Source signature and HM’s Enrichment in PM2.5 Emission from Clinker Production Paper # 05-A-579-AWMA C. Gutierrez-Cañas, J.A. Legarreta, M. Larrion, J. R. Vega, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, U. País Vasco, A. de Urquijo s/n , 48013 Bilbao (Spain) E. García and S. Astarloa AIR g, M. Diaz de Haro 68, Bajo, Pab. 3-4-5, 48920 Portugalete (Spain) ABSTRACT Heavy metals from high-T stationary sources and PM2.5 are correlated. Data representative of current designs and operating practices regarding emission of PM2.5 from clinker and cement production are very sparse, several studies cover these topics for other stationary sources. Although the emission of primary PM2.5 is believed to be very low, this range concentrates several trace pollutants –regulated- and becomes more relevant according to the improvement of gas-solid separation devices. The tendency of stricter emission limits has not been encompassed by the experimental knowledge about fine fractions. National emission limit values differ not only on designated metals but also in measurement conditions, methods, time interval and frequency. Open questions in currently available source profiles for stationary sources include: to identify chemical species that differentiate among sources, to measure following nonstandard or non-equivalent methods, to know the source operation and dynamics; and to report variability, inaccuracy and uncertainty of chemical abundance measurements. This work present an experimental approach and initial field results for characterization of HM and PM2.5 emissions from clinker production covering the entire dynamic (circa 24 h/cycle) of the process. PROBLEM STATEMENT: HEAVY METALS AND PM2.5 The concentration of individual heavy metals has a strong dependence on size fraction. Fractional efficiency criteria will substitute the conventional ones (based on extrapolation, similarity, and on simple physical descriptions, such as the overall efficiency-based models) for equipment and process design and rating. Nowadays, the equipment for gas-solid separation is designed using some theoretical guidelines, but really a number of relevant decisions are based to a great extent on empiricism. However, the current needs to micron range efficient removal in industrial processes require a deep insight on size distributions, and on the size-distributed chemical composition. According to this problem statement, the following particle physico-chemical properties of particulate emissions were measured: Particle mass size distribution Particle number size distribution Elemental composition Morphology The mass concentration and mass size distribution were measured, with cascade impactors (Dekati PM10, Andersen Mark III and Kalman heads). The number concentration and number size distribution was measured with ELPI, which also separate sample to further analysis. The size distribution -aerodynamic diameter- of the particulate matter collected in the electrostatic precipitator was measured by means of a time-of-flight analyzer (TSI3603). Samples of the main streams were also collected for elemental analysis. The relative abundance of the different metals depends on the fuel and secondary raw materials as well as combustion conditions. Current and short-term trends in emission limit values focus on trace pollutants, as is the case of heavy metals. On the other hand, new air quality standards for PM2.5 will drive new processes to identify emission sources, and to develop new techniques for fine particle control. However, these new standards and cost-effective abatement technology depend on an adequate understanding about the relationship between the supposed adverse health effects and the physicochemical properties of the fine PM governing or causing them. Additionally, improved characterization of source profiles is required for reliable PM2.5 source apportionment1,2 . The source signatures must take into account the intrinsic variability of chemical abundances due to process dynamics or operational changes; not only from discontinuous processes –such as electric arc furnace steelmaking, for example- but also for continuous processes. This is the case of clinker production. Cement companies have improved traditionally the cost-effectiveness of the clinker production by using secondary raw materials and low-quality combustibles. Recently, the interest and role of wastes as fuels or secondary raw materials on cement industry is rapidly growing. It has been estimated (Cem. British Assoc., 1998) a European mean value of 11% for the fuel substitution rate, although large discrepancies among regions are also reported. These discrepancies (ranging from a share of 2% in an EU state to a 20% in other one, as reported by the same manufacturing group) are closely related to the structure of the regional market, and local policies on permits. The same fact is observed considering regional differences concerning the use and