UniversityStudies ClusterCourseAddition Adding a previouslyunapprovedcourseto a cluster (Wen addressingquestions,pleaseattacha separatesheet) nZ PROPOSING FACULTY (MichaelL. Cummines//L Q6Slogy) 1. THE COURSE A. COI.IRSETITLE, NUMBER, AND CATALOG DESCRIPTION Life in the Universe,G 345, Focuson issuessurroundingthe origin and evolution of life on earth,the environmentalconditionsrequired'forlife elsewhere,and the potentialfor life on other planetsand satellitesin our solar system.Additional topics include the discovery,occurrenceand habitability of extrasolarplanets,and the philosophicaland societalimplicationsof searchingfor life beyondEarth. Prerequisite:Upper division standing. B. DEVELOPMENT Is the coursebasedupon an existingcourse,or is it a new courseunder development? Life in the Universewas developedby Dr. Melinda Hutson as G 399U after it was approvedby the UniversityStudiesCommitteein200l-2002. The coursewas first offeredas G 399U in Summer,2002, 2003, and winter, 2003.The Departmentof Geology is submittinga parallel proposalto the University Curriculum Committeeto establishthis coursewith a discretenumber,G 345 Life in the Universe. AVAILABILITY With what regularityhas the coursebeen---orwill the coursebe--offered? As indicated,the coursehasbeenoffered threetimes sincesummer,2002.The coursewill be regularly offered during summerterm by Dr. Melinda Hutson and will be offeredon a fund-availablebasisand staff availablebasisduring the academicyear.Dr. Hutson is a tenuredfaculty memberat Portland Community College.If Dr. Hutson is not available,the coursecould also be offered by Dr. SherryCady, a faculty memberin the Departmentof Geology. D. PREREQUISITES List any courseprerequisitesbeyondthe clusterSophomorelnquiry course. There areno prerequisitesbeyondthe Global EnvironmentalChangeSophomoreInquiry. A general prerequisiteis UpperDivision Standing. 2. COI.'RSEOUTLINE. Providea detailedoutline of the proposedcourse,also including its preliminary readinglist, and the name(s)of instructor(s)committedto teachingthe course. Week l: Overview- What constitutesevidenceof life? Week 2: Astrobiology- a new scientific discipline Week 3: Geologyand Chemicalaspectsof life on earth Week 4: Biology and Planetaryaspectsof life on earth Week 5: Meteorites,Asteroidsand Comets Week 6: Strategyfor searchingfor life on Mars; Conceptof Analog ecosystems,a.8., hydrothermalecosystems. Week 7: Energy and Life in the Universe;Requirementsfor ET Life Week 8: Meteoritesand imoacts Week 9: Studentpresentationsand papers Week 10: Studentpresentationsand papers Texts:B. Jokosky,1998,The Searchfor Life on Other Planets,CambridgeUniversityPress, Cambridge,LlK, 326 p. Scientific America, 1995,Life in the Universe, w. H. Freemanand Company,122p. Astrobiology, a peer-reviewedscientificjournal publishedby Mary Ann Liebert, [nc. lnstructorcommittedto teachingthe course:Dr. Melinda Hutson,Adjunct faculty memberin geology.Melinda is committedto teachingthe coursein the surnmer.If agreementscan be reachedwith PCC Sylvaniacampus,the coursewill be offeredduring the academicyear. 3. GENERAL EDUCATION GOALS. A. COTIRSECONTENT & SUITABILITY FOR CLUSTER Discussthe coursecontentin relationshipto the thematicfocus of the cluster. The contentof G 345 Life in the Universeexpandsexistingthemesin the Global EnvironmentalChange Cluster.At present,G 456U Astrogeologyand G 399U (G345) Life in the Universeprovide a perspectiveon planetaryevolution.The G 399U (G345) Life in the Universealso complimentsthe contentof G430U Life of the Past.Thesethreecourses(G345, G456, and G430) form a group that encouragesstudentsto explorethe origin and evolution of life and placesthesefundamentaltopics in the context of planetaryevolution. In addition to the abovementionedcourses,the Departmentof Geology offers G 351 Oceanography,G 455 Minerals in World Affairs, G 452 Geologyof the OregonCountry, G 344 Geology and the National Parks,and G 457 Volcanoesand Earthquakes(proposedfall2003) in the Global EnvironmentalChaneeCluster. B. LTNSTGOALS Indicatewhat materialsand assignmentswill addressthoseUniversity Studiesgoals appropriateto the coursecontentand clustertheme(the goalsare Inquiry and Critical Thinking, Communication,Diversity of Human Experience,and Ethical Issues& Social Responsibility). 