Lesson Study: Improving Teachers’ Conceptions of Students’ Understanding in Place Value Emilie Dawson 13 Contents 1. 2 3 4 5 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Research Background.............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Purpose for Research .............................................................................................................. 1 1.2.1 Problem of Practice ......................................................................................................... 2 1.2.2 Research Questions......................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Definitions of Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 2 1.4 Report Outline......................................................................................................................... 3 Literature Review ............................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Background of Place Value...................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Base Ten Materials .................................................................................................................. 5 2.3 Lesson Study ........................................................................................................................... 7 Methodology................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1 Outline and Justification ......................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Participants ............................................................................................................................. 9 3.3 Data Collection Tools .............................................................................................................. 9 3.4 Lesson Study Stages .............................................................................................................. 11 Results ........................................................................................................................................... 12 4.1 Kylie’s Class ........................................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Miranda’s Class ..................................................................................................................... 13 4.3 Pablo’s Class .......................................................................................................................... 15 Discussion...................................................................................................................................... 17 5.1 Teacher Practice.................................................................................................................... 17 5.1.1 First Implementation .................................................................................................... 17 5.1.2 Second Implementation ................................................................................................ 18 5.1.3 Third Implementation ................................................................................................... 19 5.2 Teachers’ Conceptions of Students’ Understanding in Place Value ..................................... 19 5.3 Student Understanding of Place Value ................................................................................. 21 5.3.1 Kylie’s Class ................................................................................................................... 21 5.3.2 Miranda’s Class ............................................................................................................. 22 5.3.3 Pablo’s Class .................................................................................................................. 23 5.4 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 24 5.5 Implications ........................................................................................................................... 24 6 References .................................................................................................................................... 26 7 Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 29 ii Abstract This research examines Lesson Study and its potential to improve students’ misconceptions in place value by targeting teacher Pedagogical Content Knowledge. It aims to test whether a single, collaboratively planned lesson has the potential to improve teachers’ scaffolding practices by better understanding students’ misconceptions in place value. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected as evidence to measure improvement in students’ understanding of place value through the implementation of place value related tasks. Interviews were used to monitor teachers’ perceptions of their practice. The research highlighted that Lesson Study enhanced teachers’ conceptions of student understanding of place value, enabling them to design, implement and review lessons to implement scaffolding that resulted in improved student outcomes. It was found that Lesson study can be used to promote shared practice that, if sustained, could create a culture of powerful student intervention in the development of foundational place value concepts. 1. Introduction 1.1 Research Background The underperformance of Australian students in mathematics is marked by a decrease in the number of students achieving high results on PISA and TIMMS testing (Stephens, 2009). Student disengagement from mathematics is occurring at a younger age as a result of the development of ‘poor mathematical identities’ (Marshman, Pendergast, & Brimmer, 2011, p.500). Australian students are increasingly likely to resign from formal mathematical education in secondary school to pursue less demanding disciplines (Council of Australian Governments [COAG], 2008). The issue of disengagement resides in students’ lack of robust foundational knowledge, which is needed to assist students to transition into abstract thinking (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development [DEECD], 2012). This highlights the importance of teachers having the necessary Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) to effectively scaffold students’ understanding in Mathematics (COAG, 2008). Place value is an important foundational area of Mathematics that underpins the development of more complex skills, including addition and subtraction, decimals and multiplicative thinking (Hiebert & Wearne, 1992; Steinle & Stacey, 2004; Siemon et al., 2011). Students do not always have the place value knowledge and skills to apply learning to more abstract contexts (DEECD, 2012). 1.2 Purpose for Research The research evaluates the effectiveness of Lesson Study for improving students’ understanding of place value by strengthening the Instructional Core of teaching and learning (City, Elmore, Fiarman, & Teitel, 2009). Lesson Study is the vehicle for action research and professional learning which supports teachers to develop and refine their PCK to teach place value with improved mathematics outcomes for students. Lesson Study was selected due to its ability to provide an ongoing learning cycle to instil long term change in teachers’ practice (Goos, Dole, & Makar, 2007). 1 Action research such as Lesson Study, can develop teachers’ PCK by ‘deprivatising’ classrooms (City et al., 2009). It provides opportunities for participants to become reflective practitioners and align teacher and school goals to promote a professional culture (Sagor, 1991). 1.2.1 Problem of Practice In this research Lesson Study enables teachers to identify a problem of practice and engage in ‘systematic enquiry’ (Sagor, 1991; Thomas, 2011). The focus for the teacher problem of practice is to use questioning, through systematic enquiry, to scaffold student learning and improve assessment outcomes. Evidence is collected to monitor the progress of mathematics outcomes (Askew, Brown, Rhodes, Wiliam, & Johnson, 1997) to support the development of accountability in educational practitioners (City et al., 2009). 1.2.2 Research Questions Through the research we aim to discover whether the provision of opportunities for teachers to be involved in the Lesson Study increases mathematical understanding for both teachers and students (Sagor, 1991) by answering these key research questions: Can Lesson Study improve teachers’ conceptions of students’ understanding of place value? What changes in teachers’ classroom practice occur as a result of their engagement in the Lesson Study process? As a result of planning, implementing and reviewing three versions of a single lesson, what improvements can be identified in students’ understanding of place value? By implementing the Lesson Study, it is expected that students’ understanding of place value will improve due to teachers’ engagement in collaborative professional learning. It is also hypothesised that, as teacher pedagogy improves, students’ outcomes based on a deeper understanding of place value will improve. 1.3 Definitions of Key Terms Throughout the project there are terms used which are imperative for understanding the nature of this action research. Face Value is a term borrowed from Ross (1989), which refers to incorrectly applying knowledge to make sense of something. This term has been used to describe how students assign meaning to a digit based on its place value position, rather than understanding the connection between additive and multiplicative structures of place value. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is defined by Shulman (1987) as ‘blending of content and pedagogy” (p.8) and an understanding of multiple ways to represent information for learners. Instructional Core (City et al., 2009) refers to triangulation of teachers, students and content. They are interrelated, therefore if one element of the core changes the other two are also expected to change. 2 1.4 Report Outline This report will be broken down into sections. Firstly, a review of existing literature regarding place value and Lesson Study are discussed to provide a context for the research. The methodology is explained to describe the participants that were involved in the research, the data collection tools used, and the different stages of the Lesson Study implementation. Results of student performance are presented in tables, providing the outcomes of each lesson. Connections between student performance across different tasks are shown in the Results section. A discussion of the findings is included in this report to exemplify the links that exist between Lesson Study and the Instructional Core of the lesson. In the Discussion section, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made based on research findings. 