs on relevant areas of the business plan. -5- 2.1 Core Purpose and Objectives Core Purpose A ‘Right First Time’, quality, timely service delivery for the tenants of Barnsley Council, the customers of Berneslai Homes and future clients. By providing the following services: Responsive repair and planned maintenance in partnership with Inspace and Berneslai Homes. Planned Maintenance and Servicing. Capital Works Decent Homes Standard Works. Manufacturing (PVCu and Joinery). Technical Support. Objectives To ensure that all services reflect the needs and aspirations of their customers based on the model service. To achieve efficient and effective service delivery through continuous improvements. To retain the two-thirds work of the Housing Stock Maintenance Service within the Strategic Partnering arrangement. To achieve upper quartile performance for all Key Performance Indicators. To retain 2 star service and contribute improvement to 3 star at the next Audit Commission Inspection. To increase turnover by expanding our customer base in order to generate funds and re-invest in the core service. ● To trade with a modest surplus and reinvest part of the surplus into business improvement and efficiency. -6- 2.2 Company Values Our approach to achieving this is embedded in a series of organisational values:- Berneslai belongs to us all Excellence in all we do Respect all and reward effort No-one should feel isolated Empower each other Strive to be excellent Listen and Learn Accept Responsibility Investing in People is more than a label Honest and Open Culture Only together can we succeed Make a positive difference every day Everyone is treated with dignity Spend our money wisely 2.3 Who We are Construction Services became part of the Stock Maintenance Division on the 28th March 2005. The section has undergone two restructures since then and now employs over 220 Craft Operatives and over 30 apprentices who deliver Repairs and Maintenance to two thirds of the Councils Housing Stock. Berneslai Homes are overseen by a Board of an independently appointed Chair and 9 Directors, comprising 3 tenants, 3 council nominees and 3 independent members, the company manages HRA Council homes and other housing assets. This will remain the core business of the company. However as part of our diversification strategy we are expanding the range of services provided including innovative work managing properties in the private sector and developing schemes in partnership with the Council and RSLs which will see Berneslai Homes using its expertise to manage RSL properties. The implementation of the Board’s policies and the day to day running of Berneslai Homes is delegated to the Chief Executive and the Senior Management Team in line with the standing orders, financial regulations, policies and terms of reference of the organisation. -7– This is demonstrated below. BERNESLAI HOMES BOARD STRUCTURE BOARD CHAIR + 3/3/3 STRATEGIC DIRECTION AND POLICY REVIEW & PERFORMANCE ,MONITORING VIEWS, FEEDBACK, INFORMATION SHARING Human Resources Committee Customer Services Committee Audit Committee CUSTOMER PANEL TARAS IMPACT STEERING GROUPS (DELEGATED BUDGETS, ESTATE WALKABOUTS) SERVICE USER FORUMS INDIVIDUAL TENANTS AND LEASEHOLDERS Underpinning this structure is a tenant involvement and engagement structure, where customer interaction takes place on varying levels, with a key role being played by the Federation of Tenants and Residents Association. In 2007/08 working with the Council we fully reviewed this structure, ensuring longer term governance arrangements are streamline, efficient and fit for purpose in respect of the challenges ahead. The company has a system of internal controls which covers health and safety, risk management, financial controls and governance. This is reported upon annually by the Chief Executive and an assurance statement provided in the Directors’ Annual Report and Accounts. The company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association have been updated to reflect the new governance arrangements and a new services agreement for the next five years has been agreed with the Council. Our scheme of delegations ensures the correct level of decision making takes place at Board, sub-committee and executive level. -8- This overall management structure of the organisation is demonstrated below. Chief Executive Director of Housing Management Director of Finance (Company Secretary) Director of Assets, Regeneration and Construction Director of Business and Customer Services The Construction Services Manager reports directly to the Director of Assets, Regeneration and Construction and is an integral member of the Berneslai Homes Senior Management Team. Construction Services restructured in 2007 in order to allow for the transfer of the Purchasing and Stores function from the Council, to take into consideration the move to one depot and to ensure that there was capacity within the organisation to develop, grow and diversify the business. The day to day operations and front line delivery is the responsibility of the Senior Operations Manager. The Commercial Manager is responsible for the technical and support staff and for developing the future business of the section. The Construction Services Manager, the Commercial Manager and the Senior Operations Manager form the Senior management Team along with the Manufacturing Manager and the Services Manager and they are responsible for developing and implementing strategies for the future. 2.4 How do Construction Services contribute to the aims and objectives of Berneslai Homes and Barnsley Council? The Councils overall aim for Housing is to: Ensure that everyone should have access to a home that is warm, dry and affordable in a peaceful and secure environment. In order to translate this mission into reality Berneslai Homes have set four strategic objectives for the company. These are: To deliver excellent Customer Services To continue to deliver sustainable communities which are safe, healthy and attractive neighbourhoods which are accessible to all To actively contribute to and influence partnership working within Barnsley and the sub-region To be a successful well managed company -9- Construction Services will contribute towards Berneslai Homes achieving the four strategic objectives as detailed below: ♦ To deliver excellent Customer Services ● ● ● ● ● Increase performance to fall within minimum and maximum targets on all 15 of the headline Housing Stock Maintenance (HSM) Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). Improve publicity, branding and communication with customers. Increase performance towards the targets set for non incentivised KPI’s. By working within the 2007 Customer Excellence Strategy and working closely with the Customer Services and Engagement Team. By working within the Tenant Involvement and Engagement Framework as outlined in the Berneslai Homes Business Plan 2008-2012. By providing a professional, right first time service by appointment. Working with Partners to increase efficiency and introduce best practice. By taking the diverse needs of the community into account when delivering service Continuous improvement against key performance targets. Use of mobile technology. Increasing the number of appointments By completing jobs “right first time”. Providing value for money By providing a professional, right first time service by appointment. To continue to deliver sustainable communities which are safe, healthy and attractive neighbourhoods which are accessible to all ● Increase the provision of safe, warm affordable housing by: completing Housing Repairs to two thirds of the stock. Carrying out new heating installation programmes. carrying out Gas Servicing to two thirds of the Council’s Housing Stock and solid fuel servicing to the whole of the stock. By manufacturing and fitting double glazed upvc windows. By bringing homes up to the Decent Homes standard. ensuring void properties are safe, secure and clean. Improving recycling and waste management including the development of targets and benchmarking. Emergency Call-Out Service Assisting with the Councils emergency plan. Reducing the amount of time in void property. Completing Equipment and Adaptation Works to the homes of people with disabilities. introducing vehicle tracking to the whole of the fleet. carrying out asbestos surveys and removal. ♦To actively contribute to and influence partnership working within Barnsley and the sub-region. - 10 - ● ● Operate fully within the Housing Stock Maintenance Partnership Performance Payment Mechanism. Increase partnership working on Decent Homes. Increase procurement from procurement partnerships and frameworks. Increase public/private partnership working with Inspace within the HSM Partnership. By employing people on good terms and conditions. Using local suppliers where possible. Developing partnerships with locally based sub-contractors Increasing opportunities ♦To be a successful well managed company Contribute to the HSM review and tender process. Review and develop the supply chain including stores, sub-contractor partnerships, supplies procurement and transport. Explore business diversification. Achieve financial objectives including making a modest surplus. Modern Apprentices. Mentoring arrangements for apprentices. Supervisory training for existing staff. Personal development plans for all employees. By attaining IIP Multi skilling where practically possible. Improve workforce diversity. - 11 - 2.5 Construction Services impact on the economy of the Metropolitan Borough of Barnsley Employees Construction Services employ over 320 people of which the vast majority live within the Barnsley area. We are the largest construction based employer in the borough. The budget for wages for the directly employed people for the financial year 2007/08 is in the region of £10,155,000.00 Therefore around £8,420,000.00 wages to people who live in Barnsley, who are likely to spend a significant amount of their disposable income in Council Tax, Council House rent, in local shops etc. Sub-Contractors Construction Services spends approximately £3 million per year with subcontractors. Agency Labour Throughout 2007/08 Construction Services employed an average of 6 temporary workers through labour agencies. The majority of these reside within the Borough although it is our intention to keep agency labour at as low a level as practically possible. Suppliers The budget for materials in 2008/09 is approximately £5.7 million. Service Level Agreements Construction Services currently pays approximately £400,000 to support services from Barnsley Council. These include Audit, Supplier Payments, SAP Control, Payroll, Employment Administration, ICT and Contracts & Procurement. These services are all provided through a series of Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) in conjunction with the other divisions of Berneslai Homes and are regularly reviewed in order to demonstrate value for money (VFM). - 12 - 3. SERVICE ANALYSIS There are a number of issues that will impact on future service delivery and in order to plan for these events, we have carried out a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) and PEST (Political, Economic, Socio -cultural and Technological) analysis. We have also undergone a Risk Management exercise that will be included in the plan. The strategies and action plans to develop improvements are linked to Performance Indicators, Best Value Reviews, Satisfaction Surveys and the outcomes of the SWOT, PEST and Risk Analysis. 3.1 Swot Analysis Strengths • All front-line staff are apprentice trained. • Loyal, dedicated established experienced workforce. • Excellent local knowledge. • Good relationship with tenants. • Clear indications of the available budgets/workload. • Management structure developed to increase capacity and capability to actively seek external work to counter act the reduction in internal workload caused by the completion of the Decent Homes Programme. • Working closely in Partnership with the Private Sector and sharing good practice. • Active member of APSE (Association for Public Sector Excellence) • Active member of the Yorkshire and Humberside DLO Managers forum. • Comprehensive system for tracking customer satisfaction and hi-lighting required improvements. • Commitment to introducing up to date technology • Recognition of need for the organisation to diversify. • Sustained Improvements made in the last two years. • Ability to adapt and change as demonstrated by the introduction of mobile technology. - 13 - Weaknesses • Construction Services brand needs to be more clearly recognised and marketed. • Employees reluctant to change. Some support services provided from internal Council Departmentswhere it may be difficult to demonstrate value for money. ● Difficulty in recruitment to some senior positions. Opportunities • Decent Homes Programme throughout Yorkshire. • Opportunity to expand the business in areas where there is a shortage of market