Miss Krueger ckrueger@cnusd.k12.ca.us AP European History Syllabus – Second Semester Course Description: Welcome to the halfway point of AP European History! This semester will focus on preparing for the AP exam in May and finishing up the material. The year will finish with a project based on concepts and subjects learned throughout the entire course. Course Objectives: Demonstrate an understanding of historical chronology Attain a broad body of knowledge on major political, economic, religious, social, intellectual, and artistic themes Interpret original documents Write clear and compelling essays Prepare for and successfully pass the Advanced Placement Exam on May 6th Grades: Your grade will be based on this scale: A = 100-90% B = 89-80% C = 79-70% D = 69 – 60% F = 59-0% Assignments are weighted by the following: Homework = 10% Project = 10% Class work = 10% Study Guides = 10% Short Answers = 10% Long Essays = 10% DBQs = 15% Multiple Choice Tests = 15% Quizzes = 10% Daily Procedure: Same as always. Please don’t be late. It disrupts the class and takes away from your own learning. Class work: During some class days, you will have some sort of classroom assignment that you will need to complete either on your own, or in groups. You will have a specific amount of time to complete it and it will be due at the end of the period. Homework: There will ALWAYS be some sort of homework assignment. It might be reading, finishing up a class assignment, or some other sort of work. Homework is stamped daily and graded on the day of the test. I do not accept late work! Absent Work: If you are absent, check on http://www.teacherweb.com/ca/santiagohighschool/krueger for your make-up work. Everything will be posted, and there will instructions on how to complete assignments. It is up to you to use this website. You are given a one day grace period – meaning, if you miss Monday, return Wednesday, the work is due on Friday. You will be held responsible for this policy! Late Work: Study guides are the ONLY late work I will accept. I will accept this one day late at a 50% reduction in grade. This policy is the same as before – come to class late, and your work is late and I won’t accept it. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO GET TO CLASS ON TIME! Do whatever you have to in order to get here. Tests: Tests are given at the completion of a chapter. They will include multiple choice, short answers, long essays, and DBQs. Study guides will be given and test dates are posted online. Study guides are always due on test day. Make-up tests/Quizzes: Each semester, students will have their lowest multiple-choice test, their lowest quiz, and their lowest essay dropped. If a student has an excused absence on a test or essay day, then the test he/she drops will be the one that he/she missed, (no make-up will be allowed). If the absence is not excused, the student will receive a zero for the test or essay. If a student misses a second test or essay, with an excused absence, then a make-up test will be given within THE DAY THE STUDENT RETURNS IN CLASS. Quizzes are given once a week and will follow the same policies for the tests. Tardies and Electronics: Same tardy policy as before. As for electronics, you should never have them out, period. Cheating/Copying/Plagiarism: Don’t do it, period! Class Discussions/Participation: I expect all students to actively listen and ask/answer questions. “I don’t know” isn’t an acceptable answer. Posting of Grades: Grades will be posted about every two weeks in class and online. Attitude! Please maintain a positive attitude. You’ve made it through the first semester of a very difficult advanced placement course. So don’t sabotage yourself by being negative! There’s light at the end of this tunnel! Go pass that test! AP Euro is not for the weak and you’ve proven that you’re strong enough to survive. Syllabus and Rules Signature Page for Miss Krueger Please study these handouts and know them! I may also change/revise them when I choose, but I will warn you when and if I do so. Please have your parent/guardian read and sign. I have read Miss K’s syllabus, rules, and policies on tardies and electronics and understand them. I as the student understand that I may not have ANY electronic device out for ANY reason in class without permission. Student Name ________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name___________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________________________________