3 2 Literature Review 2.1 Background of Place Value Place value development is dependent on an understanding of our Hindu Arabic numeration system and the structure that underpins it (Reys et al., 2012). Thomas (2004) and Siemon et al. (2011) argue that the structure of our base ten numeration system is multiplicative and is based on countable powers of ten and that this knowledge is vital for developing number sense (DEECD, 2012; Reys et al., 2012; Thomas, 2004; Thomas & Mulligan, 1999). Understanding the structure of our number system encompasses knowledge of the following characteristics; place value, and that the position of a digit represents its value (Reys et al., 2012; Ross, 1989); base ten elements, which are based on powers of ten that increase and decrease when shifted to the left or right, and are collections of ten which determine a new collection (Thomas, 2004); the use of zero to show an absence of a value or to regroup numbers and lastly, additive structures which can be written in expanded notation (Reys et al., 2012; Ross, 1989; Steinle & Stacey, 2004). The difficulty when teaching place value is that development is generally non-linear (Broadbent, 2004; Thomas & Mulligan, 1999; Thomas, 2004), and when taught beyond their cognitive capacity, students can develop misconceptions (DEECD, 2012; Siemon et al., 2011) and view place value as additive only (DEECD, 2012). These factors can potentially hinder their capacity to access mental and written computation, larger numbers and decimal fractions as specified in the AusVELS (Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority [VCAA], 2012). The AusVELS (VCAA, 2012) proposes that by the end of Year 3, students should be able to recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 10 000, and apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to 10 000 so that they can solve problems. Whilst place value is implicit in these areas, it is also applicable to mental computation for addition and subtraction, multiplicative relationships, number patterns and money (VCAA, 2012). Literature suggests that before students move onto formal representations of place value, they must have a solid understanding that whole numbers can be cardinal numbers as well as composite units; for example, exploring 7 as seven objects or as 4 and 3 (DEECD, 2012; Reys et al., 2012; Siemon et al., 2011). This can also relate number sense to collections beyond ‘ten and some more’ to highlight two digit place value patterns, for example, 10 and 4 more, which students are quite often unaware of (DEECD, 2012; Saxton & Cakir, 2006; Siemon et al., 2011). During this phase of development, students must learn to ‘trust the count’, which is imperative as they learn to recognise 2, 5 and 10 as countable units. If this skill is undeveloped it can create further misconceptions (DEECD, 2012; Siemon et al., 2011), and slow students’ transition into multi-unit counting (Fuson, 1990; Thomas, 2004). Bartolini Bussi (2011) and Saxton and Cakir (2006) suggest that by grade two, students should recognise that one unit can be equal to a collection of ten units and can be interchangeable. DEECD (2012), Kamii (1986) and Siemon et al. (2011) suggest that students can develop misconceptions around this, which can arise as a result of inadequate part-part-whole knowledge. This occurs when place value knowledge is developed, by making numbers by their place value parts, naming and recording (DEECD, 2012; Siemon et al., 2011). 4 As students’ understanding of numeration becomes more sophisticated, they can begin to split their ones system of counting into ten parts whilst keeping the first system intact to develop a ‘part-whole schema’ (Kamii, 1986; Resnick, 1983; Siemon et al., 2011). The aforementioned multi-unit concept enables students to maintain this part-part-whole schema, whereby one trusts that once regrouped, the sum of its parts equal the whole (Kamii, 1986, Resnick, 1983; Ross, 1989). A study by Kamii (1986) demonstrated a shift between the cognitive yield of year one and two students. Year one students tended to push groups of tens together to ‘restore the whole’ and were counting with one-to-one correspondence but emphasising the ten, showing a lack of trusting the count. Conversely, year two students were able to split the group simultaneously to regroup the collections into tens and ones with the intention of coming back to the tens once the ones were counted. This requires a significant cognitive shift (Thomas, 2004). Multiunit counting is imperative for understanding place value (Fuson, 1990; Thomas, 2004). The study by Kamii (1986) exemplified face value counting, whereby students recognise that a digit is in the tens column but do not assign a value of ten times as a multiple of ten (Rogers, 2012; Ross, 1989). For example, some students may recognise that the number 75 has seven in the tens place, and five in the ones place, however this does not necessarily mean that students are applying a multiplicative base ten structure. In other words, they may see the 7 in 75 as 7 objects not 70 or 70 objects not (7x10)+5 (Kamii, 1986), which would be indicative of the misconception that place value is about additive collections of ones (DEECD, 2012). This is particularly inherent when adding and subtracting by place value parts. Ross (1989) says that for students to have a solid understanding of place value they must be able to coordinate the multiple properties of place value. A common misconception related to place value centres around the way numbers are written, whereby students cannot maintain or apply knowledge of how a number is recorded if the representation changes. Ross (1989) conducted an experiment with 26 counters, asking students to group them into four, creating 6 groups with 2 left over. When asked whether the number of counters were related to the way 26 was recorded, many students said that the two were the remainders and 6 represented the number of groups. In addition, some patterns underpin place value such as ; “10 of these is one of those”, or “1000 of these is 1 of those” (p. 199). This understanding enforces the idea that trades can be made and that numbers can be composed and decomposed. This is vital knowledge that can extend into decimal form (Reys et al., 2012; Rogers, 2012; Siemon et al., 2011). Siemon et al. (2011) argues that by the end of the third year in school, students need to have an understanding of the base ten place-value pattern: “10 of these is one of those” (p. 199), so that they can later work with two digit numbers and beyond. Broadbent (2004) describe the usefulness in trading to allow students to procedurally and conceptually build understanding about the number system and these patterns. 2.2 Base Ten Materials Students are often familiar with place value models which embody base ten. Base ten materials can become so embedded in the language of place value that provision of pregrouped materials can prevent students from thinking about their meaning (Bartolini Bussi, 2011; Ross, 1989). If the situation task is never realised or they interpret materials at face value (Ross, 1989) mathematical meaning is lost (Bartolini Bussi, 2011; Broadbent, 2004). 5 Students who rely on unitary counting and/or do not make the connection between materials and the recursive base ten structure of our number system, which lends itself to repeatable actions, have difficulty transitioning into abstract reasoning (Bartolini Bussi, 2011; Broadbent, 2004; Collins & Wright, 2009; Thomas, 2004; Siemon et al., 2011). Despite the importance of ‘trading’ being highlighted as key to place value, many trading games have the potential to create or conceal misconceptions (Broadbent, 2004; Steinle & Stacey, 2004). Saxon and Cakir (2006) suggest that unfortunately, students often fail to develop an understanding of support materials and the underlying number system, even when directly taught. Steinle and Stacey (2004) and Ross (1989) oppose this notion, arguing that explicit teaching has the potential to uncover misconceptions by making explicit connections between different aspects of the place value structure of our number system. Despite the issues associated with the use of materials, many believe that they are useful to open communication channels. This can aid teachers’ understanding of students’ misconceptions in place value and aid mathematical meaning (Bartolini Bussi, 2011; Broadbent, 2004; Ross, 1989) when used in appropriate teaching situations (Bartolini Bussi, 2011; Fuson, 1990; Hiebert & Wearne, 1992; Reys et al., 2012; Saxton & Cakir, 2006). Representing a number with the least number of pieces is critical for understanding place value. The physical act of grouping by ten reinforces place value, assists counting and, is a good model to compare the magnitude of numbers (Reys et al., 2012). Ten frames can aid these key understandings by reinforcing part-part whole knowledge to emphasise ‘correct language’ and reinforce how different representations of numbers can be equivalent to ‘ten and some more’ (Siemon et al., 2011). Tens frames can bridge thinking between concrete representations to abstract representations to extract mathematical meaning from the material (Siemon et al., 2011). They can also “build a sense of what happens after each decade” (Siemon et al., 2011, p.293). Ross (1989) says that teachers need to provide opportunities for students to make their own meaning and connections with the materials and consolidate place value concepts. Similarly, Japanese educators highlight the importance of giving students enough opportunities to problem solve and exploit connections between content to develop alternative solutions (Reys et al., 2012; Saxton & Cakir, 2006; Isoda, Stephens, Ohara & Miyakawa, 2007) to promote mathematical meaning, whereas lessons in Australia usually adhere to stringent curriculum documents and lose their coherence (Reys et al., 2012). Interestingly, the idea of students making meaning in Mathematics and the importance of instruction targeting students’ understandings is not new (Hiebert & Wearne, 1992), and is now named as a key proficiency in the AUSVELS (VCAA, 2012). AusVELS (VCAA, 2012) also documents that conceptually based curriculum has the potential to yield long term improvement, particularly when coupled with extra attention for targeted teaching (Steinle & Stacey, 2004), to promote understanding, reasoning, fluency and problem solving (Reys et al., 2012). Uncovering misconceptions and enabling students to make their own connections is heavily reliant on developing teachers’ knowledge about what students need to understand about our number system (Broadbent, 2004), and being able to probe students’ understanding effectively by knowing what they think (Steinle & Stacey, 2004). This cannot occur if teachers do not have sound content and PCK (Shulman, 1987) because it is difficult to know 6 how and what to teach them which can lead to questioning that conceals misconceptions (Broadbent, 2004). 2.3 Lesson Study The Japanese educators employ a professional action research learning cycle called Japanese Lesson Study which supports teachers to guide a learning situation and encourage deeper reflection by students. During a cycle of Lesson Study, teachers collaboratively plan a problem solving lesson, spending time to support problem solving and meaning making by discussing materials and talking about ‘problem’ results, which are essential for learning (Tachibana, 2007; Reys et al., 2012). Additionally problem solving lessons have the potential to encourage ways of thinking which are conducive to higher order thinking, which leads to better student performance on tasks (Hiebert & Wearne, 1993; Walsh & Sattes, 2005; Reys et al., 2012). Lesson Study and professional development support teachers to adapt their pedagogy (Ong, Lim, & Ghazali, 2010) and become more cognisant of their practice to develop a robust understanding of how to develop students’ mathematical thinking (Watson & De Geest, 2005). This resonates in their ability to question and improve their own practice (Jaworksi, 1998), and enables the monitoring of progress in mathematics outcomes for students (Askew et al., 1997). Teachers will implement the lesson whilst being publicly observed. All observers are provided with the lesson plan so that they know what they are looking for, and they measure whether the objectives of the lesson are achieved (Fernandez & Yoshida, 2004), and whether students achieved these goals (Tachibana, 2007). Once observed, teachers will discuss how the students performed and what difficulties they had before making suggestions to improve the lesson prior to re-implementing it (Fernandez & Yoshida, 2004; Tachibana, 2007). This enables teachers to take part in deeper reflection about practice and content, and formulate questions, engaging teachers in professional conversation (Isoda et al., 2007; Fernandez &Yoshida, 2004) to improve the Instructional Core (City et al., 2009) of the lesson. The difference here lies within the ideas of problem solving rather than review and practice, and developing understanding of place value with improved practice to implement meaningful problem solving (Reys et al., 2012). The desired outcome of lesson study for this action research was to exemplify the benefits of collaboration; by improving teachers’ conceptions of their students’ understanding of place value, and adapting their practice to address students’ learning needs. Through this process, classrooms would become ‘deprivatised’ for the purpose of strengthening the Instructional Core to improve students’ understanding of place value. 