addition proportion as secondary materials of a wide range on wastes from other industrial processes, ranging from an incipient reuse to locations where it is almost indispensable from a social, economical and technical point of view. In Europe the IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention Control) 96/61/EC Directive lays down procedures for granting operation permits for cement plants. It aims at achieving a high level of protection for the environment as a whole by means of measures “designed to prevent or, where that is not practicable, to reduce emissions” to air, water and land. The use of hazardous waste as an alternative fuel in cement kilns is regulated at EU level by Directive 94/67/EC. While the Directive sets out rules for the burning of hazardous wastes in dedicated plants for incineration of waste, it also recognises and provides for the procedure of co-incineration, that is the burning of wastes in industrial furnaces (such as cement kilns) not exclusively designed for such purposes. IPPC Directive will entry into force in 2007. The emission limit values will be set using an integrated approach by the locally competent authority with due consideration of: the technical characteristics of the plant, the geographical location; the local environmental conditions and the best available technique (to be taken from the respective BAT Reference Document). The environmental impact of the cement manufacturing process is mainly restricted to atmospheric emissions thus not representing an environmental “multi-media” impact process. Representative emission data (long term average values) from European cement kilns in operation are summarised in the Table13. Table 1 Long-term averaged emission values from clinker kilns*,** * Emission limits refer to reference conditions in the dry or wet gas (i.e. 0° C and 1013 mbar), sometimes adjusted to a specified oxygen level. Limit values also refer to averaging periods which may be different from country to country (half-hourly, hourly, daily, annual average). Specific conditions for short term non-compliance (exceedances) also apply. ** In Europe, cement clinker (about 78%) is predominantly burnt in dry-process plants in rotary kilns; shaft kilns are seldom used. The Directive 94/67/EC states emission limits for cement kilns as co-incineration plants with special provisions. However, the tendency of emission limits, also as the tendency of achievable emissions -corresponding to the current available technology and/or to the best industrial practices, as reported almost fifteen years ago by the VDI (1985)- have not been encompassed by the experimental knowledge about heavy metals mass balance, more precisely about their unequal distribution among process outlets. There is still a lack of European reference methods or standardised practices, which could provide a common basis for the interpretation of several sampling, analysis, and result reporting approaches. Moreover, there is also a lack of equivalence between results obtained by different sampling trains, by different sample treatments and/or by different analytical techniques. This uncertainty has been reflected also in regulatory standards and directives; for example concerning the “measurement techniques” the Directive on Incineration state that they “have to be carried out representatively”, following CEN standards and, if not available, ISO standards or other national or international procedures. The central questions in terms of a industrial perspective are, therefore, whether the clinker production process can be efficiently monitored, in order to ensure the simultaneous compliance of regulatory requirements and product quality constraints. Insight on this point can be acquired neither by the use of conventional emission factors, nor by extrapolation of data from other conversion processes, nor by modelling-, whether the incentives for waste treatment are realistic, or coherent with emission limits and product quality, whether cement industry contributes to a life cycle of other products processes in an operation compatible with environmental requirements, and whether the need for innovative design, operation and management tools, incorporating sustainability criteria, could be implemented. EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY Sampling and Analysis The following paragraphs refer to a plant for 2200 t clinker/day, dry-process with long rotary kiln, precalcinator and a four-stage cyclone preheater. The main raw materials are limestone, marl, and as Fe-carrier normally wastes from steel rolling; and the routine fuels are petroleum coke and used tyres. The emission from the clinker production line could be briefly described as a high temperature aerosol of complex chemical composition, long residence time and complex gas-to-particle physicochemical interactions along the process line. In this plant, the mean residence time of the gas in the