supply. • Flexibility to trade and to provide additional services to tenants and Barnsley residents. • Potential additional funding for top performing ALMO’s. • The review of support services in line with Best Value principles gives opportunity to clarify service standards, costs and ensure that we achieve value for money. • Potential wider partnership working with Berneslai Homes existing established partners. Threats Outcome of Job Evaluation process in terms of recruitment, retention and morale still to be fully analysed. Failure to continually improve performance • Failure to ensure value for money through SLA’s (Service Level Agreements). • Unable to retain and recruit qualified Craft Workers due to buoyant Construction Industry Economy. • Reduction in the HRA (Housing Revenue Account) due to right to buys. • Staff fear of change. • Inflationary pressures on budgets. ● Housing Stock Maintenance Review. - 14 - 3.2 PEST Analysis Political/Legal Change in national Government Change in political control of Council Changes to capital and revenue funding arrangements including payment of grant v subsidy and access to Social Housing Grant Changes to the Decent Homes Standard Regional Housing Boards and subregional priorities Changes in regulatory requirements Freedoms and flexibilities for ALMOs Economic Inflation / interest rates Ability to diversify Building cost inflation due to overheating of regional economy Socio-cultural Demographic changes leading to shifts in demand for location and types of property Crime, Anti-social behaviour Technological Levels of expertise in ICT Health and disability Customer Expectations Migration of workers Rising house prices Regeneration of Town Centre East / West of Borough economic divide Lack of skilled, trained labour Poverty and deprivation Unemployment Rising House prices. Barnsley Connects including call centre Implementing e-Government Mobile ICT/home working Vehicle tracking. 3.3 Key Actions 2007 / 2008 The previous Business Plan set out Key Actions for 2007/2008 and a number of these items have been successfully implemented. This includes: ● Obtaining CORGI Certification. ● Moving to a single depot. ● Full implementation of the SAP computer system, including new mobile technology and vehicle tracking into Construction Services vehicles. Obtaining CORGI Certification demonstrates to our stakeholders and potential future customers that we have a comprehensive management system in place that ensures that we operate in a safe, professional, efficient and effective manner. The move to a single depot in November 2007 meant that we could identify duplication, reduce ongoing depot costs and change the way that work is allocated from the Service Control Unit and how stores is provided now and in the future. - 15 - Full implementation of the SAP computer system included the roll out of mobile technology to which substantially reduced the amount of paperwork being completed and passed around the system. This equates to a reduction of 65,000 timesheets in any one year. Mobile technology also included the installation of vehicle tracking to over 85% of our vehicles. The vehicle tracking enables the Service Control Unit to identify which resource is best placed to deliver the most effective solution and it also means that work can be allocated in geographical areas thus reducing time and cost in travelling. This will lead to a reduction in the use of fuel as well as less wear and tear on the vehicles and it will also contribute to a greener Barnsley. 3.4 Key Actions 2008 / 2009 Review materials supply arrangements. Develop new business and services. Prepare and implement changes in the HSM payment mechanism from April 2008. Participate in the review of the HSM arrangement. Prepare and implement an action plan for continuous improvement Communicate the actions plan to staff. Communicate the actions plan to customers. Develop benchmarking with APSE and PSNET. Enhance Quality Assurance standards for the UPVC Manufacturing Unit. Review the pay and productivity scheme to craft workers. Develop Operation Manuals that will document all systems and procedures. Implement Appraisal System for all staff linked to Key Performance Indicators. To develop partnerships for the manufacturing unit with other local authorities/providers. Develop the partnering culture throughout Construction Services. Introduce Best Practice for the existing partnering arrangement. Contribute to the company achievement of IIP (Investors in People). Develop a strategy for expanding and diversifying the Services Section. - 16 - 3.5 Performance Management Performance management is central in ensuring the delivery of key business and service priorities. A comprehensive and robust performance management framework is in operation. The following targets for future years have not yet been agreed with the Council. There are also a number of other indicators that require agreement. This page will be amended once the targets have been finalised. Objectives and Targets Service Delivery Objective and Performance Indicator Average Job Cost Average Void Cost 24 Hr Emergency 3 Days 7 Days 25 Days Void turnaround time Appointments made & kept Time for non-urgent work Current Performance 3rd Quarter 2007/2008 £93.86 £579.79 97.44% 97.24% 97.13% 93.38% 19.27 days 88.49% Target Target Target 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 £80.46 £750.00 99.50% 98.00% 98.00% 98.00% 11 days 97.00% £76.44 £713.00 99.50% 98.00% 98.00% 98.00% 11 days 97.00% £72.62 £677.00 99.50% 98.00% 98.00% 98.00% 11 days 97.00% 13.38days 10 days 10 days 10 days Personnel Objective and Performance Indicator % Employees receiving annual appraisal Staff turnover –Annual rate as a% of full time equivalents BME staff as a % of total workforce Number of women craftworkers employed Percentage of women in top 5% of earners % of workforce who are multiskilled The number of working days per FTE lost due to sickness absence % of staff defining under the DDA definition of disability Trainee Intake Current Target Target Target Performance 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 77.40% 100% 100% 100% No. of training days per employee 8.60% 5% 4% 2% 0.31% 1% 1% 1% 2 5 7 9 0 0 0 1 35% 55% 75% 85% 18.84 13 days 12 days 11 days 1.23% 2% 2.5% 3.0% 5 5 8 10 4.3 days 5 5 5 4. RISK MANAGEMENT Risk Management is the process of identification, analysis and control of those risks that can impact on the organisations ability to deliver its priorities and objectives. It is not only about