7 3 Methodology 3.1 Outline and Justification In order to answer the key research questions, participants took part in a Lesson Study professional learning cycle. The Lesson Study cycle had a multifaceted intention. Whilst the aim was to improve teacher capacity by developing their understanding of their own practice and their students’ conceptions of place value, it was also vital to ascertain whether the process of Lesson Study impacted students’ learning. As discussed in the Literature Review, students who do not develop sound knowledge of whole number place value have difficulties when interpreting decimal fractions (Steinle & Stacey, 2004), and may have misconceptions which impact their understanding of the number system. The method and implementation of the Lesson Study was designed to address these misconceptions at a foundational level. At Sundale Primary School, Year 3 students were identified as ideal candidates for the research lesson. Past National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) data indicates that added value from years three to five was declining. This may have been a result of misconceptions in students’ early years numeracy knowledge. Therefore, it was appropriate to choose a matched cohort to determine whether targeted interventions in a single Lesson Study lesson could improve students’ understanding of place value before transitioning into senior school. The Lesson Study model was not only utilised as a tool to improve student learning, but was also used with the intention of expediting opportunities for teachers to collaboratively analyse and make reference to assessment data in order to develop greater conceptions of students’ understanding of place value. The development of teacher conceptions regarding their students’ misconceptions was used to form the basis of a single lesson focus and provide structured collaboration to discuss ways of addressing said misconceptions through the design of a well-structured lesson. Figure 1. Lesson Study Implementation. From Lesson study: A Japanese approach to improving mathematics teaching and learning (p. 32), by C. Fernandez & M. Yoshida., 2004, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 8 Ongoing planning, observations, feedback and review, as seen in Figure 1, were used to improve teacher practice, not only through the use of assessment and planning, but the ways in which teachers question to scaffold. 3.2 Participants Teacher participants were invited verbally and in written form, to take part in the research on a voluntary basis. They were selected to ensure that all participants were available to teach students from the same year level (Year 3). Teacher participants were selected to provide different levels of experience to the team and ensure that the Lesson Study would be purposeful for all participants. The team consisted of two Year 3 teachers, including a first year graduate, a second year graduate and an Assistant Principal who was acting in a Year 3 teaching role. Additionally, there was the researcher who also taught at the school as an accomplished Year 5 teacher. Sixty four Year 3 students were invited to participate in the research via a letter explaining the nature of the research to parents. The parents of 38 students responded, giving consent for their children to be part of the research. All student participants were between 8 to 10 years old, 24 student participants were female and 14 were male. 3.3 Data Collection Tools The research was conducted under a quasi-experimental method whereby a variety of qualitative and quantitative data were used to collect evidence in an attempt to address the research questions. Table 1 Data Collection Tools Data Collection Time of collection Tool Purpose Paper Based Place Value Assessment Prior to the commencement of Lesson Study Establish a base line of students’ current level of place value understanding Lesson Observation Prior to and during Lesson Study Establish a base line of teacher practice and view implementation of the collaboratively planned lesson Audio Recording and Photographs All observed lessons Collect data and evidence of teacher practice and student responses Lesson Plans After each planning cycle Collect evidence of lesson changes Student Interviews Prior to and post Lesson study Collect formative (prior) and summative (post) assessment data Exit Task At the completion of each observed Lesson Study lesson Evidence of student responses (formative) Teacher Interview Post Lesson Study Gauge teacher perception about the impacts of Lesson Study on practice 9 A paper based place value assessment based on the Mathematics Online Interview (DEECD, 2013) was collected from teachers to form a better understanding of students’ understanding of place value after a sequence of lessons had been taught in class. These data were used to develop an understanding of students’ understandings in place value and were used to inform the direction of the research. Prior to the Lesson Study, Year 3 teachers’ mathematics classes were observed to form a base line understanding of teachers’ ‘normal’ practice. Audio recordings were used to analyse exchanges between each teacher and their students without interrupting the normal procedures of the class. Ten minutes of dialogue was taken from the introduction of each teacher’s lesson to ensure that the exchanges were uninterrupted. This information was coded into a table (see Appendix H) and was used as a tool to provide teacher feedback. This was done to make teacher participants more aware of their questioning practice before the Lesson Study. It is important to consider that responses were coded by the researcher, based on questioning levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956, as cited in Walsh & Sattes, 2005). Some additional categories were added. The analysis may therefore present some accuracy issues, resulting from the limitations of only one person categorising these questions. Teachers conducted one-on-one interviews (see Appendix E) with their students to collect quantitative and qualitative data to probe deeper into students’ understanding of place value. The ‘Assessment for Common Misunderstandings’ interviews were sourced from the Department of Education and Early Childhood website. These interviews are based on the work of Di Siemon et al. (2011) and include a question related to research conducted by Ross (1989). Upon the completion of the Lesson Study implementation, students from the sample were reinterviewed one week after the lesson. They were however, only reinterviewed on three questions, which related to the lesson aims. Only two of the three questions are discussed in this report (see Appendix E). Achievement gains were measured after each lesson cycle and used to inform the next cycle of planning. An Exit Task (ET) was carefully constructed by the team (see Appendix A). The ET was given to students at the end of each lesson and was used to gauge whether the aims of the lesson were met, and to learn more about students’ understanding of place value after each lesson cycle. Whilst observing colleagues’ lessons, each teacher was allocated a role during the lesson (see Appendix G). These roles alternated with each lesson implementation. They included; observing student’s verbal responses, observing student’s written responses and recording responses to teachers’ questions and taking photographs. This evidence formed the basis of the post lesson debriefs. Lesson Study plans (see Appendix D) were collected at each stage of the planning to document evidence of any adaptations that were made to the lesson. Evaluations were also included in the lesson plans. These plans documented adaptations to the lesson after each implementation cycle, with the intention of demonstrating whether teachers’ conceptions of students’ understanding and their questioning changed throughout the entirety of the Lesson Study. It was however limited because teacher discussion was not adequately recorded in the evaluation section of the lesson plans. 10 A teacher interview (see Appendix I) was administered one-on-one with each teacher participant upon the completion of the Lesson Study cycle. This was used to promote reflective and evaluative responses that focused on the impact of the Lesson Study on teachers’ conceptions of their students’ understanding of place value. Questions were designed to probe for any perceived changes in teacher practice as a result of being involved in the Lesson Study action research. As the implementation of Lesson Study progressed, it became evident that student data, including pre and post Assessment Interviews (AIs) and ETs, teacher interviews, and observation proformas were the most significant data collection tools when monitoring the impact of the Lesson Study in relation to the research questions. 3.4 Lesson Study Stages Twice weekly meetings over the duration of three weeks were scheduled to discuss the planning and pedagogy which would support students’ understanding of misconception areas identified from the analysis of the paper based place value test and student interviews. During the first of the meetings, teachers met to analyse students’ responses from the paper based place value test, which were inconclusive, therefore led to uncertainties about students’ understanding of place value. As a result, one-on-one student interviews were implemented. Evidence of what students already knew and their misconceptions, identified from the interviews, informed the discussion and basis for selecting an area of focus for the place value Lesson. The next meeting was based on the process of Lesson Study and looking at lesson plan (see Appendix D) pro-forma exemplars to familiarise participants with the planning process. During the second week of meetings, preliminary ideas about the lesson were discussed in conjunction with ways to target interventions towards addressing misconceptions that were highlighted in the one-on-one interviews. Professional Development was provided to the team in response to data gathered from lesson observations about quality questioning, providing opportunities for direct feedback to individual teachers. The last week was dedicated to collaboratively planning the lesson, pre-empting student responses and making provisions for these through the development of questions which were appropriate for scaffolding student learning. Choice of appropriate materials to target their misconceptions was discussed and inserted into the lesson plans as responses to student needs. Each participating teacher implemented the lesson. The first year graduate teacher was the first to implement the lesson, followed by the second year graduate and then the Assistant Principal. At the end of each lesson, students were given the ET to determine whether the single lesson had had an impact on students’ understanding of place value and to detect the effectiveness of the lesson after each cycle. Student ETs were collaboratively analysed in search of evidence of students’ understanding which related to the learning intention. These data revealed information that was then used to adapt the lesson to make changes to the questions and the learning intention, in order to reinforce the importance of various aspects within the lesson. This process was repeated with each subsequent lesson implementation, with small and varied alterations being made at each stage. 