kiln, precalciner, preheater and electrofilter is around 40s with temperatures falling from 1100 to circa 130ºC at the stack. An estimate for the material retention time is 35 min. The dust collected in the electrostatic precipitator is recycled to the cyclone stages near the kiln. This closed-loop lead to the build-up of characteristic metals –such as thallium- and it is maintained stable as the temperature profile remain unchanged. However, the operation is not strictly stable, because it could be broken down into three successive periods from the point of view of the particle-laden gas flow sources: 1) Clinker kiln, 2) Clinker kiln and crude mill, 3) Clinker kiln, crude mill and coke mill. These subregimes must be individually described leading to a separate discussion about emission characterization, compliance and gas cleaning requirements. In the case of metals confined in the above-mentioned closed loops, it may give rise to unexpected short-time emissions. The instruments, techniques and procedures were as follows. The mass size distribution was measured by means of cascade impactors (4 stage Dekati PM10 or Kalman heads) as heads of a conventional sampling train –EPA5 or VDI 20664- under constant flow rate. The operational problems, such as the possibility of particle bounce and reentrainment, interstage wall losses, and the non-ideal collection characteristics of the substrate, has been widely reported and specific procedures were applied to QA/QC.. Sampling periods must allow the collection of a sufficient sample in each stage –for further chemical analysis- while avoiding any overloading. A continuous recording of stack velocity was used as emission regime stability criteria. The number size distribution was measured by an ELPI. In this case, due to the high concentration the impactor must be used with a two-stage dilution train (Dekati ejectors). The first one was maintained to about 180 ºC and the second one operate without heating. No condensation was observed and the losses along the line –before the first diluter- are considered negligible. The averaging period was set to 10 s, in this way, the signal could be considered as nearly “real-time” size distribution measurement. The ELPI was operated in stable conditions and also during transients or operational changes. In the first case, each stage was analyzed. The sampling periods lasted approximately from 1 to 2 hours in order to avoid impactor loading collecting sufficient mass to perform chemical analysis. Gas flow through the ELPI was set around 10 lpm. For the size ranges of interest, the use of a low-pressure cascade impactor allows to work with fine particles because the lower cut-off aerodynamic diameter limit of the conventional non compressible flow impactor is approximately 0.3 µm. The last stage was maintained to 100 mbar absolute pressure. In general, particle bounce can be a severe problem in high-velocity impactors and volatile particles may also evaporate under the low- pressure conditions of the lowpressure impactor. Is this case, the presence of semivolatiles could be a big concern for the analysis of Hg, taking into account that the solid-vapor behaviour depends strongly on the species properties and can not be estimated on the basis of pure element behavior. The basic operation principle of the ELPI combines inertial classification of the low pressure impactor with real-time electrical detection. It has been reported that for gravimetric measurements fine particle losses to the upper stages are not critical, as the mass introduced by diffusion deposition is insignificant when compared to the mass of particles actually impacting to the stage. When using an electrical detection instead of a gravimetric method, the current carried by the fine particles can be significant when compared to the signal caused by particles impacting to the stage. Losses are on the order of 0.1 to 2 % when the stage cut-off diameter is much larger than the aerodynamic diameter of the particle5 Sample treatment and analysis of heavy metals are conducted under the VDI3868 (1999), VDZ recommended practices for mass flows characterisation in cement production. For trace analysis, a comparison among AAS, ICP/AES, ICP/MS and FRX was also carried out. The results show that available FRX was not adequate to this kind of task, despite the advantages to the direct use of solid samples. Due to the few amount of mass sample, the results here presented have been obtained by ICP/AES and ICP/MS. Mass size distribution Figure 1 shows the ratios of the mass collected on each stage of the cascade impactor using as reference basis the total mass collected in each run, for a series of eight successive samples in a month. Stages are designated by its nominal cut-off diameter, despite the fact that corrections must be made due to stack conditions (pressure and temperature). The observed variability of relative PM(i)/PM(i) has no or little sense without taking