Introduction: Great morning to all. Be opening your bibles to Luke 8

 Great morning to all. Be opening your bibles to Luke 8:22;, get your notebooks out & pens.
 Welcome this morning. Whether you've been here 1st time today or 100th time, welcome to a Body of Believers that are
here to follow God & His Word no matter what!
 NFL season has kicked off, my team had a great start, excited to see what will happen this year.
 Theme for year : First Century Faith Anchored In Faith, Hope & Love. We need to be anchored. Just as a Ship has an
anchor to help it stay still, we need an anchor to help us be still (whether in a storm or not).
 This Wed., Sept. 12th at 730pm we will be kicking off our Autumn Workshop. It's for ALL METRO EAST MEN, A Call To
Suit-up. Please be present, thanks.
 Direct your attention to web site to keep informed of schedule, meetings, events, lessons:
 Please be praying for Temple Ner Tamid's Board Meeting on Sept. 24th to discuss & decide our lease options moving
forward. We met with Temple this past Thurs. for the last time, Sept. 6th, 615pm. Most likely all of Metro East will be
meeting at Temple Ner Tamid for our Sun. services. We will begin meeting at Temple Ner Tamid starting next Sun., Sept.
16th, 10am or until Temple Board let's us know their decision.
 EX: Story, A little boy was eagerly looking forward to the birthday party of a friend who lived only a few blocks away.
When the day finally arrived, a blizzard made the sidewalks and roads nearly impassable. The lad’s father, sensing the
danger, hesitated to let his son go. The youngster reacted tearfully. “But Dad,” he pleaded, “all the other kids will be there.
Their parents are letting them go.” The father thought for a moment, then replied, “All right, you may go.” Overjoyed, the
boy bundled up and plunged into the raging storm. The driving snow made visibility almost impossible, and it took him more
than half an hour to trudge the short distance to the party. As he rang the doorbell, he turned briefly to look out into the storm.
His eye caught the shadow of a retreating figure. It was his father. He had followed his son’s every step to make sure he
arrived safely.
 I don’t know what storms in your life you’ve had to face or are facing currently. We have literal storms or figurative storms.
 Literal storms: maybe at sea; maybe on land; maybe with the snow; maybe with the ice. Maybe with the rain or the
wind, with typhoons or with hurricanes. And some of you, I’m sure, have stories to tell . . . stories of survival, since you
are here this morning, alive and well!
 Figurative storms: Some of you, I’m sure, have stories about being in ‘figurative’ storms as well, some of which you
may not want to share or tell. Stories of mental or spiritual storms that you’ve passed through. Related to your work.
Related to your livelihood. Related to your colleagues, your relationships, at home, perhaps, with family members.
Related to your body, your health, your strength, your mind.
 I don’t know what storms you’ve been through but I do know that all of us at some time or another have had an experience in
which we have felt our life to be so tiny, tossed around like that little cargo ship in the middle of the wide ocean. Tossed
around as if in the middle of a storm that would not go away. With our lives in danger, with chaos threatening at any moment
to undo us, to rip life away. Thrown in every direction.
 This morning what storm are you going through? Take a moment to write down your thoughts, what are you
challenged by lately, what is tossing & turning you? What storm are you in?
 I've been studying out book of Luke in my quiet times. This is one of those famous miracles of Jesus that I imagined
would've transformed the disciples lives. I'm sure it was one of those moments that they would never ever forget.:
 Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25;
 The disciples were in a storm here in this passage we'll be reading/ studying out today. Turn in your Bibles to Luke 8:22-25;
My Sermon is simply entitled. "Jesus Calms The Storm"
LUKE 8:22-25; READ
I want to make 4 points for us to reflect upon, meditate on.
Verse 23; "A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped..."
 A squall is a sudden, sharp increase in wind speed which is usually associated with active weather, such as rain showers,
thunderstorms, or heavy snow. Squalls refer to an increase in the sustained winds over a short time interval, as there may be
higher gusts during a squall event.