11 4 Results In this section you will find a summary of results which highlight changes in student responses to AIs (see Appendix E & F) and ETs (see Appendix A & B). Pre and Post AI results are discussed broadly, showing the progress that each cohort of students made with each lesson implementation. Analyses of student ET responses are discussed to demonstrate a correlation between student ‘response types’ and the impact these had on student gains in the Post AI. It is an important consideration when reading this section to acknowledge that four students across all the cohorts had no room for improvement because they had already demonstrated strong place value knowledge on their pre AI and therefore did not make progress. Their results are however discussed in the results in terms of the quality of their ET responses. 4.1 Kylie’s Class Data shows that in the sample of twelve students from the first cohort, the largest area of growth in the post assessment is the shift in which students assign knowledge of tens and ones to 26 in Question One of the post AI (see Appendix E & F). Table 2 Students’ Pre and Post Interview Results from Kylie’s Class Question Criteria Question One No response Additive Place Value Knowledge Multiplicative Place Value Knowledge Question Two No response Additive Place Value knowledge Multiplicative Place Value Knowledge Student Results Pre AI Student Results Post AI 4 7 1 3 4 5 10 2 0 8 2 2 Results from the first lesson implementation are displayed in Table 2. These data show changes in students’ responses to pre and post assessment data. In the Post AI, results show an increase from 8% to 42% of the first cohort giving multiplicative responses to Question One; recognising tens as countable units. This result indicates the most significant shift in student understanding of place value following the first lesson. These data show that students who either responded with additive responses, such as 20 + 6, or incorrectly assigned meaning to the digits within a number, decreased from 58% to 33%. Only two students were able to correctly answer the post AI relating to the targeted misconception in Question Two (see Appendix F). There was no change in 67% of students’ responses to Question Two. Only one student, who had previously been unresponsive to Question Two, was able to make progress. 12 Table 3 Exit Task Response Types, Lesson One Last Question No Response Students’ responses 6 Misconception 1 Additive - Multiplicative 5 Results in Table 3, show student response ‘types’ to the last question of the ET (see Appendix A) for the first lesson. Students who responded with a yes or no response were classified as ‘No Response’ because they did not justify their response or associate their response with place value. No Response Results indicate a correlation between students who were unresponsive on the last question of the ET and those who made little or no improvement on the post AI. This was particularly evident in relation to Question Two. Only one student was able to respond to Question Two (additively) and the rest made no gains. One student regressed in this question. Misconception Response Unsurprisingly, the student who answered by naming the 2 in 26 as the two circles used to enclose the blocks in the first question of the ET (see Appendix A) made no progress on the post AI on either question. Multiplicative Responses Analysis of the ET, show that the remaining five students answered multiplicatively, identifying that 2 in 26 represented two tens and the 6 was six ones. Only two students were able to respond to Question Two of the post AI multiplicatively. The remaining students, however, reverted back to additive responses or made no movement on either question. These results show that students who were able to respond multiplicatively on the ET, were slightly more inclined to demonstrate strong, multiplicative place value knowledge. 4.2 Miranda’s Class Table 4 Students’ Pre and Post Interview Results from Miranda’s Class Question Criteria Student Results Pre AI Student Results Post AI Question One No response Additive Place Value knowledge Multiplicative Place Value Knowledge 5 5 4 1 3 10 Question Two No response Additive Place Value knowledge Multiplicative Place Value Knowledge 10 2 2 6 0 8 Data synonymous with lesson two shows more significant shifts in students’ understanding of place value as a direct comparison before and after the lesson took place. As shown in Table 4, this class had shown a relatively even spread of students’ responses for Question One, prior to the lesson implementation. Student results showed that they either; did not respond, 13 responded additively and/or assigned false meaning to the numbers, or assigned strong place value knowledge in terms of tens and ones. Post results indicate substantial improvement for the first assessment question, with 71% of students able to describe place value in terms of tens and ones compared with 29% prior to the lesson, marking a decrease in the number of students who viewed the 2 in 26 as 20 individual objects. Only one student was non-responsive in the post interview to Question One, and only 21% of students answered by renaming numbers (additively), compared with 36% in the pre AI. Furthermore post assessment data shows an increase in the number of students who were no longer distracted by the different visual image of 26 in Question Two (see Appendix F). In the post AI, 57% of students could assign knowledge of tens and ones to describe how the number 26 was recorded, compared to only 14% in the pre AI. However 43% of students still remained unresponsive, showing no signs of having overcome their misconception about how 26 was represented in Question Two. Table 5 Exit Task Response Types, Lesson Two Last Question Number of responses No Misconception Response - Reference to fives 5 Reference to tens 9 Response ‘types’ and classifications varied from the first lesson due to modifications made to the ET (see Appendix B) before the second implementation lesson. ET responses shown in Table 5 indicate that nine students were able to explain Julie’s error (see Appendix B) by relating it back to countable units of ten. Reference to Ten Six students answered the post AI demonstrating strong place value knowledge on both questions of the post AI. Most students made some significant gains, four of which had been previously unresponsive to Question Two on the pre AI. Whilst this result shows increased sophistication of students’ understanding of place value, three students were unable to retain this understanding for the post AI. Reference to Five Five participants only made reference to groups of five on the last question of the ET (see Appendix B), one of which had been unable to answer the pre AI questions but responded to the post AI, demonstrating strong place value knowledge for both questions. This was an anomoly for this cohort. The remaining four students either made no movement or regressed in question two. These data indicate that students who made reference to ten made more significant gains in the post AI for lesson two. 14 4.3 Pablo’s Class Table 6 Students’ Pre and Post Interview Results from Pablo’s Class Question Criteria Student Results Pre AI Question One No response Additive Place Value knowledge Multiplicative Place Value Knowledge Question Two No response Additive Place Value knowledge Multiplicative Place Value Knowledge Students Results Post AI 6 2 4 0 2 10 6 3 3 2 0 10 Results following the third lesson implementation show the greatest shift in student responses due to the larger proportion of movement for the relatively smaller sample size of twelve students. As a direct comparison to Lesson Two, Table 6 suggests that students continued to make greater gains in Question One, compared with Miranda’s implementation, despite the smaller sample size. Additionally, where 50% of students were unresponsive to this task in the preassessment, all students made some progress on this question. 83% of students in Pablo’s class answered in the preferred way, using tens and ones to display strong place value knowledge on Question Two. This shows a large shift in students’ understanding of place value. Although 50% of the class had exhibited the misconception in Question Two, compared with 71% of Miranda’s class, before implementation, only 17% of Pablo’s class maintained the misconception compared with 43% in Miranda’s class after the lesson. Table 7 Exit Task Response Types, Lesson Three Last Question Number of responses No Misconception Response - Reference to fives 10 Reference to tens 2 The last ET presented very different results from Miranda’s class, despite the task remaining the same. Table 7 shows that the majority of students referred to groups of five rather than ten, but seemed to strengthen their place value knowledge according to the post AI results. Reference to Ten Only two of the students had made reference to groups of ten. Interestingly, one succeeded in achieving the preferred response which demonstrated strong place value knowledge on both questions of the post AI. The other made minimal gains on Question One only by renaming 20+6. 15 Reference to Five All students who made reference to the 4 fives, except the student mentioned above, responded with strong place value knowledge on both questions of the post AI. Results indicated that whilst students did not necessarily refer to countable units of ten on the ET, they were generally able to relate their learning of ‘groups’ to any countable unit, including ten. 16 5 Discussion 5.1 Teacher Practice 5.1.1 First Implementation The problem of practice was centred on teacher questioning. Questions were pre-formulated into the lesson scripts but teachers were seldom able to memorise and therefore implement them. However as the lessons progressed, more of the higher order questions became evident in the lessons, resulting in richer responses from students. The first implementation was by Kylie and the introduction to the lesson adhered to the lesson plan. In the beginning, Kylie was able to question students effectively to allow them to verbalise that when two groups of 5 were added together it would make ten; and because there were four groups of five, the total would make two tens and there would be 7 left over (see Appendix D). Therefore the link to place value was clear and the questioning used was effective to highlight that the 2 in 27 were represented by the 2 tens and the 7 were the remaining buttons. Whilst explaining the task to students, Kylie demonstrated how to draw an enclosure to make groups (see Appendix D), resulting in different arrangements of the blocks. The task required students to record the number of blocks used to make the enclosure, and write a number sentence that would reflect the way the number was recorded, using place value (see Appendix C). However when Kylie modelled the task on the board, the number sentence reflected the number of blocks on each side 8+8+4+4= 24. In the modelled number sentence there was no link to tens and ones and how this representation related to place value. Essentially, this resulted in students not recognising the relationship between the different representation of numbers and place value, as was the intention of the lesson. The team noticed that the place value connection was lost on account of student ET responses whereby, students’ number sentences were not based on place value, and few students chose to elaborate on a yes or no response in the last question of the ET (see Appendix A). The majority of students had difficulty explaining the connection between the first diagram and the written notation of 26 blocks. This meant that the purpose of the lesson was not actualised and it became evident that whilst the lesson was collaboratively planned, the team was unsure about the purpose that the lesson aimed to serve; therefore students couldn’t have performed as expected. Whilst the lesson was not altered dramatically by the team after the first implementation, time limits and discussion about the important features (scaffolding) of the lesson became a focus. Members of the team had had different understandings of the lesson aims, particularly in terms of making the connection between place value and different representations of numbers. 