into account the operational subregimes. The SEM micrographs and elemental analysis of the collected samples shows that the coarse mode (larger than 5m) consists mainly of fragments of the inorganic raw materials originated during the conminution of crude feed. The fine mode is composed of agglomerates resulting from gas-to-solid conversion along the process line (kiln and the four-stage cyclone preheater) and, consequently, is very sensitive to process conditions and dynamics. Its morphology6 shows fractal-like structures correspond to a rather slow growth process enriched in the intermediate range condensing metals- and spherical structures corresponding to rapid cooling and condensation of volatile metals –mainly thallium was detected- after the last cyclone stage. In any case, it is to be pointed out that PM2.5 could range roughly from 40% to 80% mass. Figure 1 Influence of operating regime: Specific ratios PM(i)/PM(i). 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Sampling run (PM2,5-PM10)/TSP (PM1-PM2.5)/TSP PM1/TSP The operational changes may lead to a transient behaviour of the emission. The record of emission evolution following a shutdown of the coke mill is represented in the Figure 2. The typical delay for a maximum value of about 150 mg/Nm3 is showed. Due to the temperature increase, this transient is expected to be related with a short-time emission of volatile metals, but this assumption is not yet confirmed because of the limited sampling time and, hence, mass sample. Figure 2 ELPI record after a coke mill shutdown An example of the number size distribution is given in the Figures 3 and 4. In the Figure 3 are represented data from two situations: the emission is composed of gases coming from the kiln and the crude mill, and the second one, coming from the kiln and the coke mill. In the Figure 4 are represented two records of number size distribution obtained along the same sampling period, illustrating the typical variations observed after and electrostatic precipitator. Figure 3 Number size distributions. Left: Subregime 1: Crude mill on. Coal mill off. Right: Subregime 2: Crude mill off. Coal mill on In full-scale particulate separation equipment, there is usually a penetration maximum roughly in the same fine size fraction (0,1-1 µm) due to a decreased particle impaction and weak electrical collection in that size range. It is also possible to find fine particle emissions caused by the control devices themselves. Electrostatic precipitators are reported to emit a ultrafine particles in the presence of other components of the gas, such as SOx, due to particle formation inside corona region7. Figure 4 Subregime 3: Crude mill off. Coal mill off Size-distributed heavy metals This presence of a submicron mode was described at first for combustion systems8,9 as well as the trace element concentration in the fine fraction10 . There are available valuable fields studies for combustion systems11,12. Data for other main stationary sources are sparse13 and, in the case of clinker production they are not found6. The literature to date on partitioning and transformations of heavy metals in solid fuel conversion processes is quite extensive. Although there are valuable experimental studies for several fuels14,15,16, in the absence of reliable monitoring methods for industrial monitoring there are only sparse data about on-line systems. In the Figure 5 are summarized the long-term averaged enrichment factors obtained17 for several feed patterns (secondary raw materials and alternative fuels). Enrichment factors are calculated for each metal as the ratio of concentration in the stream to the corresponding in the crude feed (rather low variability in medium-range time scale). It must be emphasized that this results do not confirm the hypothesis that instead of the direct measurement of chemical composition of the emitted dust, the chemical composition of collected matter in the cleaning device could be used to follow the plume impact. On the opposite, in this case the CKD and the emission shows a rather dissimilar partitioning of metals or, in other terms, chemical fingerprint. The use of CKD as a surrogate for the estimation of the chemical composition of emitted PM can only be carefully used on the basis of a in-situ well-established correlation. Figure 5 Mean enrichment factors While the application of analytical techniques to collected aerosol material could be considered as relatively advanced, on-line methods for the measurement of aerosol chemical properties represent a serious gap in existing aerosol instrumentation18. Consequently, the control of composition must be periodic and by extractive sampling of a representative sample. A problem arise when the chemical composition of emitted particles is inferred from historical data; that is, the extrapolation or the absence of documentation on process streams and operating conditions. The Figure 6 summarize the short- to