 This was no ordinary breeze blowing- this was hurricane like winds.
 Luke writes here that the storm was so bad that the ship was full of water.
 Mark wrote in his account of this story that the waves were beating the ship that it was full of water.
 Matthew in his account said that the waves covered the ship.
 So, you see that this was one serious storm that was going on. They had a crisis on their hands. The ship was full of water, the
waves were as high as the boat and they were headed for the bottom of the sea unless the storm ceased.
 Have you ever felt like this? The storms of life are blowing so hard, that you are about to sink because you can’t handle the
winds and rain anymore. The disciples knew what you are going through. They didn’t think they were going to make it. This
was one serious crisis confronting them.
 EX: What's your storm, what Crisis are you in?
 Mike Hollandsworth our dear brother was found dead Wed., 6pm, by his wife, that's a crisis.
 Ministry in Transition can be a crisis.
 Last week's lesson about "ME First Mentality"
 Loss of a loved one is a Crisis......... we need to be sensitive.
Some of us are in the eye of a storm right now.......... Some of us have been through some serious storms as well.
The disciples were facing a crisis here!
But notice secondly. . . point number 2.
Verse 24 “…and awoke him, saying, ‘Master, Master we're going to drown.”
 If there is one thing the disciples did right during this storm, it is that they went to the only person who could handle it-they
went to Jesus.
 They cried out to Him and said, ‘We are all going to die if you don’t help us out.’
 EX: Are any of you deep sleepers? I sleep like a log & can sleep anywhere. I'm not sure I can do this during a storm, but
Jesus conked out, fell into a deep sleep.
 Here the disciples are, fighting off a storm and trying to bail water for all they were worth and Jesus is just sleeping away.
Have you ever wondered how Jesus could still be sleeping while all of this was going on? The boat is full of water but he is
still sawing logs. The rain was falling, the thunder booming-yet Jesus slept on.
 Have you ever felt like the Savior was sleeping while the storm was on? Have you felt like Job who said in JOB 23:8-9
(KJV); “Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him: On the left hand, where he doth
work, but I cannot behold him: he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him.”
 You know, there will always be times when we may not feel like God is near, but it is in those times when we can’t feel
God’s presence that we need to trust Him.
 We need to cry out, because God & Jesus are always there for us.
 Memory scripture: Psalm 56:3; When I am afraid, I put my Trust in You!
 The disciples cried out to God, and that is what we need to do before we get in trouble, when we get in trouble, and after we
are out of trouble.
 So this morning if you are going through a storm, cry out to God-He will answer.
 The disciples were in a Crisis, they Cried out to Jesus, and notice next. . .
Verse 24b, “…He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging water.”
 I don’t know about you, but I like that song that says, “Our God is an awesome God!” Did you know we serve an Awesome
God?! We do!
 Wow, this is a moment that these guys talked about for a long time.........!!!
 Whatever your storm, challenges/ obstacles may be this morning, what you need to do is sit still and listen to God’s voice.
 Jesus spoke and commanded the winds to cease, and I believe that Jesus will speak to our problems, if we will sit still long
enough and listen.
 EX: People say, “God doesn’t care about me, he doesn’t care that I am going through such a hard time, he doesn’t
care.” Well, I believe that God is still speaking, if we will stop and listen.
 God sent His Son to die for YOUR Sins............. because you are worth it. He chose to love you even during your personal
storms. He won't give up on us no matter what storm you are going through. He's given us all we need to get through this
 His command, His power & authority is ALL we need. It's sufficient for whatever you're going through.
 EX: I believe the Spirit, the heart that God & Jesus has with us are the words in this song by Jason Meraz "I Won't
 The disciples were in a Crisis, they cried out for help, Jesus commanded/ he spoke up for the disciples & look lastly at
what happens!
Verse 24c, “...the storm subsided, and all was calm.”
 Jesus came through for the disciples. He calmed the storm and spared their lives.