17 5.1.2 Second Implementation Figure 2. Gus’ response prior to returning to change his drawing and number to 27. In Miranda’s lesson, Gus, a student who was considered to be high achieving, was invited to the whiteboard to draw a representation of the model enclosure he had made with blocks during the lesson. He was asked to show the groups and record how many blocks he had used. The total number was 24 blocks, however before completing his drawing, as seen in Figure 2, Gus became ‘confused’ and stated that he had used 27 blocks. His model enclosure had shown, 2 sevens and 2 fives to make 24, however, as he explained this representation to the class and began to draw, he was influenced by his group of seven, which he interpreted as ones. This showed that he was distracted by the representation of his grouping and provided evidence of his misconception. However Miranda did not correct him because her aim was to guide students using questioning. Ultimately, his post assessment data showed that this was not effective to address his misconceptions. Generally, however, there was a greater emphasis on the tens and ones language, but post lesson discussion highlighted the need to balance questions with moments of explicit teaching. Miranda had done little to explicitly intervene, as she was reluctant to guide the student responses, on account of believing she should question the students and not direct them. Despite having discussed the importance of using the materials to make the link between the different representations to tens and ones explicit, Miranda felt rushed and skipped the modelling. Additionally there was no modelling of a number sentence, which removed another opportunity for students to verbalise the relationship between the different representations of the blocks to place value, tens and ones. Results indicate that the use of tens and ones language made a difference to students’ understanding; however 6 of the 14 students from this sample class made no progress in overcoming their misconceptions. This highlights the importance of using materials such as ten frames to model number sentences. Explicit instruction was needed to show students how to relate their representations back to place value. The team also discussed how important it was to create opportunities for the students to verbalise their understanding, by framing questions which would enable them to verbalise the connections between different representations and how the number of blocks was recorded. 18 5.1.3 Third Implementation By the third lesson more explicit links were made using materials, by dragging each block from the enclosure into a tens frame. This explicitly highlighted the tens as countable units, with ‘some more’ left over. The language that accompanied this explicit instruction became more fluent and more familiar to the teacher. Additionally, questioning moved from closed, fact finding language to probing questions which encouraged students to prove, elaborate and explain the relationships that could be seen. This shifted the learning from teacher directed conversations to students building consensus. Pre-formulating questions and including them in the lesson plan scripts, actively observing, and discussing teacher questioning after each lesson was accountable for highlighting a questioning practice amongst the Lesson Study team. Whilst the implementation of the lessons did not necessarily provide ongoing opportunities to improve this practice in the short term, post Lesson Study teacher interviews revealed that all teachers felt that they were more conscious of their questioning style. Two participating teachers have reported pre-formulating questions and including them in their lessons since being involved in Lesson Study. Pablo, the Assistant Principal, worked with other learning teams across the school to implement a miniature lesson study and referred to literature to develop high order probing questions for the lesson. The Lesson Study also suggests a shift in the use of language and teachers’ developing a better understanding of scaffolding practice. 5.2 Teachers’ Conceptions of Students’ Understanding in Place Value Whilst analysing responses to a place value task from the early assessment data, it was evident that teachers’ preconceived ideas about what their students could achieve lead to assumptions about their students’ understanding of place value based on their perceived ability. Figure 3. Exemplifies some students’ representations of 36 on a place value assessment, two of which were marked correct. The task required students to draw 36 using tens and ones. Many students drew representations of ten such as long strokes, without demonstrating whether they understood that the representation should show a countable unit of ten. Teachers marked these representations as correct, assuming that their higher attaining students had not taken care, or hadn’t been concerned with drawing each ten. However it was unclear to the researcher whether this was in fact a misunderstanding or a result of haphazard responses. 19 Discussion revealed that the initial task was insufficient in probing students’ understanding of place value. This prompted teachers to interview students using the misconceptions interviews from DEECD (2012) to learn more (see Appendix E). These findings became a key piece of evidence about teachers’ conceptions of their students’ understanding in place value. It also highlighted how teacher assumptions can conceal students’ true level of understanding in relation to place value, based on choice of task and the question techniques used to probe students’ knowledge. In a post interview with Miranda she said that the diagnostic assessment results “blew my mind away, in terms of the misconceptions, that I had no idea that my students had.” Kylie said, “I was so surprised by the information that, you know, came out of that initial testing.” Miranda felt that by interviewing students, it became evident that those students who had previously succeeded on typical place value tasks were able to say the correct answers, but when probed, demonstrated a lack of understanding compared to the level of understanding the team had initially assumed they were capable of. Kylie also discussed how she had perceived that some of her students were “advanced in their conceptual understanding of place value” but they “were actually, just good at speaking the lingo and following processes without really understanding why they were doing what they were doing”. The teachers had been unaware of the difficulties that their students had been having with their understanding of place value prior to the Lesson Study. This was particularly apparent when the representation of a number changed as per Question Two of the AIs (see Appendix E). The teacher interviews also revealed that discussing student responses from the lesson, and their assessment data, had improved their conceptions of students’ inability to understand the value of ten, and its relationship to base ten and how that impacts the way numbers are recorded. Kylie emphasised that “You really have to know what you’re looking for, to really uncover those misconceptions”. The team affirmed this comment by acknowledging that these difficulties were probably a result of students never being explicitly taught, but were easily overcome when they were effectively challenged. Kylie and Pablo acknowledged the danger of making assumptions about students’ understanding of place value based on expectations that students already have the knowledge as specified at Level Three, AusVELS (VCAA, 2012). They also acknowledged the importance of ensuring that students have a robust understanding of place value concepts at “this crucial time”, because the development of mathematics depends on these foundations, and “concepts continue to get harder and nothing else makes sense”. Kylie and Miranda reported that the use of diagnostic assessment had altered the way that they regarded students’ development of place value, and perceived this as important and something that they would definitely do again. Teachers articulated how important diagnostic and formative assessment was to assist them understand what students did and did not understand. This is integral to teaching and learning, and teachers explained how assessment was used to help them teach at students’ 20 point of need, and how important this was for teachers to resist making assumptions about what students know. All teachers changed their conceptions of students’ understanding of place value as a result of their participation in the Lesson Study. 5.3 Student Understanding of Place Value 5.3.1 Kylie’s Class Post AI data indicated that students in Kylie’s class who had demonstrated some understanding of the final question on the original ET (see Appendix A) were more likely to make some improvement on post AI questions. In contrast, students that gave ‘no response’ were almost all linked to making no progress. This finding was not surprising. Discussion in the teaching team revealed that the majority of students’ number sentences related to the number of blocks in the first question (see Appendix A), and were almost all indicative of additive thinking, showing no evidence of students’ understanding of multiplicative structures associated with the task. Typically, responses showed number sentences such as 20 + 6 =, 10 + 10 + 6 = or similar. These responses provided evidence that students were noting groups of ten but not exploring multiplicative countable units. They were not relating the 2 in 26 to 2 X 10 and the six as 6 ones, which could cause further misconceptions, whereby students were more likely to view the 2 as 20. This could indicate to students that the number is 206 rather than 26, due to the placement of an unnecessary zero, or students believing there were 20 tens. Marcus was another student who did not respond to the last question of the ET but showed a multiplicative response of 2 tens and 6 ones instead of writing a number sentence in the question before (see Appendix A). He was able to answer the first question of the post AI test multiplicatively. His misconception about the different representations on the second question remained. This indicated that he was able to succeed on the first question by having learnt the language associated with 26 at face value. However, he did not necessarily understand the connection between multiplicative and additive structures of place value in terms of, tens as a countable unit and how numbers can be represented differently. Like Marcus, Reja was an exception to the finding and did not respond to the last question on the ET, but, in contrast to Marcus, was able to make some progress on the post delayed test. Her number sentence was written as 10+10+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=26; her results showing she was only able to progress to as far as understanding additive structures of place value. The number of students that had not responded indicated that the ET was too ambiguous and unclear for students and therefore prompted the team to change the ET. Additionally, the responses that students gave on the ETs made their thinking much more evident to teachers. 