Tues Feb 21 Daily Edit Language Arts 1st root words Latin for good

Tues Feb 21
Daily Edit
Language Arts
root words
Latin for good---‘bene’
ex: The benefit raised over $1 million for the school.
Use a root word with ‘bene’ correctly in a sentence you create (benefit, beneficial, benevolent).
reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
You have to admire the honesty of a company who’s slogan is “Just About the Best.”
a. No change
b. whose
c. that’s
d. that the
reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
Glory Foods’ president, and founder Bill Williams, explains the unusual slogan by admitting that while he knows that his
foods can’t beat the taste of real home cooking, they do come very close.
a. No change
c. president, and founder Bill Williams
b. president and founder Bill Williams
d. president and founder, Bill Williams,
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
Glory Foods’ president and founder, Bill Williams, explains the unusual slogan by admitting that while he knows that his
foods can’t beat the taste of real home cooking, it does come very close.
a. No change
b. it has
c. they do
d. and that they
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
Even as a child, Williams loved to prepare food, and as a young adult, he refined his cooking skills at the prestigiously
acclaimed Culinary Institute of America.
a. No change
c. his skill in cooking was refined
b. his cooking skills were refined
d. the refinement of his cooking skills occurred
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
Even as a child, Williams loved to prepare food, and as a young adult, he refined his cooking skills at the prestigiously
acclaimed Culinary Institute of America.
Root words
Select the correct root word for the following sentence:
She felt it was very ___________________ for the parents to read with the elementary children.
a. benefactor
b. benefit
c. beneficial
d. benefitting
Answers for Tues Feb 21st
1st period
different options—benefit, beneficial, benefactor, benevolent
2nd period
the correct answer is B—whose; A does not work--who’s is not right—means who is; other 2 that’s and
that the answers do not fit best in the sentence context.
3rd period
correct answer is D---commas placed around his name, Bill Williams, set him aside from the two titles of
president and founder;
4th period
correct answer is C—they do; earlier in the sentence, the subject is ‘foods’---so ‘they’ is the correct
pronoun that matches the plural subject, with a plural pronoun, to have subject/pronoun agreement
5th period
correct answer is A—no change; the sentence is written in past tense, telling what Williams did;
6th period
correct answer is D—prestigious is the best, most concise way to describe the Institute; B is too wordy; C
luscious is not what you’d use to describe a culinary school; A is redundant to have both words prestigious and
acclaimed to describe it
7th period
correct answer is c—beneficial
Wed Feb 22nd
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
In 1989, he came up with his idea for a line of Southern-inspired cuisine, a time when there were no convenience foods
designed for African American consumers. Over the next three years, he developed a line of products that included
canned greens, sweet potatoes, beans, and okra, as well as bottled hot sauce and cornbread mixes.
a. No change
b. He came up with his idea for a line of Southern-inspired cuisine in 1989,
He came up in 1989, with his idea for a line of Southern-inspired cuisine
d. The idea came to him in 1989, that a line of Southern-inspired cuisine should be marketed,
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
Eventually, Williams was ready to launch his products in grocery stores. Initially, Glory Foods were first offered for sale in
Ohio in 1992 and soon became available in neighboring states. Within a year, sales were twice the original projections.
a. No change
c. They were originally
b. Glory Foods were
d. At the outset, the earliest Glory Foods were
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
The company’s African American focus is evident in all aspects of Glory Foods. The firm’s headquarters are located in the
same black neighborhood where Williams grew up, and the company helps to support several local community projects.
The firm also employs African American professional advisers and subcontractors whenever possible and contracts
African American farmers to grow much of the produce that goes into Glory Foods.
a. No change
b. professional, advisers,
c. professional advisers,
d. professional advisers;
Root words
Latin word for lead
examples—to conduct, to deduct, induction; product;
Use a word with the ‘duct’ root in it correctly in a sentence you create.
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
The company’s name reflects this African American focus as well. Glory is meant to evoke both the exultant spirit of
gospel churches and the movie during the Civil War of the same name, which tells the story of a black regiment.
a. No change
b. at evoking
c. in evoking of
d. OMIT the underlined portion
Root words
Which Latin root with ‘duct’ would correctly fill in the blank in the following sentence?
The company needs to cut its payroll; there will be a ___________ in numbers of employees.
a. reduction
b. conduction
c. production
d. reducing
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
The company’s name reflects this African American focus as well. Glory is meant to evoke both the exultant spirit of
gospel churches and the movie during the Civil War of the same name, which tells the story of a black regiment.
The best placement for the underlined portion would be:
a. where it is now
b. after the word name (but before the comma)
c. after the word story
d. after the word regiment (ending the sentence with a period).
