Coversion New Assess to Old Assment Numbers

How to retrieve old assessment numbers and associated documents
After identifying the relevant property for which historic documents need to be accessed, enter into
Authority and display the property.
For example:
Council Chambers at 17 Burrawan Str PIN 03028
Click on “Other Modules” and select “Rates Enquiry”
From the Rates Inquiry screen lookup the
number under User Assmt. This number
represents the assessment number after the
location code. E.g. x.02944. For the search
only this number is relevant
This number needs to be converted. Open the Alchemy Database
via the Shortcut on the desktop. The following menu appears.
Expand the directory to
display the several files of the
imaged sheets, which are
displayed in a window.
Underneath the window the
range of the displayed sheet is
For searching relevant
assessment numbers use the up
and down arrows.
Underneath use the zooming
tools to make the document
With the zooming tool next to it
you can pan around the
document and gives a snapshot
of the displayed records and
helps finding your record
The assessment numbers are listed in sequential
order after the location code separated by a dot. The
relevant assessment number has the converted
number displayed next to it.
In this case the old number is displayed as 5.02944
the old assessment number is in this case
2-00448-800003-000. (The number before and first
group of numbers after the dash is the identifier for
the property/fiche)
The converted number represents the number on the fiche with the historic records. There are two marked
ranges – 1970’s and 1980’s, which are located under the counter in Records.