It is well known that Muslims are very sensitive when the word “Allah” is being ridiculed.
The word “Allah”, which is mentioned countless of times in the Quran and Sunnah, is
something that has never been disputed by the Muslims. It is called the ism al-zat which
is a name that directly symbolises the essence of Allah s.w.t. the Most Exalted.
Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah said that the nature of the name “Allah” is of totality. Hence,
with the name, lie herein His other names (al-Asma‟ al-Husna – the Beautiful Names).
As Allah s.w.t decreed in Al-A‟raf verse 180: “And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong
to Allah”.
Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that there are other religions which claim that “Allah”
is a name for their god as well. This is not new and shocking to Islam. In fact, the Quran
itself has mentioned that the conflict is a lesson for the Muslims and the non-Muslims.
For example, when Al-Ikhlas was revealed, it discussed the conflict of who is the actual
Allah boasted by the other religions. Is the concept “Allah”, as being called by them,
accurate and true? Imam Ibn Kathir quoted „Ikrimah‟s words about the revelation of the
Said „Ikrimah: “When the Jews said: We worship „Uzair the son of Allah, the Christians
said: we worship al-Masih the son of Allah. The Majusi said: We worship the sun and
the moon. The apostates said: We worship deities. Thus, Allah s.w.t. descended upon
Rasulullah – the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) - Al-Ikhlas which
means: “Say (O Muhammad [peace and blessings be upon him]): “He is Allah, (the)
One. Allah-us-Samad (the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither
eats nor drinks). He begets not, nor was He begotten; And there is none co-equal or
comparable unto Him.”
Regardless of religion, if they do not understand and know who Allah is? What is the
actual meaning of the name? If those are not known and understood, then they do not
deserve to use the word “Allah”.
To further discuss the issue, the writer provides here clear arguments which clarifies the
true fact of the word “Allah” according to the thinking and Islamic faith (aqidah). What is
the significance of it that Allah s.w.t. made the word as a reference to His Essence as
the Most Exalted?
The word “Allah” according to one weak source is a rigid (jamid) name, that it is not a
name that emerges from other base word (issued name). For an issued name, it
requires a specific root word. On the contrary, Allah s.w.t. has a name that is eternal
(qadim). Qadim is something which does not have any basic element and has no
meaning behind it.
Nevertheless, according to a true source, the noun “Allah” is a derived word which has a
certain root word. However, Islamic scholars have different views about the origin of the
word “Allah” itself. Accurately, it originates from the phrase alahaya’lahu-uluhatanilahatan-ilahiyyatan which means „abada-‘ibadatan – to worship and worshipping. From
this scale (wazan) comes the word ilah which means ma’luh which is “to be worshipped”
Based on this opinion, Ibn „Abbas r.a. had once said: “Allah has the (attribute) of
Godliness (al-ilahiyyah) and submission (al-‘ubudiyah) on all of His creations”.
Renowned Arabic linguists have also opined the same. For instance al-Kisa‟i and alFarra‟ said that the word “Allah” originated from the word al-ilah. Then, they omit the
Arabic alphabet hamzah and combine (idgham) the sound of the first lam into the
second lam. Then one lam is formed and is read with a gemination sadda (tasydid) and
is read thick and heavy.
Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah on the other hand said: “The truth is, Allah is a word that has
an origin, with base word al-ilah. This conforms to an opinion of a famous linguist
Sibawaih and the majority of his companions with an exclusion of a few with a vague
opinion (without concrete base). The word Allah is inclusive of all the meanings of alAsma‟ul-Husna and His attributes the Most Elevated.
Those who opined that it is a derived name; they actually wish to explain that the word
Allah is inclusive of the attributes of Allah s.w.t. Which is alilahiyyah (Godliness) as the
other al-Asma‟al-Husna (the Beautiful Names) as al-Basir (the All Seeing), al-Sami’ (the
All Hearing), al-Qadir (the All Able), al-‘Alim (the All Knowing) and so forth.
Undoubtedly, these are derived names from its base while those names still remain
qadim. The meaning of the name is a derived name, from the saying and its meaning
which meets with the base word. It does not mean the names or attributes originate as
though a stem comes from its root. The naming of the base and the derived word by the
language expert, with the root and its stem does not mean either one of it originates
from the other, but it means one from the two contains the other even with some
Abu Ja‟far ibn Jarir, however, said: “The word Allah comes from the word „al-ilah. Then
the alphabet hamzah which is the fa’al-ism (it is the saying in the knowledge of nerve for
alphabet hamzah which is in the word ilah, because wazan or the weight of ilah is
fi’alun) is omitted. Then the alphabet lam which is the „ain al-ism meets with the
additional lam which has no vowel sound (sukun), and then both are combined with
each other.
Then both become one lam with a gemination sadda. While, the interpretation (tafsir) of
the word “Allah” is based on what is narrated by Ibn „Abbas r.a. which says: “It is He
(Allah) whom idolises Him of all things (ya’lahuhu kullu syai’in) and be worshipped by all
creatures (ya’buduhu kullu khalqin)”.
Also narrated, is a hadith from Abu Sa‟id by a marfu’ source (hadith which origin is
traced directly to the Prophet [peace and blessings be upon him]): “That Isa was given
away by his mother to a teacher so he can write. Then the teacher said to him: Write in
the name of Allah. Isa said: Do you know who Allah is? Allah is God to all whom is
Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah in explaining the specialty of Allah‟s name mentioned: “This
Most Glorified name has ten uttered characteristics… about its worldly characteristic,
the most knowledgeable of all Allah‟s creation, the Messenger (peace and blessings be
upon him) said: “I cannot praise You as whole and as perfect as it should be. You are
as You praise Yourself (end of saying).”
Ibn Qayyim then explained that the naming of Allah shows that He (Allah) is Who to be
idolised and worshipped. Deified by all creations with full of love, glory, submissiveness
and seeking refuge from Him in all wishes and calamities that befallen.
This is the actual meaning of the word Allah s.w.t. It is not merely a word for
conversation or an exclamation or a calling name for God. One the contrary, it is a
name that signifies the faith (aqidah) or religion of the person who uses it. That is the
reason why the usage needs to be monitored and preserved by the Government in
order to ensure that no one will be confused with the Most Exalted name.
Therefore, the Government‟s decision to maintain the ban on the usage of Allah in a
non-Islamic publication continues, as has been decided in the Cabinet of Ministers
meetings on 18th October and 1st November, 2006, is very accurate and should not be
argued at all. Even the usage of the words Allah, Baitullah (the House of Allah), solat
(prayer) and Kaabah has been gazetted to be exclusive only for the Muslims under
Warta PU (A) 15/82 and circular KKDN. S.59/3/6/A dated 5th December 1986.
The Aqidah Section
JAKIM Research Department