End of Term Grading Checklist ASDW Quarter Classes

End of Term Grading Checklist
Anglophone West School District Quarter Classes
Term: ___________________
Ending Date of Quarter: __________________
Check As
Verify that current quarter weights for each class taught this
reporting period are correct. Q1-Q4
Verify grades entered are on the correct Reporting Term – see
Reporting Term Dates in GradeBook
Verify that calculations for category weights for current grading
period are correct for each class taught this reporting period. (Ex. –
Tests, Quizzes, Homework, etc. must add up to 100%).
Or, if applicable, that you have total points selected as a method of
calculating the final grade.
Highest grade allowed is 100; any grade over 100 must be changed to
All grades need to be set to 0 decimal places; rounded. (ToolsPreferences-Grading)
Make sure that both Percent and Letter Grade columns are showing in
Gradebook (Tools-Preferences-Grading) and that both columns have
the identical grades. Remember that the Grade column that appears
on the report card is the column on the LEFT when both columns are
appearing in GradeBook.
Verify comments appear on the correct Reporting Term. Remember
to choose comments from the comment banks. Narrative comments
are not part of the NB High School Report card.
Final Grades Complete – click the Scoresheet Tab across the top of
the page and click the Reporting Term (Q1, Q2, Q3, etc.) In Progress.
Check the box; it will turn green to indicate Grades Complete.
Grade verification sheets will be issued after the term cut-off date.
Once grades have been verified and corrections have been made in your GradeBook
grades will be stored at the office level and report cards will be printed. If changes occur
after report cards are printed, necessary changes will be made by the teacher in
Gradebook and communicated to the office so changes can be made to the student’s
Historical Grades page.