protecting the health, safety and welfare of Construction Services staff and customers, it is also about the protection of our reputation in ensuring that we meet the service objectives that have been set. The purpose of risk management is not to remove all risk but to ensure that risks are identified and their potential to cause loss is understood and quantified. Based on this information, action can be taken to direct appropriate levels of resource at controlling risk and minimising any potential loss. The risk register and the management plan identifies the risk owner, the method of control and timescales for action. Target residual risks were then scored before the register was discussed with operational managers and then all employees via the team briefing process. The involvement of staff at all levels in understanding and controlling of risk is fundamental to our approach. Risk Management in Construction Services is an integral part of Risk Management in Berneslai Homes. The Board and the Chief Executive have overall responsibility for the implementation of the risk management strategy and they are supported by a risk management champion within the Senior Management Team and a risk management panel. The internal audit team, as part of their agreed programme of work, will assess the performance of Berneslai Homes. The main risks are identified on the Risk Analysis Sheet that is a working document and used as a Performance Management tool. (see Appendix 2). - 18 - 5 .DELIVERING EXCELLENCE IN CONSTRUCTION The level of performance and targets for future years are included later on in the Performance Management Section. The development of the Service Control Unit has assisted in the improved performance of the organisation. The Control Unit issue all of the work to the front line staff, including setting up of appointments, through the mobile technology. The section also has access to the vehicle tracking system and this allows the best use of resources and increases efficiencies. 5.1 Responsive Repairs Construction Services have made significant improvements since they were transferred to the ALMO in March 2005. There is still a need to improve in all areas and Construction Services have completed the second Management Restructure to ensure roles and responsibilities are clear. The restructure will form a strong foundation to target further improvements for the future. 5.2 Planned Maintenance and Servicing The Key Performance Indicators for Planned Maintenance and Servicing demonstrate a high level of Customer Satisfaction and work completed within timescale. The introduction of a new working practices and better use of technology has meant that performance on Gas Servicing has reached upper quartile. Gas Servicing for other RSL’s and Housing Associations as well as for private homeowners is an area that we will look to develop from 2009 onwards. The new Construction Services Business and Development Manager will be carrying research into this area during 2008. 5.4 Decent Homes Construction Services are now delivering two thirds of the Decent Homes Programme from 2008to 2010. We will continue to extend the skills that we have on Decent Homes type work and refurbishments and we intend to market these skills and continue to grow in this area over the next four years until the Decent Homes Programme is complete in Yorkshire. - 19 - 5.5 Manufacturing (PVCu & Joinery) The window factory (Award Windows)have a known workload on Decent Homes replacements for the next two years. The aim in the next twelve months is to assess the long term future of the unit and develop a strategy for the diversification or closure of the factory. The immediate objective is to increase the share of the market for Award Windows but also to market and develop the Joiners Shop. The shop is a first class facility but again it is under utilised. There is market in the industry for bespoke joinery and this is another area that can be developed by the Manufacturing Manager and the Construction Services Business and Development Manager. 5.6 Quality Initiatives If the organisation is to continue to improve the service to existing customers and look to expand the client base it is vital that we demonstrate that we are focussed on providing quality services. Construction Services already have accreditation in the Services areas and the intention is to develop quality across all disciplines of the Business. Investors in People Construction Services will be an integral part of Berneslai Homes bid to retain IIP in 2008. NICEIC Registration The Electrical Services Section is already NICEIC registered (National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting). CORGI The Gas Services Section is now CORGI (Confederation for the Registration of Gas Installers) Certified. This is over and above the normal registration to CORGI and Certification helps businesses who employ suppliers to identify those that have had their operations, procedures and work assessed against industry standards. We work extremely closely with CORGI on mentoring and training of our Gas Service Engineers. CITB Supervisors employed in all areas will receive CITB (Construction Industry Training Board) Training in Supervisory Competency. CSCS The aim over the next three years is to register all employees within Construction Services for CSCS cards (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) - 20 - Considerate Contractor Construction Services are registered as a considerate contractor and we have been nominated for an award following the successful completion of a Decent Homes Scheme in Worsborough during 2007. - 21 - 6. Procurement of Other goods and services Support services Construction Services procures it support services in line with Best Value principles. An ongoing programme of reviews is undertaken to ensure support services continue to meet the needs and requirements of Construction Services and provide Value for Money. This process can demonstrate a number of positive outcomes over the last 12 months including: The decision to set up an In-house Human Resources team from April 2008 to ensure that the service is focused on the delivery of our Human Resources Strategy. The negotiation of a value for money 2 year SLA with BMBC for the provision of a Health & Safety, Emergency Resilience, Fire Safety and Occupational Health Service for Berneslai Homes. The establishment of a dedicated ICT helpdesk for Berneslai Homes staff Insurance training for staff to reduce future