Final Ethnographic Essay

Tvete 1302--Fall 2013
Final Ethnographic Essay (20%)
A final essay detailing the results of your study, what your findings mean in relation to
the field of literacy studies, etc. Look to chapters four and five in EIIW for what this project
should look like. Keep in mind that parts of other essays you’ve composed this semester
including WA 1, WA 3 and WA 4 will all be part of this essay. (10-15 pages) Your essay will be
part of a portfolio (folder) which includes your double sided observation notes, interviews,
reflexive writing, research artifacts, and anything else that help create an accurate portrayal of
the research you conducted this semester.
I have created an outline which you may choose to use as a guideline for your
ethnography and included it below.
DUE: November 26
Possible Outline for Ethnography
1) Introduction
a) Your fixed and subjective position as it connects to why you chose your site (anecdote)
b) Your assumptions
c) Research questions
2) Background “facts” on your general topic and particular site (outside research)
3) Your visual walkthrough (WA 4)
4) Literacy at your site
a) Your ethical research guidelines (part of WA 3)
b) Your method of observation/interview (that part of WA 1--in past tense)
c) Your results (field notes & interviews--quotes and summary)
5) Conclusion
a) What surprised, intrigued, disturbed you (in class writing assignment)
b) What you learned overall
c) What you might pursue in the future