English 3040 Assignments

English 3040 Assignments
Short Papers 50%
Students will complete three short papers over the course of the semester. The first will be an explication
paper. Students will be choose one of the texts we read early in the semester and write a 3-5 page paper offering a
close reading of the text. The second paper will be a scholarly article review paper. Students will choose a
scholarly article (minimum 20 pages) on one of the works that we have read, and write a 3-5 page summary and
analysis of the article. The article is due with the paper. Finally, students will write a 4-6 page theoretical
application paper. Students will be required to choose one of the literary theories we are discussing this semester,
explain the theory, and then apply the theory to one of the works we have read. Students should submit all short
papers in the online writing environment: www.wac.gsu.edu/wow
Essay 1
Essay 2
Essay 3
Dialectic Project 20%
Students will work in groups to write and produce a 5 minute dialectic covering one of the theories we discuss in
class and presented in Xtranormal. In the last week of class as a review for the final exam, students will present their
Xtranormal videos and submit their final written script as well as 2 page individual explanations of their
contributions to the project, their justifications for the arrangement of their video presentation, and their thoughts on
working through the project.
Dialectic Example
Shakespearean Example
Final Exam 20%
Students will complete a final exam on December 12thrd at 10:45. The exam will cover all material presented over
the course of the semester. It will be comprised of a terms identification section, a short answer section, and an
essay question. Students will receive a set of essay questions before Thanksgiving break. Students will submit their
response to the essay question in the Online Writing Environment before coming to take the final exam.
Daily Grades and Participation 10%
During the course of the semester, students will occasionally be asked to respond to the readings in-class writings or
work in groups to create points for class discussion. Students will also be asked to complete short writings for
homework. I only administer quizzes on an “as needed” basis. Quizzes and daily grades are administered at the
beginning of the class period and cannot be “made up,” so students are advised to arrive on time and ready to
work. Finally, this grade will take your participation into account. The participation portion of this grade is based
on your attendance, your preparedness, and your class discussion.