PUBLICATIONS & REPORTS (Reverse chronological order) Chen, S. S., M. Lammanna, R. Tabler, D. Kaminski. 2009. Computer-Aided Design of Snow Control Measures. Transportation Research Record. Liston, G.E., R. B. Haehnel, M. Sturm, C. A. Hiemstra, S. Berezovskaya and R. D. Tabler. 2007. Simulating Complex Snow Distributions in Windy Environments Using SnowTran-3D. J. Glaciology 53, No. 181, pp. 241-256. Tabler, R. D. and J. A. Meena. 2006. Effects of Snow Fences on Crashes and Road Closures—A 34Year Study on Wyoming Interstate-80. Procedings, 13th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering, ASCE, 23-26 July 2006, Orono, Maine. Tabler, R. D. 2006. Three-Dimensional Roughness Elements for Snow Retention. Final Report FHWA-WY-06/04F. 170 pages. Tabler, R. D. 2006. Safety Improvement Study: US 287 RM 402.00 – 425.411. Final Report #3, Project No. NH-I080-05(145), Agreement No. 54839, prepared for the Transportation Commission of Wyoming. 71 pages + Appendices. Tabler, R. D. 2006. Safety Improvement Study: Interstate-80 RM 215-311. Final Report #2, Project No. NH-I080-05(145), Agreement No. 54839, prepared for the Transportation Commission of Wyoming. 87 pages + Appendices. Tabler, R. D. 2005. Controlling Blowing Snow with Snow Fences. Government Engineering JulyAugust 2005: 30-32. Tabler, R. D. 2005. Ladd Canyon Snow Fence Design Review. Final report, P.O. #706726. Tabler, R. D. 2004. Effect of Blowing Snow and Snow Fences on Pavement Temperature and Ice Formation. In: Transportation Research Circular Number E-C063. Sixth International Symposium on Snow Removal and Ice Control Technology (June 7-9, 2004, Spokane, Washington). Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. pp. 401-413. Tabler, R. D. 2003. Controlling Blowing and Drifting Snow with Snow Fences and Road Design. NCHRP Project 20-7(147). Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C. Tabler, R.D. 2002. Design Guidelines for the Control of Blowing and Drifting Snow. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Report No. 20-7(147). 287 pages. Tabler, R. D. 2002. Blowing Snow Mitigation: Interstate-15 Mile 175-196. Preliminary Report for Projects I-15 Modoc Road to Montana State Line – Snow Fence, and I-15 Humphrey to Modoc Road – Snow Fence. Agreement Number 4804, prepared for Idaho Transportation Department. 57 pages. Tabler, R. D. 2002. Safety Improvement Study: Interstate-80 Mile 325-335. Final Report, Project No. NH-I080-05(145), Agreement No. 54839, prepared for the Transportation Commission of Wyoming. 87 pages + Appendices. Tabler, R. D. 2002. Surface Temperature Profiles on I-25: Colorado Line to College Drive. Report prepared for Wyoming Department of Transportation Project No. I025-01(141), P.O. Number 107919. 17 pages. Tabler, R. D. 2001. Recommendations for Whiteout Mitigation: Route 55 at Neversink Dam. Report prepared for New York State Department of Transportation, Albany. 36 pages. Tabler, R. D. 2001. Surface Temperature Profiles at I-80 Green River Tunnels, and Recommendations for Surface Sensor Placement. Report prepared for Wyoming Department of Transportation, Cheyenne. 13 pages. Tabler, R. D. 2001. Reducing Snow Deposition at Red Dog Port Tank Farm. Report prepared for Cominco Alaska Inc. 18 pages. Tabler, R. D. 2001. Blowing Snow Mitigation Study. U.S. 285 Foxton Road to SH9 in Fairplay. Project No. NH2854-083 CMS ID# 012-2000. Corridor Reconnaissance Report. Report prepared for Colorado Department of Transportation. 35 pages. Tabler, R. D. 2001. Snow Mitigation for Lynx Crossings. U.S. 160 Wolf Creek Pass – East. Project Development, Scoping and Coordination #2. Report prepared for Colorado Department of Transportation. 13 pages. Tabler, R. D. 2000. Climatologic Analysis for Snow Mitigation in New York State. Final Report prepared for Brookhaven National Laboratory Associated Universities Inc., Upton, NY. 41 pages. Tabler, R. D. 1999. Mitigation of Winter Storms at Denver International Airport. Report prepared for Denver International Airport. 107 pp. + Appendices. Tabler, R. D. 1999. Blowing Snow Issues: Kosmack, et al. v PennDOT, et al. No. 1995-3296 / Cambria County. Final report prepared for Office of Attorney General, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 34 pp. Peterka, J. A. and R. D. Tabler. 1999. Wind-Tunnel Tests—Wyoming Rest Area Building. Final Report prepared for Wyoming Department of Transportation. 109 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1998. Improving the Wyoming Road Weather Information System. Final Report, Report No. FHWA-WY-98-02. 84 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1997. Recommended Drift Control Measures for Selected Sites in Southern Minnesota. Report prepared for Minnesota Department of Transportation, Agreement No. 75966. 