 I believe that here this morning there are some people who are going through some storms in their life. You are facing some
difficulties that you can’t handle on your own.
 I want to encourage you to look to the One that can bring calm to the trouble sea of your life. He can take the darkest life and
turn it into the brightest life one could ever live. He wants to take care of our challenges/ obstacles for us, but we must rely on
 He asked the disciples a simple question that I want to ask you this morning, “where is your faith?”
 Is your faith in what you can do?
 Is your faith in the lies that the devil has convinced you of like the lie that ‘Jesus doesn’t care about you’?
 Where is your faith? If you will rely on Jesus, he will calm the trouble storm of your life.
No, it doesn’t mean that you won’t ever have to face another storm; it just means that you will have someone on
board who can take care of the winds.
 That’s the kind of person that I want to take with me, don’t you?
This morning I ask you this question once again in closing, “where is your faith?”.
If your faith is not in Jesus Christ, than the storms of life are going to sink you, but if your faith is in Jesus Christ-he will
calm the storms of your life.
Let's get closer to God, Let's Be anchored in God/ His word/ Jesus Christ. Remember, it's all about Loving God, Trusting
Him & Loving others/ neighbors/ one another. Let God's Word be our comfort & Calm during this time.
What are the scriptures you are holding onto/ going to for strength!?
Here are some scriptures I always turn to in the book of Psalms that helps me:
 Are you struggling with Sin & need to repent? Read Psalms 51, 32, 36
 Are you experiencing affliction, and don't feel comfort? Read Psalm 22
 Are you steadfast in times of distress, and want encouragement? Read Psalms 27, 31
 Are you under various mental strains? Read Psalms 41, 70
 Are you falsely accused? Read Psalm 7
 Are you in trouble? Read Psalms 54, 63
 Are you tempted? Read Psalm 130
 Do you need to be reminded of the importance of humility? Read Psalm 131
 Do you need to be reminded of the futility of this life? Read Psalms 39, 49, 90
 Do you wish to praise God for common blessings He has bestowed upon people? Read Psalm 46, 48, 66, 67
 Do you wish to understand His grace and mercy? Read Psalms 23, 103, 121, 145, 146
 Do you desire to better understand God's Power? Read Psalms 8, 19, 65, 66, 97, 99, 104
 Do you desire to better understand the Power of God's Word? Read Psalms 19, 119
 Do you wish to reflect upon Messiah and His kingdom? Read Psalms 2, 16, 22, 40, 45, 72
EX: Closing Poem
Lord, I’ve never moved a mountain and I guess I never will.
All the faith that I could muster wouldn’t move a small ant hill.
Yet I’ll tell you, Lord, I’m grateful for the joy of knowing Thee,
And for all the mountain moving down through life You’ve done for me.
When I needed some help you lifted me from the depths of great despair.
And when burdens, pain and sorrow have been more than I can bear,
You have always been my courage to restore life’s troubled sea,
And to move these little mountains that have looked so big to me.
Many times when I’ve had problems and when bills I’ve had to pay,
And the worries and the heartaches just kept mounting every day,
Lord, I don’t know how you did it. Can’t explain the where’s or whys.
All I know, I’ve seen these mountains turn to blessings in disguise.
No, I’ve never moved a mountain, for my faith is far too small.
Yet, I thank you, Lord of Heaven; you have always heard my call.
And as long as there are mountains in my life, I’ll have no fear,
For the mountain-moving Jesus is my strength and always near.
This morning what storm are you going through?
1. Memory Verse: "When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you." Psalm 56:3;
2. Goal: Learn that God is always with us. He calms the storms in our lives, sometimes by calming the storm,
sometimes by calming us.
3. Objective: Recognize that Jesus is present with us always, even in difficult times and is able to help us. See the
"storms" in our lives and how God calms them.
This Morning, I want to remind you..........
1. The disciples were in a Crisis
2. The disciples cried out for help
3. Jesus commanded/ he spoke up for the disciples
4. AND, Jesus Calms the Storm!!!