medium-term variability ( a few months) of heavy metals in respect to the historical data (blue bars). This is mainly due to substitution by secondary raw materials and alternative fuels. The experimental design is discussed elsewhere17. Figure 6 Variability of enrichment factor for the emission of heavy metals in the shortand long-term It was also observed a marked bias of all the designated heavy metals to the PM1, with the exception of Sb. In the Figure 7 are represented data of heavy metal concentration – in terms of the above defined enrichment factor-. Despite of the variability of the total enrichment factors- see Figure 7- the size-distributed variability show normally the same pattern. Figure 7 Size-distributed heavy metals enrichment factors The aerosol collected –and size-distributed- was partially solubilized with water and further analyzed by ICP-AES (Na, Mg, Al, P, S, K, Ca and Fe) and ICP-MS (Li, Be, B, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Cd, Sn, Sb, Cs, Ba, lanthanides, Hf, Ta, W, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th and U)17. Volatile heavy metals (Se, Bi, Pb, Tl and Cd, because Hg has not be considered in this analysis due to its high partition coefficient) show a significant higher concentration in the fine fraction. The higher concentrations correspond to the finer fractions in either the soluble and insoluble fraction. Generally, the metals are present mostly in the insoluble fraction, with the exception of Tl, probably combined as halogenide. CONCLUSIONS Decreasing total particle emissions does not necessarily decrease fine particle emissions. There are no direct emission limit values for fine particles, but it is possible in the future as a consequence of PM2.5 air quality standards. However, in fact, they could be considered as implicitly regulated through emission limit values for pollutants that are present mainly in this size range. The size stratification of selected trace metals in the clinker dust aerosol, as in other aerosols arising from high-T processes, implies that an efficient control of heavy metals emissions must be based on fractional efficiency criteria. Cost-effective control techniques for the fine particle emission require understanding the formation mechanisms and aerosol dynamics, combustion efficiency and the influence of gas composition. The dependence of emissions upon process dynamics is not efficiently measured by conventional on-line PM monitors. Evidence should be acquired by intensive sampling. The use of cascade impactors as sample preseparators has been proved useful for analytical purposes, despite the limitations to achieve a mass size function distribution for complex particulate matter due to the differences of physical diameters on the same aerodynamic stage. Source signature is determined by feed and fuel nature and flows, by operating practices, by particle control devices performance and finally by the effect of secondary particles (from NOx, SOx, and alkalis). More data are needed and open questions about currently available source profiles for stationary sources include: to identify the chemical species that differentiate among sources, to identify the chemical species that can reflect an adequate feed pattern –to be used as tracers and as basis for waste materials acceptance criteria-, to overcome the lack of standardisation or equivalences among methods and measuring devices; to reflect the source operation and dynamics and to report the variability, inaccuracy and uncertainty of chemical abundance measurements. As open questions are to explain the correspondence of emission limits with health effects, and to decide the metrics: mass versus other properties. Because of the complex transformations occurring under diverse local conditions (meteorological, influence of other sources, among others) is difficult to establish the actual contribution of fine particle emitters. The performance assessment of the determination of the size-resolved composition before aging and the dilution sampling trains require more experimental data. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was done in a co-operation Project with Cementos Lemona S.A. Authors are indebted to Mr. C. Urcelay for assistance. The research was partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Madrid (Spain) and by Industri Saila, Basque Government (Vitoria-Gasteiz) REFERENCES 1 England G.E., Zielinska B., Loos K., Crane I. Ritter K., Fuel Proc. Technol., 2000, 65-66, 177-188 2 BAT Reference Document 2000-2003, Cembureau, Brussels (2004) 3 Chow J.C., Koutrakis P. (Eds.), Proceedings, PM2.5: A Fine Particle Standard, Pittsburgh, PA: Air and Waste Management Assoc., 1998. 4 VDI 2066 Part 5. "Particle size selective measurement by impaction method -cascade impactor". Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (1994) 5 Marjamäki, M., Virtanen A. and Keskinen J., J. 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