111 pages. Tabler, R. D. 1997. Computer-Aided Design of Drift Control Measures. Final Report, Research Agreement #47608, Research Project #FHWA-WY-97/02. 122 pp. 2 Haehnel, R. B., J. H. Lever and R. D. Tabler. 1997. Field measurements of snowdrift development rate. Western Snow Conference Proceedings (Banff, Alberta, Canada; May, 1997) V. 65: pp. 6168. Tabler, R. D. 1996. Feasibility of using wind screens to reduce salt contamination at the Parkers Lake Substation. Reconnaissance Report. Report prepared for Northern States Power Company. (85 pp.) Tabler, R. D. 1996. Snow conditions and recommended control measures at the Micron Lehi Manufacturing Unit. Final Report. Report prepared for Micron Technology, Inc. 61 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1995 Evaluation of potential snow problems at the Micron Lehi Manufacturing Unit, and recommended Mitigation Measures. Preliminary Report. Report prepared for Micron Technology, Inc. 33 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1994. Proposed dust control measures for tailings pond P-16. Report prepared for Molycorp, Inc., Mountain Pass, Calif. 39 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1994. Wind characteristics at Snowmass Ski Area. Report prepared for Aspen Skiing Company, Inc. 85 pp. + Appendices (separate volume). Tabler, R. D. 1994. Effect of proposed wind energy project on snow distribution at Foote Creek Rim. Report prepared for Mariah Associates, Inc. re: Kenetech Windpower, Inc. 56 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1994. Recommended measures for sand control: Salt Lake City to Reno. Report prepared for Union Pacific Railroad, Omaha, Nebraska. Agreement No. 881114. 27 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1994. U.S. Route 219 Passive Snow Control: Design Evaluation. Report prepared for State of New York, Department of Transportation, Region 5. 38 pp. Schmidt, R. A., R. L. Jairell, and R. D. Tabler. 1994. Snowdrifts and the aerodynamic drag on scaled-model shelterbelts. Proceedings, Western Snow Conference (Santa Fe, New Mexico; April 18-21, 1994) 62: pp. 151-154. Tabler, R. D. 1994. Proposed 1994 Revisions for American Railway Engineering Manual, Chapter 1, Part 6: 6.7 Methods of Controlling Drifting Snow, 6.8 Specifications for Snow Fences. American Railway Engineering Association Bulletin No. 744, Vol. 94 (1994), pp. 31-50. Tabler, R.D. 1994. Design Guidelines for the Control of Blowing and Drifting Snow. Strategic Highway Research Program, Publication SHRP-H-381, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. 364 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1993. Snowdrifting control technique assessment: Field study evaluation. Report prepared for Prince Edward Island Department of Transportation and Public Works, Charlottetown, P.E.I. 59 pp. (Appendices in separate volume). Walker, D.A., B.E. Lewis, W.B. Krantz, E.T. Price, and R.D. Tabler. 1993. Hierarchic studies of snow-ecosystem Interactions: A 100-year snowpack alteration experiment. Proceedings, Eastern/Western Snow Conference (8-10 June 1993, Quebec City, Quebec). pp. 407-414. 3 Tabler, R.D. 1993. Preliminary wind study: Main Track Number 3, Speer to Dale Junction. Report prepared for Union Pacific Railroad Company, Agreement No. 166622. 33 pp. + Appendices. Tabler, R.D. and E. Cavagnaro. 1993. How terrain and road design affect winter maintenance on the Klondike Highway. In: Transportation Facilities Through Difficult Terrain. J.T.H. Wu and R.K. Barrett, ed., A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 501-510. Tabler, R.D. 1993. New guidelines for blowing snow control. Proceedings of International Workshop on Winter Road Management (IWWRM) (Sapporo, Japan; 26-29 January 1993). Road Division, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Hokkaido Development Bureau, Sapporo. pp. 69-81, Volume in English; pp. 65-76, Volume in Japanese. Tabler, R.D. 1992. U.S. Route 219 passive snow control: Final site design review report. Report prepared for State of New York, Department of Transportation, Region 5 (Contract D006173). 34 pp. Tabler, R. D. and R. L. Jairell. 1992. Trapping efficiency of snow fences and implications for system design. Transportation Research Record, No. 1387. Snow Removal and Ice Control Technology -- Papers Presented at a Symposium September 14-18, 1992; Minneapolis, Minnesota. pp. 108-114. Tabler, R. D. and T. Day. 1992. Innovations in wind protection. Proceedings, Fifth Symposium of the International Organization for Transportation by Rope -- North American Continental Section (Steamboat Springs, Colorado; 30 August - 3 Sept. 1992), pp. 67-73. Tabler, R. D. 1992. Drifting snow control. In: Instructor's Guide, Snow and Ice Control Seminar, Strategic Highway Research Program and Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation (September, 1992; Chicago, Illinois), Section 1. 