2S 1S N 2 99-W4499-EP-VD1.qxd 10/22/07 9:32 PM Page 2 FREQUENTLY USED FORMULAS CHAPTER 2 Proportions Z 1obtained2 Proportion f N CHAPTER 9 Percentage Means p % a f b 100 N Z 1obtained2 CHAPTER 3 Ps Pu 1Pu 11 Pu 2/N 1X1 X2 2 sx x Mean Standard deviation of the sampling distribution for sample means X sx x g 1Xi 2 N Pooled estimate of population proportion CHAPTER 4 Standard deviation s g 1Xi X 2 2 N B Pu N1Ps1 N2Ps2 N1 N2 Standard deviation of the sampling distribution for sample proportions spp 1Pu 11 Pu 2 11N1 N2 2/N1N2 CHAPTER 5 Z scores Zi s 22 s 21 B N1 1 N2 1 Proportions Xi X s Z 1obtained2 CHAPTER 7 1Ps1 Ps2 2 spp CHAPTER 10 Confidence interval for a sample mean Total sum of squares c.i. X Z a SST a X 2 NX 2 Sum of squares between s b 1N 1 Confidence interval for a sample proportion c.i. Ps Z Pu 11 Pu 2 B N CHAPTER 8 Sum of squares within SSW SST SSB Degrees of freedom for SSW Means Z 1obtained2 SSB a Nk 1Xk X 2 2 dfw N k X m s/ 1N 1 Degrees of freedom for SSB dfb k 1 99-W4499-EP-VD1.qxd 10/22/07 9:32 PM Page 3 Mean square within SSW dfw MSW Mean square between MSB SSB dfb Slope b 1X X 2 1Y Y 2 1X X 2 2 Y intercept a Y bX Pearson’s r 1X X 2 1Y Y 2 F ratio MSB F MSW CHAPTER 11 Chi square 1 fo fe 2 2 x 1obtained2 a fe 2 CHAPTER 13 Phi x2 f BN Cramer’s V x2 V B 1N 2 1Minimum of r 1, c 12 Lambda CHAPTER 14 Gamma Ns Nd Ns Nd Spearman’s rho rs 1 231X X 2 2 4 31Y Y 2 2 4 CHAPTER 17 Partial correlation coefficient ryx.z ryx 1ryz 2 1rxz 2 21 r 2yz 21 r 2xz Least-squares multiple regression line Y a b1X1 b2X2 Partial slope for X1 b1 a sy s1 ba ry1 ry2 r12 1 r 212 b Partial slope for X2 b2 a sy s2 ba ry2 ry1 r12 1 r 212 b Y intercept E1 E2 l E1 G r 6 g D2 N 1N 2 12 CHAPTER 15 Least-squares regression line Y a bX a Y b1X1 b2X2 Beta-weight for X1 b*1 b1 a s1 b sy Beta-weight for X2 b*2 b2 a s2 b sy Standardized least-squares regression line Zy b*1 Z1 b*2 Z2 Coefficient of multiple determination R 2 r 2y1 r 2y2.1 11 r 2y1 2 2S 1S N 3 2S 1S N 4 99-W4499-EP-VD1.qxd 10/22/07 9:32 PM Page 4 GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLS The number in parentheses indicates the chapter in which the symbol is introduced. a Point at which the regression line crosses the Y axis (15) ANOVA The analysis of variance (10) b Slope of the regression line (15) bi Partial slope of the linear relationship between the ith independent variable and the dependent variable (17) b*i Standardized partial slope of the linear relationship between the ith independent variable and the dependent variable (17) df Degrees of freedom (8) f Frequency (2) F The F ratio (10) fe Expected frequency (11) fo Observed frequency (11) G Gamma for a sample (14) Gp Partial gamma (16) H0 Null hypothesis (8) H1 Research or alternate hypothesis (8) IQV Index of qualitative variation (4) Md Median (3) Mo Mode (3) N Number of cases (2) Nd Number of pairs of cases ranked in different order on two variables (14) Ns Number of pairs of cases ranked in the same order on two variables (14) % Percentage (2) P Proportion (2) Ps A sample proportion (7) Pu A population proportion (7) PRE Proportional reduction in error (13) Q Interquartile range (4) r Pearson’s correlation coefficient for a sample (15) r2 Coefficient of determination (15) R Range (4) rs Spearman’s rho for a sample (14) rxy.z Partial correlation coefficient (17) R2 Multiple correlation coefficient (17) s Sample standard deviation (4) SSB The sum of squares between (10) SST The total sum of squares (10) SSW The sum of squares within (10) s 2 Sample variance (4) t Student’s t score (8) V Cramer’s V (13) X Any independent variable (12) X Mean of a sample (3) Xi Any score in a distribution (3) Y Any dependent variable (12) Y A predicted score on Y (15) Z scores Standard scores (5) Z A control variable (16) 99-W4499-EP-VD1.qxd 10/22/07 9:32 PM Page 5 GREEK LETTERS sp Standard deviation of a sampling distribution of sample proportions (6) spp Standard deviation of the sampling distribution of difference in sample proportions (9) sX Standard deviation of a sampling distribution of sample means (6) s X X Standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the difference in sample means (9) s2 Population variance (4) a Probability of Type I error (8) b Probability of Type II error (8) g Gamma for a population (14) l Lambda (13) m Mean of a population (3) mp Mean of a sampling distribution of sample proportions (6) mX Mean of a sampling distribution of sample means (6) r Pearson’s correlation coefficient for a population (15) g “Summation of” (3) f Phi (13) Spearman’s rho for a population (14) x2 Chi square statistic (11) Population standard deviation (4) x2c Chi square corrected by Yates’ correction (11) rs s 2S 1S N 5