21 Figure 4. Exit Task responses from the first lesson. Student ET results highlight that students were able to perform relatively well on some place value tasks without having a robust conceptual knowledge. The ET, as shown in Figure 4, exemplifies students’ ability to count the blocks, and draw them using longs and minis (tens and ones). In Question One of the post interview, 75% of students were able to count the 26 counters and name the 2 as either 20 or 2 tens, but this number significantly dropped when a distractor/ different representation was presented (see Appendix E & F). This result emphasises that when students are asked relevant questions that delve deeper into that conceptual knowledge, students are unable to relate their knowledge of the number to place value. Results generally showed face value understanding. 5.3.2 Miranda’s Class After the second lesson implementation there was a correlation between students that made explicit reference to tens and ones in the last question of the ET, and those who were able to succeed in the post delayed test to the highest degree by providing multiplicative responses. Figure 5. Exit Task response from the second lesson. The students who made the greatest progress were able to write a number sentence in additive terms in the ET and match it to the number of blocks, and then refer to units of ten in the last question of the ET, as shown in Figure 5. Typically these responses discussed how Julie had been ‘confused’ because each group only had five buttons. Therefore two groups were needed to make ten. Responses such as these showed an understanding of the place value in both additive and multiplicative terms, and an understanding of the significance of ten. 22 However there were some exceptions to this finding. Interestingly, Gus, the student we met earlier, did not write a number sentence to match the number of blocks shown in the ET (see Appendix B) but was able to respond with a multiplicative response to the last question of the post AI. It is apparent that he and one other student may not have made a cognitive connection between 20 objects as 2 tens to bridge his multiplicative interpretation of place value to an understanding of its additive, renamed structure. Additionally, Gus did answer Question One of the post AI to the highest level. Whilst it was one which required a multiplicative response, the lesson had emphasised the language of tens and ones. This result appeared to be a result of face value understanding associated with the learned language around written numbers, similar to Marcus in the first lesson. Interestingly, there was a significant increase in the number of correct responses in relation to how students represented tens and ones to match how many blocks there were. This finding would suggest that there was improvement in students’ understanding about ten as a unit and therefore more attention to detail was given by students when drawing their tens and ones in the ET. 5.3.3 Pablo’s Class Figure 6. Exit Task response from the third lesson. After the third lesson was implemented, there were some counterintuitive results, which upon further analysis provided some interesting findings. The ET results showed that students were not responding as expected to the last question; rather, they were rarely making reference to units of ten to explain Julie’s error. Students were mostly referring to how she had grouped by fives. There were rarely explicit links made to the idea that 2 groups of five would make ten and there were two tens. This was an unexpected result. Furthermore, it was expected that students that made reference to ten would have made progress, but of the two students that did make reference to ten, one of them was unable to maintain or understand the significance of this unit in the post AI, and the other had already achieved a perfect score in the pre AI so there was little we could conclude from his data. Whilst the comparison between 5 and ten was not explicit in most responses, it became evident that most students had given multiplicative responses. Therefore the similarity between responses from Miranda’s students and Pablo’s class was that; students who provided a multiplicative response irrespective of the unit value, such as 4 fives are 20 and then there is one more group of five and three left to make 23, showed that they could assign 23 a value to one group of objects, and tended to perform best in the post delayed test, with some exceptions. Student data and responses provided some unexpected results, however data and student ET responses would suggest that the process of the Lesson Study lead to improvement in students’ understanding of place value. 5.4 Conclusions Prior to the Lesson Study, teachers made assumptions that their students had understood the foundations of place value. They were unaware of their students’ misconceptions in place value. However, teacher conceptions changed as a result of collaborative discussions and evidence of student understanding from ETs and AIs. Teachers’ use of language, scaffolding practices and intervention strategies showed improvement by the last Lesson Study cycle. Typically, this was associated with collaborating to make instruction more explicit. Opportunities to observe colleagues developed teacher’s understanding of what instruction does and does not work in practice. Additionally, team discussion continued to develop teachers’ PCK and understanding of the lesson aims with each lesson implementation. Using models such as ten frames became a vital tool to highlight the correct language of place value. When implemented into the lesson, students’ were provided with more opportunities to demonstrate, explain and justify their learning. The research highlights that Lesson Study, as a tool for professional learning, improved teacher practice, particularly when targeting misconceptions. Teachers must have robust PCK to know when and how to intervene and when to facilitate conversation to enable students to build consensus. As teacher PCK improved, students showed increased understanding of place value by developing their understandings of countable units. These results were shown in post AI data from the last cohort of students. Through collaboration of planning, observing and reviewing through Lesson Study, the hypothesis made at the beginning of the research was actualised. This research demonstrated that a single lesson can improve students’ understanding of place value, develop teachers’ conceptions of students’ understanding and alter their practice by targeting the Instructional Core. 5.5 Implications The systematic enquiry associated with Lesson Study and its collaborative teacher practices has the potential to change school cultures by ‘deprivatising’ classrooms. Lesson Study can influence professional learning practice and has the potential to improve teacher PCK. Additionally, Lesson Study has the potential to influence the way teachers’ use scaffolding when informed by evidence of students’ learning, inherent in student assessment. If a whole school culture of professional learning is present, powerful intervention strategies for teaching areas of Mathematics that are prone to misconceptions, such as place value, can improve student learning. 24 Lesson Study also has the potential to promote shared practice whereby scaffolding and tasks are calculated, trialled and effective. This could ensure students are more likely to overcome misconceptions, or avoid misconceptions entirely. Furthermore this can support students to have deeply rooted foundational knowledge which provides students with avenues to develop abstract thinking. 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Educational Studies in Mathematics, 8(2), 209-234. 28 7 Appendices Appendix A- Exit Task One Appendix B- Exit Task Two Appendix C- Investigation Sheet Appendix D- Lesson Plans Appendix E- Pre and Post Assessment Interview Questions Appendix F- Pre and Post Assessment Rubrics Appendix G- Observation Proformas Appendix H- Coded Questions Appendix I- Teacher Interview Questions and Audio Appendix J- Teacher Interview Transcript 29 Appendix A Exit Task One Name: Noel wants to use these fences to enclose his paddock. How Using longs and minis, how would Noel correctly represent many blocks are used for his paddock all together? this number? Write a number sentence that shows what your picture represents? Draw here if needed. Does the way we write the number of blocks, have anything do with how they are grouped in the first diagram? Explain. Response: 30 Appendix B Exit Task Two Name: Noel wants to use these fences to enclose his paddock. How Write a number sentence that shows what your picture many blocks are used for his paddock all together? represents? Julie looked at this picture and said, “I think that shows the number 43”, is she correct? If you do not think Julie is correct, explain why not. Using longs and minis, how would Noel correctly represent this number? 31 Appendix C Investigation Sheet Show your groups Number of blocks Draw or write a number sentence using tens and ones to show how many blocks you have 32 Appendix D Lesson Plans Lesson One Learning Activities and Questions -different representation doesn’t structure of number 1. Grasping the Problem Setting Expected Student Responses Teacher response to students reaction/things to remember/ Questions List some responses How will we use higher order questioning? You have some counters in front of you, how would group them to help you count? 27Five groups of 5 with 2 left over Choose a student to write the number up on the board. Hmmm? How did…. so and so count this collection so quickly? That’s interesting, I wonder if 5 has anything to do with how I write the number of counters there? I wonder if 2 has anything to do with the number of counters there are in my picture? I wonder about seven (there is no distractor here) grouped the fives together to make ten counted by ones Evaluation This section worked well but was a little bit long, we should condense this. Apply What strategy would you use to count them? pushed the counters together and counted by two counted by fives There are five in each group There are five groups No, because there is no five in the number Create How could you prove that your groups are related to the number of blocks? Because 2 is twenty and it has 4 fives and 7 has a five in it too. Analyse- comparing How could we work out how many tens that is? There are two left over. UnderstandingWhat are we trying to understand? The language of two tens and some more, was very clear and students begun to use this language also. Students were able to verbalise that two groups could be added to make groups of tenresulting in two tens and seven more 33 There are twenty? There are two tens. There are 2 tens Point out that the two is two tens and we use the fives to make ten. 2. Presentation of the problem format What’s this?