risks and manage claims against us more successfully thereby reducing future insurance costs. The agreement to arrange fitting of tracker units on all Berneslai Homes vans to improve staff safety. Service Level Agreements are set for periods of between one and three years depending upon the outcome of that particular review. This has determined the review timetable for 2008/09. Evidence files are produced and maintained for each SLA Review. The achievement of improvements is monitored through performance meetings. The review timetable for 2008/09 is set out below: Support Service Lead Officer Fleet Commercial Manager Management/Transport Internal Audit Director of Finance Review end Date 30th October 2008 Stores Building Cleaning (Carlton Depot) 31st March 2009 31st March 2009 Procurement Manager Procurement Manager - 22 - 31st August 2008 7. FINANCIAL PLAN Overview At its current capacity Construction Services can deliver a turnover of around £25M per annum. The present strategy is to maintain the organisation at its current size in terms of management and permanent workforce. This will require external work to be achieved to offset the projected shortfall between the estimated future capacity of the organisation and the projected funding available for work to Council dwellings. Shortfalls in workload are anticipated from 2008/09 (£1.4M) increasing to £8.3M by the end of the planning period (2010/11). This generates a risk to the Company if external work cannot be secured. On the other hand, if profitable external work can be secured it provides the opportunity to make surpluses which can be reinvested in business efficiency and services to tenants. The Construction Services Manager will continue to monitor the position on an ongoing basis and seek approval to amend the strategy, if necessary, to mitigate the risk. The Construction Services Manager will also develop an action plan setting out the proposed approach to securing external work. An alternative strategy would be to manage a reduction in Construction Services matching the resources available within the organisation to the projected future workload. This is not proposed as the Director of Assets, Regeneration and Construction and the Construction Services are confident that under current market conditions profitable external work can be secured. Reducing the size of the business would have the risk that economies of scale would be lost. A profit target of between 1% and 4% has been set within the Berneslai Homes 2008/09 Delivery Plan. Any surplus generated will be available for reinvestment in services to tenants, modernising the business or taking forward the new build agenda. - 23 – Financial Projections 2008/9 £’000 2009/10 £’000 2010/11 £’000 Workload Available 1 Revenue Repairs & Maintenance 9,574 9,180 9,402 2 Capital Programme 14,001 12,543 9,568 Total Workload 23,575 21,723 18,971 Workload Requirement 25,000 26,125 27,301 Shortfall -1,425 -4,402 -8,330 3 Assumptions Workload Requirement (line ref 3.) The starting point is the current capacity of Construction Services to deliver a turnover of £25M at 2008/09 prices. Inflationary increase in costs Costs have been projected forward taking into account inflation at 4.5% Workload Available Revenue Repairs (line ref. 1) The total revenue repairs budget available is based upon the latest HRA Financial Projections. Construction Services share is based upon the estimated split in 2008/09. Capital Plan (line ref. 2) In 2008/09 & 2009/10 the assumed capital workload is based upon the approved 2008/10 Capital Programme. In later years the assumed capital workload is based upon current estimates of resources available. - 24 – Shortfall (line ref. 3) To work at capacity in 2008/09 a workload of £25M is required. Current identified workload is £23.6M leaving a shortfall of £1.4M which it is proposed to bridge by securing external work. This shortfall increases to £8M over the planning period. Balance of Trades The level of work available is only considered at a global level within the financial plan. Trends in workload over trades and the action required to match the workforce with the type of work anticipated to be available is considered in the Human Resources Plan. - 25 - 8 IT STRATEGY Construction Services, as part of Berneslai Homes uses Barnsley Council’s IT systems, networks and equipment through a service level agreement. There has been significant changes to the Technology recently with the implementation of the Council’s new integrated system SAP and the introduction of Promobile (SAP2). Promobile includes the introduction of hand held technology to the front line staff has substantially reduced the need for manual paperwork as Timesheet entries, job orders, job scheduling and job completions are now entered straight onto the system through the hand held device. This has allowed greater flexibility for working straight from home and reduce journey times and abortive visits. This has reduced the need for three data input clerks, improved the level of appointments that have been offered and kept and also improved the level of performance with respect to gaining access for carrying out annual Gas Services, (access level now exceeding 98%, at times over 99%). Vehicle tracking devices ere fitted to 85.5% of vehicles by the end of 2007 and this has allowed the Service Control Unit the facility to make best use of resources and allow the scheduling of work to be more effective and efficient. The workforce have work allocated to them in the area where they live, where possible, and this reduces travel times and cost as well as reducing emissions from the fleet. It also has the added benefit of reducing wear and tear and maintenance costs of vehicles. These benefits will be monitored over the next twelve months. The remaining 14.5% of vehicles will be fitted with tracking devices during the next eighteen months. Many of the system and service improvements including efficiency improvements, which are detailed in this plan, are reliant upon the Council’s successful delivery of ICT through the SLA. Legislative Requirements Construction Services follow the Berneslai Homes Strategy of developing our approach to ICT to ensure that we work with the Council in meeting the targets set by the Government through Implementing e-Government (IEG) as well as the requirements concerning the management of information contained within the Freedom of Information and Data Protection Acts. Technological Developments We will take into account the