With an odd number of treads there is no true center. Choose one of

Measuring for 3 Post EZ Rail Base Plates or Core Drill
Explaination: When ordering a 3 post rail
with the base plate or for use as the core drill
method post placement is critical. In most
cases you want all three posts to be the
same height and each post placed the same
distance from the nose of the step—about 4
inches. This will insure that your rail meets
the pitch of your steps with out drooping or
rising at the mid post.
Nose to Nose
Size rail to choose
5 to 6 feet
7 foot rail
6 to 7 feet
8 foot rail
7 to 7 feet 10
9 foot rail
When exceeding 7
feet 10 inches see
custom 3
Information Required to checkout!
Record your measurements. This will help us make your rail to fit your steps.
Using the diagram below record the two nose to nose measurements. The picture below has 7
treads because the landing at the top is not counted. If you have an even number of steps like 4
or 6 the two nose to nose will be nearly equal.
How many treads/steps do you have? _______
With an odd number of treads there
is no true center. Choose one of the
two most center steps. The options
Are shown as dotted line posts.
See custom
option 5 for
another possible
solution for odd
number steps.
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Many of our on-line customers write or e-mail us with questions or concerns. We can easily make
longer rails with splice points, longer posts, one post and one bracket, and much more. So don't give
up if you don't see exactly what you need. We build each rail as the orders are placed, and they ship
within 3-5 business days; so a custom rail with a few modifications will still be surprisingly affordable,
and arrive faster than you think. Simply call Monday-Friday; 7:00 am – 3:00 pm EST or e-mail