Wed Feb 22nd Answers
B is correct choice; it puts the sentence into active voice, not passive voice (D is passive and A—no change is
passive); B is also more concise than C;
B is the correct choice to avoid repetition and redundancy---to say ‘initially’ and have ‘first’ in the same sentence
is redundant, so A is out; C has originally and first in the same sentence, meaning the same; and D has ‘at the outset’
which also means ‘first’
A no change is the correct answers---no commas or semicolons are needed in that part of the sentence
answers will vary---conduct, induct, product, reduction, deduction-- all ‘duct’ root words
A—no change, to evoke is correct; at evoking and in evoking of are incorrect, and to omit—or take out—the
phrase would not make sense
A—reduction is the word that correctly fits the meaning of the sentence
D is the correct answer---if would be best at the very end of the sentence for the most emphasis;
Thurs Feb 23rd
root words
Latin meaning bend—flec
examples: reflect, inflection, deflect, reflection
Write a sentence using one of the ‘flec’ root words correctly.
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
There was always one big difference between my twin brother and I.
a. no change
b. and me.
C. and me were.
d. and I had.
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
He was good at subjects such as English and history, while I was better at math and science. We were always thoughtful;
he would be a professor and I would be a doctor. Because of this, I never felt particularly competitive with him and was
unconcerned when we accepted offers from the same college.
a. No change
thought that
b. Thoughtful as we were,
d. Although we were thoughtful
c. I always
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
Because of this, I never felt particularly competitive with him and was unconcerned when we accepted offers from the
same college. However, once we started, we would find that things did not work out quite as I would expect.
a. No change
c. one had found
b. he found
d. I found
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
However, once we started, I found that things did not work out quite as I would expect.
a. No change
b. had expected
c. believed
d. have believed
root words
Which of the following ‘flec’ root words best fits the sentence:
The boy’s ___________________ in the mirror showed the scrapes and bruises from his fall from his skateboard the day
a. reflect
b. inflection
c. deduction
d. reflection
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
I would never believe if he hadn’t told me himself, but all of a sudden, my brother wanted to be a doctor, too. I can’t say
that I was too happy about the situation, and I told him so.
a. No change
b. of believed
c. believed
d. have believed
Answers for February 23rd
sentences will vary—check for correct use of the root word
B is correct; always choose the object pronoun (me) after a preposition (between); Choice C adds the verb
‘were’ creating an error; and choice D adds ‘had’ to the end of the sentence—not making sense either; and A—no
change, leaves it as “I” instead of the object pronoun.
C is correct ---choose the most concise choice, it makes the meaning clear; the others ‘thoughtful’ phrases, don’t
get right to the point
D is correct---the paragraph should be consistent, and the narrator is expressing his own thoughts, so ‘I found’ is
the same; the others give other perspectives, not the narrator’s.
B—the use of had with the past participle is past perfect—is necessary when something happened before
another event in the past; C’s was expecting is future, and the whole paragraph is in the past, so that’s incorrect; D—
expect—is not in any form of past tense either; and A no change leaves it in present tense, which conflicts with the rest
of the paragraph being told in past tense.
D—reflection is the correct choice
D---would never have believed is the correct phrase; B ‘of’ is not a verb—ACT tries to trick your ear by having
words that sound similar, but is incorrect; C—believed is wrong—I would never believed is grammatically incorrect; and
A-no change—is also incorrect—I would never believe…
Fri Feb 24th
Root word
Latin meaning step----“grade”
example words—gradual, downgrade, degrading
Correctly use the root word ‘grade’ in a sentence you create.
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
I wasn’t too worried because I thought that a few days of lectures on stoichiometry and the Krebs cycle would be
enough to send him running back to the English department for good. However, as the weeks passed, this did not
a. No change
b. worried, but
c. worried, although
d. worried, despite the fact that
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
I found that while we were struggling to maintain a B+ average, my brother was getting straight A’s. To make matters
worse, he seemed to be enjoying himself.
a. No change
b. he was
c. I was
d. they were
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
Determined to outdo him, I was thrown into my work. I went to the library every night, smuggling in big cups of coffee,
and stayed until closing time.
a. No change
b. threw it
c. threw myself
d. was throwing everything
Reading comprehension and editing
Read the underlined portion of the passage, then select the correct answer.
I took a summer job working in a professors chemistry lab. By the end of the summer, I decided to apply to graduate
school in chemistry instead of medical school.
A.No change
b. professor’s chemistry lab
root word
c. professors chemistry’s lab
d. professors’ chemistry lab
Select the correct root word selection to make the following sentence correct.
I don’t appreciate anyone who makes negative or _________________ comments about my school.
a. grading
b. downgrade
c. degrading
d. gradual
root word matching
Match the definitions correctly to the root word
__________ 1. Bene
a. Latin for step
__________ 2. Duct
b. Latin for bend
__________ 3. Flec
c. Latin for good
__________ 4. Grade
d. Latin for lead
Answers for Friday Feb 24th
1st period
sentences will vary
correct answer—A—no change; you choose the correct transition word to link the two ideas, the two ideas best
link together only with A
correct answer—C—the narrator is describing his own grades, so ‘I was’ is the only correct choice
correct answer—C—choose the correct form for throw and then choose the correct pronoun. Myself is correct
here because the subject and object are the same. You can also eliminate B because there is no clear original for it.
correct answer B—use process of elimination carefully with apostrophes; the lab belongs to the professor, a
singular noun, so all choices are incorrect except for B
correct word usage—C----degrading
1. Bene—c
2. Duct---d
3. Flec—b
4. Grade—a