- show a picture of a farm or zoo enclosure. -make this section more explicitly related to place value. Ask students to separate their fence sides. What do we need to keep the animals in? Give each pair 24 mab ones. Students may have Can you make a four sided enclosure to keep difficulty with the the tigers in using these? MAB, They may double count each Okay, so can anyone see corner block. -some may count 28 any groups that can be made from the length of -tens and ones -repeated addition of their enclosure fence? the length of each -ask students to share side eg. 6+6+6+6 their responses on the -multiplicative board. responses 2x10+ 2x2 - 8+8 +4+4 and So how many did we other combinations need all together? How do we write the 28, number of blocks, 24 needed to make this enclosure? Point out the separate groups by emphasising the separation of each fence Children were relatively quiet here, the focus needs to remain on the tens and ones. Ensure students verbalise the connection between the different representations and how the number is recorded. Ensure students use the materials to prove that each representation is equal to 24 as two tens and 4 more Who can show me what groups they used to make this number? Do the groups tell us how to write this number? How we could use 34 one of these (tens frame, unifix, paddle pop sticks, MAB) Can someone show me using something else? Everyone has used something different to show me the same answer, but what is the same about all these solutions? 3. Solving the Main Problem 1. Draw your enclosure. 2. Show your groups 3. Number of blocks 4. Draw or write a number sentence to show how many blocks you have. Differentiation was evident in this section. prepare a hand out and have them write on it. There are 2 groups Show them how to of … and …group the sides of answers which result each enclosure. in a double count. provide unifix, tens frames and pop sticks to enable them to regroup into tens and ones. Are we expecting students to show a different number sentence for each enclosure? This could be good as an extension task. When modelling the number sentence, we need to ensure it is based on tens and ones. The task requires students to draw enclosures. This was too time consuming, in retrospect the drawing of the enclosures is not important therefore this may be best removed. 35 3. Polishing and Reporting Individual Solution Methods encourage the use of symbols. Have a variety of students blue tac their solutions on the board; both their written number sentence to represent tens and ones and their groups Have students explain how they recorded. group the double digit responses and group the three digit responses on the board for example 46 40+6 4 tens 6 ones groups of ten and ones 10+10+10+10+6 regrouping responses2 tens +26 ones Analyse What stays the same, what changes? CreateWhat would happen if we had 231 cubes? This section was quickly paced and students were able to see the pattern on the record sheets- the representations change but the number of blocks remains the same. Many number sentences were not indicative of place value knowledge. This needs to be modelled or the wording on the recording sheet needs to be changed. 4x10 +6 (4x10) +6 or 146 10² +(4 x10) + 6 14 tens 6 ones etc. Evaluating Have students build consensus of the most efficient ways of writing ‘tens and some more’ 1.Summary and Announcement of Next Lesson point out that even though the size of the groups change and the representation of that number can change it is This was also very clear. Our learning intention needs to be reworded so that students understand the purpose of the lesson from the beginning. 36 still written in terms of tens and some more Last question on exit task elicited different responses, this needs to be reworded to ensure all students are clear on what it is asking. Each teacher/class may need a different follow up lesson depending on the students’ level of understanding. 37 Lesson Two Learning intention: To investigate different groupings of numbers and how we write them Learning Activities and Questions different representation doesn’t structure of number 4. Grasping the Problem Setting (5mins) Expected Student Responses Teacher response to students reaction/things to remember/ Questions List some responses How will we use higher order questioning? You have some counters in front of you, how would group them to help you count? 27Five groups of 5 with 2 left over Choose a student to write the number up on the board. How did…. so and so count this collection so quickly? That’s interesting, I wonder if 5 has anything to do with how I write the number of counters there? I wonder if 2 has anything to do with the number of counters there are in my picture? I wonder about seven (there is no distractor here) Evaluation worked well, range of strategies used, articulated well. link was made to tens and ones (place value) grouped the fives together to make ten counted by ones Apply What strategy would you use to count them? pushed the counters together and counted by two counted by fives There are five in each group There are five groups No, because there is no five in the number Because 2 is twenty and it has 4 fives and 7 has a five in it too. There are two left over. Emphasise correct tens using materials Create How could you prove that your number is always 24? Some students verbalised the misconception Analyse- comparing How could we work out how many tens that is? UnderstandingWhat are we trying to understand? Point out that the 38 There are twenty? two is two tens and we use the fives to make ten. There are two tens. There are 2 tens 5. Presentation of the problem format (20mins) What’s this?- show a picture of a farm or zoo enclosure. Ask students to separate their fence sides. What do we need to keep the animals in? Give each pair 24 mab ones. Students may have difficulty with the MAB, They may double count each corner block. Okay, so can anyone see any groups that can -some may count 28 be made from the length -tens and ones of their enclosure fence? -repeated addition of the length of each -ask students to share side eg. 6+6+6+6 their responses on the -multiplicative board. responses 2x10+ 2x2 - 8+8 +4+4 and So how many did we other combinations need all together? How do we write the 28, number of blocks, 24 needed to make this enclosure? Can you make a four sided enclosure to keep the cows in using these? Point out the separate groups by emphasising the separation of each fence Emphasis seems to be on the groupings rather than the place value. We need to spend more time emphasising the place value by taking the groupings and demonstrating how these can be grouped as tens and ones using a tens frame. (tens and ones reflects the way we write our number) Who can show me what groups they used to make this number? Three solutions drawn on the whiteboard simultaneously 39 Does the way that we group the number, change the way we write it? Why? Why is it 24 when e.g. it’s two groups of 5 and two groups of 7? Do the groups tell us how to write this number? (no it’s written using place value – tens and ones) How we could use one of these (tens frame, unifix, paddle pop sticks, MAB) Can someone show me using something else? Everyone has used something different to show me the same answer, but what is the same about all these solutions? 6. Solving the Main Problem (20mins) Make your enclosure. Show your groups Number of blocks Draw or write a number sentence – emphasis on place value, to show how many blocks you have. prepare a hand out and have them write on it. There are 2 groups Show them how to of … and …group the sides of answers which result each enclosure. in a double count. Students were confused about the template and some students came up with one solution but spread it across the template. Students spend a long time drawing their groups provide unifix, tens frames and pop sticks to enable them to regroup into tens and ones. 40 4. Polishing and Reporting Individual Solution Methods (10mins) encourage the use of symbols. different approach was taken by some students so the comparison was difficult to make Have a variety of students blue tac their solutions on the board; both their written number sentence to represent tens and ones and their groups group the double digit responses and group the three digit responses on the board responses were not necessarily indicative of place value (the number sentences) Have students explain how they recorded. Analyse What stays the same, what changes? for example 46 40+6 4 tens 6 ones Does the way that we groups of ten and group the number, ones change the way we 10+10+10+10+6 write it? Why? Why is it regrouping 24 when e.g. it’s two responsesgroups of 5 and two 2 tens +26 ones groups of 7? 4x10 +6 (4x10) +6 or 146 10² +(4 x10) + 6 CreateWhat would happen if we had 231 cubes? 14 tens 6 ones etc. Evaluating Have students build consensus of the most efficient ways of writing ‘tens and some more’ 1.Summary and Announcement of Next Lesson (5mins) point out that even though the size of the groups change and the representation of that 41 number can change it is still written in terms of tens and some more 42 Lesson Three Learning intention: To investigate different groupings of numbers and how we write them Learning Activities and Questions different representation doesn’t structure of number 7. Grasping the Problem Setting (5mins) Expected Student Responses Teacher response to students reaction/things to remember/ Questions List some responses How will we use higher order questioning? You have some counters in front of you, how would group them to help you count? 27 Five groups of 5 with 2 left over Choose a student to write the number up on the board. How did…. so and so count this collection so quickly? That’s interesting, I wonder if 5 has anything to do with how I write the number of counters there? I wonder if 2 has anything to do with the number of counters there are in my picture? I wonder about seven (there is no distractor here) Evaluation Language clear, link made to place value. Enabled students explain in their own way. grouped the fives together to make ten counted by ones Apply What strategy would you use to count them? pushed the counters together and counted by two counted by fives There are five in each group There are five groups No, because there is no five in the number Because 2 is twenty and it has 4 fives and 7 has a five in it too. There are two left over. Emphasise correct tens using materials Analyse- comparing How could we work out how many tens that is? UnderstandingWhat are we trying to understand? Point out that the two is two tens and we use the fives to make ten. 43 There are twenty? There are two tens. There are 2 tens 8. Presentation of the problem format (20mins) Recorded a variety of different number sentencesreinforced different groupings of ten. 5mins What’s this?- show a picture of a farm or zoo enclosure. Questions were open endedStudents guided the conversationJustifying, explaining. What do we need to keep the animals in? Give each pair 24 mab ones. Can you make a four sided enclosure to keep the cows in using these? Students may have difficulty with the MAB, They may double count each corner block. -some may count 28 -tens and ones -repeated addition of the length of each side eg. 6+6+6+6 -multiplicative responses 2x10+ 2x2 - 8+8 +4+4 and other combinations 10 mins Have three students with different solutions draw their representations on the whiteboard. These should be drawn up during task time. So how many did we have all together? 28, 24 Point out the separate groups by emphasising the separation of each fence Elaborated on more sophisticated answers, multiplication Do the groups tell us how to write this number? (no it’s written using place value – tens and ones) Model how a tens frame can be used to write/explain a corresponding number sentence. 44 Create How could you prove that your number is always 24? What do you notice about these solutions? (direct them to 2 tens and 4 ones) Does the way that we group the number, change the way we write it? Why? Why is it 24 when e.g. it’s two groups of 5 and two groups of 7? 