availability of new hardware, software and IT services on the market and introduce a planned approach to the upgrade of hardware and software in order to avoid obsolescence and ensure that the IT we use is compatible with the systems of our partners. It will be important to continue to look at future developments within the SAP Computer System to increase effectiveness and there is a necessity for investment in all IT systems as new technology becomes available. - 26 - The further development of the website will allow customers access to our structure and give detailed information on the services that we provide. During 2007 we have made resources available to procure and introduce an Enterprise Content Management System that will provide electronic post and the facility to store and manage electronic files and records. Business processes will be reengineered in order to maximise the opportunities for the introduction of up to date working practices and will lead to efficiencies in back office functions as well as improving customer services. - 27 - 9. COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING 9.1 Communication Construction Services are committed to involving all stakeholders in shaping future service delivery and good communications are essential in an organisation of this size. The Core Brief is used to disseminate corporate information to front line staff but Management have a remit to ensure that there is two way communication at all levels. Each section of the organisation has operational team meetings that have a common agenda. Important issues including Health and Safety, Briefings and Performance Monitoring are discussed and individuals are given responsibility for Action Points. Staff attending meetings are encouraged to air their views and bring forward ideas for improving the service. Front line staff participate in “Tool Box Talks” and although this increases non-productive time it is an essential method of involving everyone within the organisation. Construction Services are now an integral part of Berneslai Homes and all members of staff are invited to the annual staff conference. 9.2 Marketing The recent restructure of Construction Services included the new post of Business and Development Manager. This post was filled on 1st March 2008 and the post holder will be responsible for developing a Marketing Initiatives in order to: a) ensure that the current and future needs of customer and other stakeholders are fully understood and that the services provided reflect these requirements. b) maximise the opportunity to trade that will assist in making the organisation more effective and efficient. Proposed actions to promote these activities are: Set a target for new business. Designated responsibility Development Manager. Carry out an annual consultation exercise with stakeholders to obtain feedback on the services provided. Regularly updating details of services available and inform existing and potential customers of development. Staff training and development to ensure the skills available match the changing needs of customers. Develop Partnerships with the private sector to maximise market resources. - 28 – for Marketing to the Business and Involvement in the activities of trade and professional bodies to ensure up-to-date knowledge of developments. Monitor complaints and compliments and take necessary actions. Formal Customer Care Training for all staff. Formal Diversity Training for all staff. Benchmarking with other similar service providers and sharing best practices with partners etc. - 29 - POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Potential Customer Assessment Assessment of Implications for of Work Sustainability Admin & Support Volume R & M to Existing RSL’s Decent Homes work In Neighbouring Authorities R & M in Neighbouring Authorities & ALMO,s Assessment of Viability Risk Rating Medium Potentially Large Long Term Short to Medium Term Medium/High High Medium Medium Low Low Very Large Regionally High Medium Low High/Very High High R & M Service to Council Employees Large Longer Term Maintenance Possibilities Long Term Gas Servicing to Council Employees R & M Service to Ex Local Authority Homes/Private Owners Gas Servicing to Ex Local Authority Homes Social Services “Vulnerable” people Local Authority Partners Through PPP Large Long Term High Medium High unless deducted through wages High Large Long Term High Medium High Large Long Term High Medium High Small Long Term Low Medium Low Large in Short Term Medium in Long Term Construction Short Term Maintenance Long Term High, could be reduced dependant on type of contract i.e. Insurance Medium Medium/High Attractiveness And Comments Already experienced successful deliverer of Decent Homes Work. Already experienced improving service deliverer Requires ability to trade. Potential impact on structures Would need an insurance partner. Requires ability to trade. Potential impact on structures Would need an insurance partner. Requires research to ascertain size market Dependant on Private Partners involved. Potential Customer Neighbouring Authorities Public Building Maintenance Health Authority Police Authority Fire Authority Water Authority Diocese Assessment of Work Volume Assessment of Sustainability Implications for Admin & Support Assessment of Viability Risk Rating Attractiveness And Comments Medium/Large Long Term High Low High Potentially High Potentially High Potentially High Potentially High Medium Long Term High Medium Low Some Public Building Work is specialist and could increase risk. Some Local Authorities have lost DLO capacity Requires Research Long Term High Medium Low Requires Research Long Term High Medium Low Requires Research Long Term High Medium Low Requires Research Long Term High Medium Low Requires Research - 31 – 10. ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCES STRATEGY Construction Services recognises that the organisation must continue to improve performance and attract new business if it is to develop successfully. Over the past two years there have been a number of major operational and cultural changes especially with the introduction of hand held technology and the development of scheduling. Construction Services currently employ staff, the majority being apprentice served trades personnel who provide front line services to our customers. We undertake an annual recruitment drive for apprentices based on the identified business needs. Construction Services also work closely with schools and training agencies. In the school year 2006/07 over 70 works experience placements were accepted by Construction Services as well as 4 vocational placements. Construction Services also assist schools with career panels and training events. We have proactively been working with schools and colleges in an attempt to attract more females into the industry as it is recognised that they are grossly under represented nationally. The company also offers placements to training agencies whose adult learners require on the job experience and learning opportunities. Our window factory is working in partnership with Moreland Plastics in an attempt to provide placements for people who are disabled. This has meant that adjustments have been made in the factory to ensure that it is compliant under the Disability Discrimination Act. The structure of Construction Services has been reviewed and changes made following the transfer from Barnsley Council, however if the organisation is to develop into a dynamic deliverer of front line services then change will be an ongoing process. When the Construction Industry is enjoying a high level of activity the retention and recruitment of staff becomes difficult. Market forces have an effect on the levels of wages offered by the Private Sector and whilst the terms and condition of our employees are often superior to some other workers in the industry it is recognised that are levels of pay are often low in comparison. It is vital that the human resource policies and procedures must effectively support staff if our aims and objectives are to be translated into improved services to our customers. Communication has been a weakness of the organisation and this is an area that we will be concentrating on improving during 2008. Berneslai Homes have a member of staff dedicated to Investors in People and Construction Services are committed to achieving the standard. Construction Services staff will be involved in staff induction and Personal Development Reviews as well as attending regular “toolbox talks”: - 32 – Induction Process covering Organisational ‘welcome pack’ for new employees Managers check list of actions to prepare the environment for new starters Bi-monthly presentations to new starters by the Senior Management Team Personal Development Reviews covering Review of job description against activities undertaken Mutual review of performance Setting of individual objectives in line with organisational and team goals Identification of training and development required, enabling individuals to deliver a constantly improving service Better communication and understanding between supervisors, teams and individuals Toolbox Talks • Distribution of Core Team Brief • Update on staffing matters and performance • Communication in relation to changes of policies, procedures and legislation • Opportunity for feedback from the frontline. The priority for training in 2008/09 continues to be Apprentice Training, Health and Safety and Development of the Management Team. Management Development The Management Training will build on the basic training completed in 2007/08 but will be tailored to the needs of the business and it will be linked to the core competencies required for Berneslai Homes to meet their objectives. There is a need for the development of Supervisors and Managers throughout Construction Services in order to ensure we are providing an efficient effective service and we have the capabilities to develop and change to the market trends. The development over the twelve months will concentrate on change management, performance management, managing budgets and motivational skills. Training during that period will include: Equality and Diversity Motivation to succeed Dynamic communication Managing change Solving problems Positively resolving conflict Getting the job done Building a winning team Financial Awareness Training Managers and supervisors will be encouraged to study for professional management qualifications, subject to availability of funding and maintaining service delivery - 33 - Health and safety Training Health and safety training will include bringing all of our Electricians up to date with the latest regulations. The new 17th Edition Electrical Regulations came into force in January 2008 and is obligatory to have training completed by July 2008. Other Health and Safety training will include Asbestos Awareness. It is essential that operatives who are carrying out repairs, maintenance and refurbishment work can identify asbestos and avoid disturbing it or report its location in order to have specialists carry out safe removal. First Aid, Manual Handling, Needle stick and IOSH Health and Safety training will all be programmed for 2008/09. There will be a continuing need to carry out Mobile Technology training as the equipment is updated and becomes more sophisticated. This wll be carried out in-house as and when required. We will continue to work closely with Boiler Manufacturers who will carry out coaching and training when new boilers are introduced or when modifications to existing appliances are made. In 2008/09 Construction Services will be developing a strategy for introducing Multi-Skilling to the front line workforce. The strategy will identified the training needs and the costs will be built into future budgets. Flexible Working Flexible working gives us the opportunity to radically alter the way in which we deliver our services, responding more quickly to customer demand and expectations while offering employees greater opportunities to achieve a work life balance. Our Craft Workers currently have different terms and conditions of contract to the rest of the staff as these are negotiated collectively on a national basis. We will be working with the Trade Unions over the next twelve months in an attempt to introduce a local agreement that will bring the terms and conditions closer in line across the organisation. Pay and Productivity Management will continue to work with the Trade Unions to ensure that customer service and value for money are top priorities for the organisation. The Craft Workers are currently being paid on an incentive scheme that is under review. The aim is to introduce a new scheme that will drive efficiencies within the business, provide an incentive for individuals, will possibly link payment to the company performance and will not be open to equal pay claims. - 34 - 10.1 Human Resource Plan including Retirements, Apprentices and Natural Turnover Trade 