1) Inquiry and Critical Thinking: The analysisof scientificdata,how thesedata are used to constructhypotheses,and the style by which scientificargumentationis developed provide a structurefor inquiry and critical thinking in this course.As the field of astrobiologyevolvesthe criteriaby which the evidenceis evaluatedfor the existence of life in the universebecomesan importantissue.Studentswill explorethe issues surroundingthe identificationof life eitherby direct evidenceof the organismor through the impact an organism producesin its environment. 2) Communication:The studentpresentationsduring the last two weeksof the term provide an opportunity for oral presentationsthat are groundedin written reports. The use of Internetresourcesas a point of discussionprovidesstudentswith informal opportunitiesto discussimportanttopics in the course.One of the themesdeveloped in the courseis communicationof information on astrobiology.There are great differencesbetweeninformation presentedin the popularliterature/science fictiorllnternet resourcesand informationpresentedin peer-reviewedscientific literature.Studentswill gain experienceevaluatingthe structureof scientific argumentsand how data are usedto supporthypotheses. 3) Diversity of Human Experience:All culturesstrugglewith the questionof origins. How we explain the origin of life is deeply rootedin our belief systemsand cultural experiences.Discussionsamongstudentsand faculty on the questionof life in the universewill allow studentsto explorethis diversity of humanexperience. 4) Ethical Issues& SocialResponsibility:Any discussionof life and its origins moves into ethicalissues.As geoscientistswe have alwayshad to deal with theseissuesin our classeswhen topics of geologictime and biological evolution are introduced. Although this courseis not designedto addresstheseissuesdirectly, instructorsare relatively skilled at moving discussionsin theseareaswhen appropriate. C. CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Discussthe teachingstrategiesemployedin the courseand how they articulatewith the student-centered, active-learningstrategiescharacteristicof University Studiescourses. The Departmentof Geology is committedto increasingappropriatetechnologyuse in cluster coursesoffered by the depdrtment.Nearly all clustercourseshave a componentof computerbasedinstructionor useof analyticalinstrumentationin studentprojectsand presentations. The samewill hold true in Life in the Universe.The breakingnews in astrobiologyis communicated on lntemet. However, studentsneedto gain confidencein evaluatingthe informationthat is presentedin this volatile setting.Classsessionswill be scheduledin a technologyclassroom where studentsusecomputersas part of the instruction.Studentswill searchthe web and the instructorwill be able to project sitesthat they find and usethesesitesas a basisfor discussion and evaluation. Quizzes,midterm exam,and final exam in essay/shortanswerformat will evaluatestudent learningin the basicconceptsof the content. Studentpresentationsbasedon their own investigationof the peer-reviewedscientific,popular, and Internetliteratureallow studentsan opportunityto exploretheir interestsand interactionwith the faculty memberteachingthe coursesincethesetopics needto be approvedand discussed with the instructor. Lectureand in-classdiscussionsround out the approachesusedin this course. PROPOSING FACULTY: COURSETITLE AND NIIMBER: * tt **?trr* *** !t** *tr* ** *** *rr* **:k*** *** **** ***tr* **:krt*t<** ?ktr:k?k*tr** ?kt(tr* OBTAIN CHAIR AI{D CLUSTER COORDINATOR SIGNATURES BEFORE SUBMITTING TO UIVVERSITY STUDIESOFFICE DEPARTMENT CHAIR(S): DArE: tr/O/A DATE: 7 CLUSTERCOORDINATOR: o,an,L((t)(a3 All changesto Clustersmust be approved by PSU's SenateCurriculum Committee. THE ORIGINAL + 12 COPIESOF THE PROPOSAL MUST BE RECEIVEDAT UNIVERSITYSTUDIES(CH 163) BY OCTOBER31,2OO3 ,1.**********************{.************************,t,t *x***********{.xrt,F**rt COURSEAPPROVEDFOR CLUSTERINCLUSION CHAIR,CLUSTERCOORDINATORS: DATE: CHAIR. I-INSTCOMMITTEE: DATE: ****