9. Solving the Main Problem (20mins) Use 28 to model the expectations for filling out the template, on the IWB ie. each line requires a different grouping- this will require modelling using lines to represent how many or dots in circles Show your groups Number of There are 2 groups hand out a recording of … and …sheet for the answers which result students to fill out in a double count. Intervene as Different responses, students explored with renaming and different representations. 45 blocks Draw or write a number sentence – emphasis on place value, to show how many blocks you have. Some students may miscount blocks due to one-to-one correspondence Student may not know how to share blocks into four sides. necessary provide tens frames enable them to regroup into tens and ones Some students filled out the no. of blocks first (they saw the pattern) select two samples from students for each way that the numbers are grouped differently. Display one under the other, in three columns. Very effective discussion. Discuss the number of blocks-tell them that each bag will have an even number of blocks 3. Polishing and Reporting Individual Solution Methods (10mins) Have a variety of students blue tac their solutions on the board; both their written number sentence to represent tens and ones and their groups Have students explain how they recorded. Does the way that we group the number, change the way we write it? Why? Why is it 24 when e.g. it’s two groups of 5 and two groups of 7? for example 46 40+6 4 tens 6 ones groups of ten and ones 10+10+10+10+6 regrouping responses2 tens +26 ones 4x10 +6 (4x10) +6 or 146 10² +(4 x10) + 6 14 tens 6 ones etc. Students described the pattern. They were using place value language. encourage the use of symbols. Analyse What stays the same, what changes? CreateWhat would happen if we had 231 cubes? Evaluating Have students build consensus of the most efficient ways of writing ‘tens and some more’ 46 1.Summary and Announcement of Next Lesson (5mins) come back to the learning intention point out that even though the size of the groups change and the representation of that number can change it is still written in terms of tens and some more Lesson Plans templates taken from: Fernandez, C., & Yoshida, M. (2004). Lesson Study: A Japanese Approach to Improving Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 47 Appendix E Pre and Post Assessment Interview Questions Materials 26 counters in a suitable jar or container 7 bundles of ten icy pole sticks or straws and 22 single sticks or straws Instructions Bold type indicates what should be said. Question One Empty container of counters in front of student and ask: “Can you count these as quickly as possible and write down the number please?” Note how the count is organised and what is recorded. If not 26, ask, “Are you sure about that? How could you check?” Once student has recorded 26, circle the 6 in 26 and ask, “Does this (point to the 6) have anything to do with how many counters you have there?” Indicate the collection. Note student’s response. Circle the 2 in 26 and repeat the question. Note student’s response. Place counters back in the container. Distractor question. Place bundles and sticks in front of the student and ask, “Can you make 34 using these materials please?” Note student’s response. If student asks or moves to unbundle a ten, say, “Before you do that, is there any way you could use these (pointing to the bundles of ten) to make 34?” Note student’s response. Remove sticks. Question Two Tip out the container of 26 counters and ask student to count these again and record the number. Note response, then ask, “Can you put these into groups of four please?” Once this is completed, point to the 26 that has been recorded and circle the 6. Ask: “Does this have anything to do with how many counters you have?” Circle the 2 in 26 and repeat the question. Note student responses. Taken from: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. (2012). Assessment for Common misunderstandings- level 2 Place-Value. Retrieved from http://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/teachingresources/discipline/maths/a ssessment/Pages/lvl2place.aspx. 48 Appendix F Pre and Post Assessment Rubrics Question One Student responses to this task indicate the meanings they attach to 2-digit numerals. A version of this task was originally employed by Ross (1989) who identified five stages in the development of a sound understanding of place-value, each of which appears in some form in the advice below. Response Observed response Suggestions Interpretation/Suggested teaching response Little/no response May not understand task Response given but not indicative of strong placevalue knowledge, eg, refers to 6 ones or physical arrangement such as “2 groups of 3” for circled 6, and “twenty” for circled 2. Says 6 ones and 2 tens fairly quickly Names Repeat at a later date Suggests 26 is understood in terms of ones, or 20 (ones) and 6 ones, may not trust the count of 10 or see 2 as a count of tens Check extent to which child trusts the count for 10 by counting large collections (see Tool 2.2) Practice making, naming and recording tens and ones, emphasising the count of tens in the tens place and the count of ones in the ones place Appears to understand the basis on which 2-digit numbers are recorded Consolidate 2-digit place-value by comparing 2 numbers (materials, words and symbols), ordering/sequencing (by ordering 5 or more 2-digit numbers or placing in sequence on a rope from 0 to 100), counting forwards and backwards in place-value parts starting anywhere (eg, 27, 37, 47 (clap), 46, 45, 44, 43, …), and by renaming (eg, 45 is 4 tens and 5 ones or 45 ones) 49 Consider introducing 3-digit place-value Question Two Student responses to this task indicate the strength of their understanding of place-value by exploring the extent to which they can be distracted by the regrouping and the perceptual image it presents (6 groups of 4 and 2 ones remaining). Interestingly, some students who referred to the 2 in 26 as “twenty” in the first instance are prompted to refer to the 2 in 26 as “2 tens” after the grouping exercise. Response Observed response Suggestion Interpretation/Suggested teaching response Little/no response or refers to 6 as the number of groups of 4 and 2 as the 2 remaining ones Distracted by the visual arrangement to override whatever else they may know about what ‘26’ means, suggests little/no place-value knowledge. May not understand task, does not trust the count of 10 Names Check extent to which child trusts the count for 10 by counting large collections (see Tool 2.2) and review subitising and part-partwhole ideas for 10 (see Level 1) Practice making, naming and recording tens and ones, emphasising the count of tens in the tens place and the count of ones in the ones place Is not distracted Suggests place-value ideas not well by visual image established, may not trust the count of 10 or regrouping, but refers to 2 Check trust the count, review as “twenty” subitising and part-part-whole ideas for 10 and making, naming and recording tens and ones (see above) Consolidate 2-digit place-value by comparing 2 numbers (materials, words and symbols), ordering/sequencing (by 50 ordering 5 or more 2-digit numbers or placing in sequence on a rope from 0 to 100), counting forwards and backwards in place-value parts starting anywhere (eg, 27, 37, 47 (clap), 46, 45, 44, 43, …), and by renaming (eg, 45 is 4 tens and 5 ones or 45 ones) Says 6 ones and Appears to understand the basis on which 2 tens fairly 2-digit numbers are recorded quickly Consolidate 2-digit place-value by comparing 2 numbers (materials, words and symbols), ordering/sequencing (by ordering 5 or more 2-digit numbers or placing in sequence on a rope from 0 to 100), counting forwards and backwards in place-value parts starting anywhere (eg, 27, 37, 47 (clap), 46, 45, 44, 43, …), and by renaming (eg, 45 is 4 tens and 5 ones or 45 ones) Consider introducing 3-digit place-value Taken from: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. (2012). Assessment for Common misunderstandings- level 2 Place-Value. Retrieved from http://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/teachingresources/discipline/maths/a ssessment/Pages/lvl2place.aspx. 51 Appendix G Observation Proformas Student Verbal and Physical Evidence Student response and strategy Evidence of student understanding Question or suggestion for the team about the student response 52 Teacher Questions Situation/what was asked Did students respond as expected? What could the teacher action be, to support or extend students? Suggestions for debrief: 53 Student Evidence Written What evidence was collected/ photographed? What does it show in relation to the lesson goal? Suggestion or question for the team. 54 Facilitator Lesson study teacher: What worked well? Each team member report on findings Exit task review What changes need to made to the lesson and/or exit task? 10min 10 mins per member 20 min 30min 55 Appendix H Coded Questions The Taxonomy Table Total Prompt Probe Create Evaluate Analyse Apply Clarify Remember Understand Bloom’s Taxonomy Categories Kylie 7 12 2 1 3 - - 6 - 31 Miranda Pablo Total 4 6 17 6 2 20 3 4 9 1 3 5 5 4 12 1 1 2 0 3 4 4 23 24 9 Adapted from Bloom’s Taxonomy, taken from: Walsh, J.A. & Sattes, B.D. (2005). Quality Questioning: Research-Based Practice to Engage Every Learner. Washington, D.C: Corwin Press. 56 Appendix I Teacher Interview Questions Q1. How did the lesson study process impact your conceptions of students’ understanding in place value? Q2. What were the most significant findings for you about the student’s understanding about place value? How will these findings affect your future planning of place value lessons? Q3. Tell me about any changes in your planning and teaching practice that are evident to you, if any, as a result of your involvement in the Lesson Study. Q4. Can you describe your learning as a result of the Lesson Study process, if any? Q5. How important do you think the use of student data is to inform your planning? Q.6 How important do you think collaboration when planning? Q.7 Can you describe what has had the greatest impact on your teaching as a result of your involvement in the Lesson Study process? 57 Appendix J Transcript Kylie Q1. How did the lesson study process impact your conceptions of students’ understanding in place value? This really opened my eyes to the fact that, [pause], um you really have to know what you’re looking for to really uncover those misconceptions because I didn’t realise that some of my kids who I thought were probably a lot more advanced in their conceptual understanding of place value were actually just good at speaking the lingo and following processes without, um, really understanding why they were doing what they were doing so, um. Yeah, I think it’s just made me more aware, you know, about the importance of actively looking for those misconceptions instead of waiting for them to pop, cause they might not. Q.7 Can you describe what was the most valuable part of the Lesson Study process for you? I was so surprised by the information that, you know, came out of that initial testing. Miranda Q1. How did the lesson study process impact your conceptions of students’ understanding in place value? Yep, the Lesson Study absolutely blew my mind away, in terms of the misconceptions that I had no idea that my students had. I think a lot of, it showed a lot of the testing we do, ahh both the formal testing and informal testing, was still testing, [pause] testing conceptions that, we knew that they would be able to tell us the right answers, but when we delved deeper they actually didn’t understand as much as we thought. We didn’t , so it’s really made us think about our teaching and our, and our.. yeah, assessments. 58