Using TI Nspire in Press-to

Using TI Nspire in Press-to-Test Mode
To start Press-to-Test mode:
Turn the TI-Nspire device OFF
Press the ESC and HOME/ON keys
SIMULTANEOUSLY. When you release them
simultaneously, you will see the Figure 1.
The function boxes do not need to be selected to
meet the criteria of the current TEA Calculator Policy
for the TAKS and STAAR EOC assessment
Figure 1
To deselect all the checkboxes at one time, press
CTRL A. This allows all the capacities of the
handheld to be accessible with no access to
documents for assessments.
Figure 2
If, during your classroom instructional processes, you
want to disable some functions and not others, you can
follow steps below.
TAB twice to make selections and confirm
Degree, Radian or Gradian (can be changed
afterwards). Press ENTER only if changing
from degrees. USE THE TAB KEY TO
You will see that the "Limit geometry functions"
box and others are selected by default.
TAB to the boxes and deselect them by
pressing the SPACE KEY (right of the letter Z)
for each one. DO NOT PRESS ENTER. TAB
Press enter to begin the handheld in press-totest mode. See Figure 3
Figure 3
When prompted, select OK. A blinking yellow
LED indicates the unit is in a Press-to-Test
mode that restricts documents. (It will blink
alternating yellow and red as the handheld is
rebooting.)See Figure 4
When the reboot process is completed, press
enter to select OK.
NOTE: If all boxes remain checked, you will see
a blinking green LED light.
Figure 4
Notice the “lock” icon that indicates the unit is in
press-to-test mode. See Figure 5
Figure 5
With the handheld OFF, hold down the ESC key
while turning on the handheld. TAB to highlight
the reset function as show below and press
enter to select. See Figure 6
Figure 6
This function will remove all documents and scratchpad
work done while in press-to-test mode without all the
steps of exiting and re-entering press-to-test.
To end Press-to-Test mode:
Connect the device to another handheld.
With a new document page open, press DOC.
Select Press-to-Test and Exit Press-to-Test.
See Figure 7.
Figure 7
When selected, the unit will reboot automatically. NOTE:
the “lock” icon will no longer be seen in the upper right.
See Figure 8.
Figure 8
Figure 9 is the screen that will appear if the unit is not
connected to another handheld or if the other unit is not
Note: Only a connected device to another handheld
can exit the Press-to-Test mode. Before you begin
this process, you must have access to another TINspire handheld.
Using Navigator to discontinue Pressto-Test mode in multiple units:
1. Create a TNS document to your computer that is
a blank file titled “Exit Test Mode”.
2. In Navigator - with AP connected - but no class
started, select Tools > Transfer Tool.
3. Press Add to Transfer List.
4. Navigate to the saved Exit Test Mode.tns
document and select that file.
5. Then at the bottom click "Edit destination folder"
and type Press-to-Test (exactly – including
dashes and capital letters).
6. Then click CHANGE.
7. Then click Start Transfer.
Figure 9