Research has found that the most effective leaders use personal

MGTO 234
Student Number:______________
Research has found that the most effective leaders use personal power
rather than position power. Compare and contrast personal power with
position power, and explain why the exercise of personal power, in
contrast to position power, is associated with effective leadership.
Provide actual (not fictitious) examples to illustrate (10 pts.)
The three broad skill categories that have been shown to relate to
effective leadership (conceptual, technical and interpersonal) vary in
importance by level of management. Describe this relationship and
discuss what this means for managerial selection and development. (10
Echo Electronics: Case
See pg. 112 of your textbook
Summarize the problem that Paul is faced with, and suggest actions
Paul could have taken to prevent this problem. (5 pts.)
What steps would you recommend Paul take now to deal with the
problem. Support your recommendation(s) based on what you have
learned from this course. (5 pts.).
Taken From the Article Distributed in Class
"Lou Gerstner Saved Big Blue: Now its Up to The New CEO Sam
Palmisano to Restore it To Greatness: The New Blue"
Business Week Asia: March 17, 2003
Is Sam Palmisano a "leader”? Explain your position and give specific
examples to support your case. Be sure to make clear your working
definition of leadership. (5 pts.)
Is Sam Palmisano an "effective leader"? Argue your position, and
provide specific examples from the Business Week article to support
your case. (5 pts.)
Is Sam practicing participative management and empowerment? If so,
provide specific examples to illustrate. Is the situation which Sam finds
himself appropriate to participative management and empowerment?
Support your argument from what is known from available research. (5
Describe and interpret the shift in power that is taking place at IBM
under Sam's leadership, using the theory of strategic contingencies as a
framework. (5 pts.).