Week of Nov. 17– 21 2014 PLEASE LOOK AT THE SCHOOL WEBSITE FOR UP TO DATE SCHOOL INFORMATION. http://schools.moed.bm IMPORTANT DATES PARENT TEACHER Prospect Primary Six Newsletter Ms. T. Rayner Objectives for the week: (letters and numbers represent Cambridge Curriculum Standards) Students Are Learning To: Science– 6Cc2- explore how solids can be mixed and how it is often possible to separate them again. ( same as last week due to public holiday on Nov. 11) Math – 6Nn27— begin to convert a vulgar fraction to a decimal fraction using division.. CONFERENCES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER, Reading– Grammar - 6GPr2- REVIEW WORD CLASSES (nouns, verbs etc.); 6GPr3- investigate the 18, 2014 use of conditionals; Reading— 6Rn5- examine the style, language and impact of a range of non-fiction writing, particularly biography and first and third person narration. BENCHMARK TESTING (READING SCHOOL PICTURES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2014- LEVELS); Writing— 6Wn5-; develop skills of writing biographies and autobiographies; Spelling Rule - the i before e rule. Social Studies - the time period we will be studying this year is 1920—2009; make sequential outline of COST -$35 specific events in time period and note cause and effect relationships; discuss how the past is con- PLEASE WEAR nected to the present; demonstrate their ability to summarize important events from Chapter 14– A COMPLETE SCHOOL UNIFORM Perfect Paradise; Computers- students will review opening a saved document, edit and proof read Ms. Rayner’s Contact Information: Email– document for errors; create a new document and alter text( font size, type, style and color). REMEMBER TO READ NIGHTLY FOR 30 MINUTES OR MORE !!!! REMEMBER TO READ NIGHTLY AND SIGN YOUR CHILD’S AGENDA AND READING LOG!! trayner4@moed.bm Phone292-1229 Ext 2242 Important Dates to Remember NOVEMBER 28, 2014 GRUB DAY COST $2 PTA MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2014 @ 6pm