Percentage-Based Sakai Gradebook Calculations This document explains course grade displays and calculations for the following Gradebook Setups: Displaying grades as percentages with no categories and no weighting Displaying grades as percentages with simple categories Displaying grades as percentages with weighting categories Percentage-Based Gradebook Setup without Categories or Weighting Assume a Gradebook with the following items in a percentage-based system of grading. With percentage-based systems each item has a relative weight. In this instance Journal items have a base weight of 1 and all other items are relative to that base weight. An assignment is worth twice as much as a journal so an assignment weight, relative to that of a journal, is 2. The Term Paper is worth four times as much as one journal, giving it a relative weight of 4, etc. Title Grade (%) Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Journal 1 Journal 2 Journal 3 Journal 4 Term Paper Midterm Exam Final Exam Total Rel Weight 85% 82% 90% 80% 70% 100% 92% 93% 92% Item Value (Relative Weight) 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 5 20 Sakai ver. 10 - Gradebook Instructional Technology and Research Support (ITRS) Revised 4/17/2015 1 Percentage-Based Sakai Gradebook Calculations The course grade is calculated by summing the products of the each percentage grade and its associated relative weight and then dividing that sum by the sum of the relative weights. Course grade: (2*85+2*82+5*92+1*90+1*80+1*70+1*100+3*93+4*92/20) = (1781/20)=89.05% Percentage-Based Gradebook Setup with Categories In the scenario below, the instructor uses the same grading scheme as above but has grouped the items into Categories in the following manner: Category Item Assignments Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Journals Journal 1 Journal 2 Journal 3 Journal 4 Exams Midterm Exam Final Exam Term Paper Term Paper Total Relative Weights Relative Weight 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 5 4 20 Note that each category has a percentage score which is calculated by summing the percentages earned for each item in the category and dividing the sum by sum of the relative weights of all items in the Sakai ver. 10 - Gradebook Instructional Technology and Research Support (ITRS) Revised 4/17/2015 2 Percentage-Based Sakai Gradebook Calculations category. The course grade is calculated in the same manner as the Gradebook Setup without categories. Title Assignments Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Exams Final Exam Midterm Exam Journals Journal 1 Journal 2 Journal 3 Journal 4 Term Paper Term Paper Total Grade (Percentage Earned) 83.5% 85% 82% 92.37% 92% 93% 85% 90% 80% 70% 100% 92% 92% Relative Weight 2 2 5 3 1 1 1 1 4 20 As with the No Categories example above, the course grade is the sum of all the grades multiplied by their relative weights divided by the sum of the relative weights. Course grade: (2*85+2*82+5*92+1*90+1*80+1*70+1*100+3*93+4*92/20) = (1781/20)=89.05% Points-Based Gradebook Setup with Categories and Weighting In the scenario below, the instructor uses Weighted Categories to determine the course grade: Category Weight Assignments 15% Journals 10% Exams 45% Term Paper 30% Item Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Journal 1 Journal 2 Journal 3 Journal 4 Midterm Exam Final Exam Term Paper Total Relative Weights Relative Weight 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 5 4 20 Sakai ver. 10 - Gradebook Instructional Technology and Research Support (ITRS) Revised 4/17/2015 3 Percentage-Based Sakai Gradebook Calculations Category Assignments (15% weight) Title Grade (%) Assignment 1 85% Assignment 2 82% Total (Assignments): [2*85+2*82)/4] = 83.5% Item value (Relative weight) 2 2 Category Exams (45% weight) Title Grade (%) Final Exam 92% Midterm Exam 93% Total (Exams): [(92*5+93*3)/8)] = 92.37% Item value (Relative weight) 5 3 Category Journals (10% weight) Title Grade (%) Item value (Relative weight) Journal 1 90% 1 Journal 2 80% 1 Journal 3 70% 1 Journal 4 100% 1 Total (Journals): [(1*90+1*80+1*70+1*100)/4] = 85% Category Term Paper (30% weight) Title Grade (%) Term Paper 92% Total (Term Paper): [4*92%/4] = 92% Item value (Relative weight) 4 Sakai ver. 10 - Gradebook Instructional Technology and Research Support (ITRS) Revised 4/17/2015 4 Percentage-Based Sakai Gradebook Calculations The course grade is calculated by summing the products of the weight of each category by the category percentage grade. Category Assignments Exams Journals Term Paper Total Weight 15 45 10 30 Contribution to grade (15%*83.5%) = 12.525% out of 15% (45%*92.37%) = 41.567% out of 45% (10%*85%) = 8.5% out of 10% (30%*92%) = 27.6% out of 30% (12.53%+41.57%+8.5%+27.6%) = 90.19% Overall course grade (Assignments, Exams, Journals, and Term Paper): 90.19% Note: The Course Grade for the Weighted Scheme is slightly higher than that of the non-weighted scheme. In the weighted scheme the Exams and Term Paper categories are weighted more heavily than in the non-weighted scheme, e.g., exams are worth a relative weight of 8 out of 20 or40% in the nonweighted scheme but worth 40% in the weighted scheme; the Term Paper was worth 4 of 20 (20%) in the non-weighted scheme but 30% in the weighted scheme. Since this student received higher grades for the items in the Exams and Term Paper categories the overall grade is higher. Sakai ver. 10 - Gradebook Instructional Technology and Research Support (ITRS) Revised 4/17/2015 5