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Senior Management Team Operational Management, Supervision & Support Service Control Unit Purchasing, Contracts & Store Commercial Support Award Window Management & Support Joiner Plasterer Bricklayer Plumber Electrician Gas Service/Heating Eng Solid Fuel Service Roofer Painter Driver/Labourer Upvc Factory Window Fixers Other Trainees 5 21 5 21 5 21 12 13 16 6 51 21 30 24 13 23 2 11 9 14 9 10 2 32 12 13 16 6 52 20 28 24 16 35 2 9 8 18 9 10 1 23 12 13 16 6 53 19 26 24 19 37 2 6 8 18 9 10 1 23 Total 324 328 328 The majority of trainees completing their training by 2009/10 are Gas Service/Heating Engineers. This, along with our intention to recruit in this area, accounts for the increase of 12 staff in this discipline. - 35 - 11. ASPIRATIONS Diversification into Refurbishment Works for other Public sector Bodies. Construction Services main strength lies in carrying out repairs and maintenance and also refurbishment and adaptations. Whilst we have an aspiration to move into the “new build” market we are already set up and able to deliver repairs and refurbishment work. The new Business and Development Manager will look into making contact with public sector providers, such as the Health Service and the Police and Fire Authority and we will proactively seek tenders in the local area. Construction of new Social Housing If Berneslai Homes are ever in the position that funding becomes available for the building of new homes then Construction Services have the expertise and the skills to assist in the process. Construction Services are also in a position to tender for new build works that the Housing Associations may carry out. Resources are also available to provide the complete Design and Build package if that was required. This is an aspiration but we are also realistic about our ability to compete with national developers who will be at the forefront of providing this type of service. We would look to forge partnerships with developers wherever possible. - 36 - BERNESLAI HOMES – ASSETT MANAGEMENT, REGENERATION AND CONSTRUCTION APPENDIX 1 SERVICE BUSINESS PLAN 2008/09 – CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Strategic Objective 1 Performance Target : To deliver excellent Customer Services : Task Increase performance so that it falls between the Min and Max target on all the 15 Incentivised Headline KPI’s in the HSM arrangement. Improve publicity, branding and communication with customers Lead Officer Completion Date G. Williams / R. Ward March 09 / A. Davies Increase performance towards the targets set for non incentivised KPI’s G. Williams / R. Ward March 09 / A. Davies G. Williams. Sept 09 - 37 - Milestones In target zone for each quarterly performance report in 08/09 New publicity, and service branding complete. Status To commence. Improvement in performance in these areas To commence. Commenced. BERNESLAI HOMES – ASSETT MANAGEMENT, REGENERATION AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICE BUSINESS PLAN 2008/09 – CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Strategic Objective 2 accessible to all. Performance Target : To continue to deliver sustainable communities which are safe, healthy and attractive neighbourhoods which are : Task Improve re-cycling and waste management including the development of targets and benchmarks. Lead Officer G. Williams. Completion Date 08/09 - 38 - Milestones Plan produced, targets and benchmarks set May 08 Movement to target May 08 to March 09 Status Commenced. BERNESLAI HOMES – ASSETT MANAGEMENT, REGENERATION AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICE BUSINESS PLAN 2008/09 – CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Strategic Objective 3 Performance Target : To actively contribute to and influence partnership working within Barnsley. : Task Operate fully within the Housing Stock Maintenance Partnership Performance Payment Mechanism. Increase Partnership working on Decent Homes. Lead Officer G. Williams / A. Davies Completion Date March 08 Milestones Operational G. Williams 08/09 Increase procurement from procurement partnerships and frameworks e.g. South Yorkshire Decent Homes Partnership, Procurement for Housing or YPO, where it will generate efficiency. Increase public / private partnership working with Inspace within the HSM Partnership. A. Davies 08/09 Partnerships in Commenced. place and business secured Increased efficiency Commenced. G. Williams 08/09 - 39 - Status Commenced. Increased efficiency Commenced within the arrangement BERNESLAI HOMES – ASSETT MANAGEMENT, REGENERATION AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICE BUSINESS PLAN 2008/09 – CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Strategic Objective 4 Performance Target : To be a successful well managed company : Task Contribute to the HSM review and retender process. Lead Officer S. Davis / G. Williams. Completion Date Sept 08 Carry out review of and implement new Performance Related Pay scheme and conditions of service. New scheme to be linked to organisational performance, workforce flexibility and the encouragement of multi-skilling. Gary Williams / A. Davies. Oct 08 Review and develop the Supply Chain, including stores, sub contractor partnerships and supplies procurement including transport. G. Williams / A Davies 08/09 Milestones Review completed and approved tender methodology and documents prepared, tender process started. First draft of document setting out methodology March 08. Consultation March to June 08. Implementation August 08. Review complete with recommendations to board. May 08. Implementation thereafter. Status To commence. To commence. To commence. Embed the current changes to the structure. G. Williams 08/09 Product Diversification – Window Factory. M. Ducker 08/09 Update Construction Services Three Year Business Plan including Financial Targets G. Williams March 08 Develop new business in line with 2006 / 10 Business Plan and its update. Improve workforce diversity. G. Williams / 08/09 G. Williams 08/09 Achieve a surplus of between 1 and 4% G. Williams / A. Davies 08/09 - 41 - Improved business performance and staff satisfaction 08 09 year. Identification of Markets, Business Plan and Implementation. June 08. Present to board Meet new financial income targets for 08/09 New business in 08/09 Establish strategy as part of New Business plan. Move towards Berneslai Homes workforce diversity targets. Commenced. Out turn in 08/09 To commence. Commenced To commence To commence To commence