Tour® v3/Tour® v3 Slope HOW T O CH A NGE MODES T O C H A NGE Y OUR MODE OF OP E R AT ION IN T HE T OUR V 3 / T OUR V 3 SL OP E , P L E A SE F OL L OW T HE S T E P S BE L O W. 1. Make sure your unit is completely powered down (this can be done by letting the unit remain unused for at least 30 seconds) – you will know the unit is shut down as there will be nothing shown in the eyepiece display. 2. Press and Hold down the POWER/FIRE button located on top of the unit. Keep the POWER/FIRE button held down, and the unit will begin to cycle through the 4 available modes. (A) JOLT/Yards – displayed as JLT Y (B) Yards – displayed as Y (A) (B) (C) JOLT/Meters – displayed as JLT M (D) Meters – displayed as M (C) (D) 3. W hen your desired mode is shown in the eyepiece display, release the POWER/FIRE button to select it. 4. If you did not select the correct mode. Wait for the unit to power down and repeat step 2. Sku’s: 201360 and 201361