Cost effective analytical solutions for the modern cement industry Nazih ZIADÉ / ThermoARL / Switzerland Recent advances in X-ray instrumentation and related analytical techniques have been very beneficial for the cement industry. Both X-ray fluorescence for total elemental/oxide analysis and X-ray diffraction for mineral/phase analysis are becoming routine tools in the cement industry and are revealing their full potential in supplying vital information to the process and quality control systems. Technical innovations in XRF and XRD have resulted in more autonomous and integrated instruments such that the cement analysis is more advanced and complete. For example, quantitative information about the free lime and clinker phases in conjunction with the total chemical analysis can now be achieved within a few minutes. A case study dealing with the clinker phase analysis will be presented. Additionally a study on the reduction of the production cost achieved by using the different analytical solutions available for the cement industry will be presented. Emphasis will be made on cost-effective instruments that provide prioritized information for optimum process and quality control as well as environmental issues.