219 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1992. What's new in fences for snow, sand, and wind control. Proceedings of the 97th Annual Conference, American Railway Bridge and Building Association (21-23 September 1992; Chicago, Illinois). pp. 188-195. Tabler & Associates. 1992. Winter Maintenance on the Klondike Highway. Video produced for the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Southeast Region. 25 min. Tabler, R. D. 1992. Klondike Highway Snow Study: Engineering Analysis. Report prepared for State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Southeast Region. 65 pp + Append. Tabler, R. D. 1991. Opportunities for Fugitive Dust Mitigation. Report prepared for Thunder Basin Coal Company, Wright, Wyoming. 21 October 1991. 7 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1991. Newberry Springs Sand Encroachment Study: Reconnaissance Report. Report prepared for Air Pollution Control District, County of San Bernardino, California. 30 September 1991. 30 pp. 4 Tabler, R. D. 1991. Design criteria for snow fences at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Report prepared for ARCO Alaska, Inc. (Contract No. AK88-0350, Amendment No. 2) and BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc. (Contract No. 91JL174P). 131 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1991. Snow Fence Guide. Strategic Highway Research Program, National Research Council, Report SHRP-W/FR-91-106. Washington, D.C., 61 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1991. Snow transport as a function of wind speed and height. In: Cold Regions Engineering. Proceedings, Cold Regions Sixth International Specialty Conference TCCP/ASCE (Feb. 26-28, 1991; West Lebanon, New Hampshire): pp. 729-738. Tabler, R. D., C. S. Benson, B. W. Santana, and P. Ganguly. 1990. Estimating snow transport from wind speed records: Estimates versus measurements at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Western Snow Conference Proceedings 58: 61-72. Tabler, R. D., N. H. Berg, D. Trabant, H. Santeford, and P. A. Rechard. 1990. Measurement and evaluation of winter precipitation. Cold Regions Hydrology and Hydraulics, ASCE Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering Monograph. pp. 9-38. Tabler, R. D. 1991. Improved guidelines for snow fences. Proceedings, Strategic Highway Research Program Products, ASCE Highway Division (8-10 April 1991; Denver, Colorado), in press. 79. Tabler, R. D., J. W. Pomeroy, and B. W. Santana. 1990. Drifting snow. Cold Regions Hydrology and Hydraulics, ASCE Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering Monograph. pp. 95-145 Tabler & Associates and Landmark Reclamation, Inc. 1989. Technical and economic evaluation of alternatives for tailing dust stabilization at Ajo, Arizona. Report prepared for Phelps Dodge Corporation, Phoenix, AZ. 35 pp. + figures. Tabler, R. D. 1989. Design criteria for proposed snow fence at Shaktoolik, Alaska. Report prepared for the City of Shaktoolik, Alaska. 11 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1989. Proposed snow fences for selected sites, Mile 540-674. Final Report for Union Pacific Railroad Company, Contract No. 147732. 35 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1989. Evaluation of design criteria for snow fences at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Report prepared for ARCO Alaska, Inc., and BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc. 32 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1988. Proposed snow fence system to protect hot-box scanners at Lookout, Wyoming. Final Report, Contract Audit No. 145160, Prepared for Union Pacific Railroad Company, Omaha, Nebraska. 24 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1988. Snow fence technology: State of the art. Proceedings, Engineering Foundation Conference on a Multidisciplinary Approach to Snow Engineering (Santa Barbara, California; July 10-15, 1988): 297-306. Tabler, R. D. 1988. Recommended snow control measures for the Central Compressor Plant, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Inc. Field Service Order 0225. 12 pp. 5 Tabler, R. D. 1988. Measures to prevent pilot flame-out at the Lisburne liquid flare. Technical Report prepared for ARCO Alaska, Inc., Field Service Order A19543. 9 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1988. Estimating dates of the snow accumulation season. Western Snow Conference (Kalispell, Montana; April 19-21, 1988) Proceedings 56:35-42. Tabler, R. D. 1988. Snow fence handbook (Release 1.1). Tabler & Associates, Laramie, Wyoming. 169 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1987. Calculations and specifications for GC-2 snow fences. Interim Report: November 4, 1987. Prepared for Standard Alaska Production Company, Anchorage. 16 pp. Tabler, R. D. and J. R. Morrow. 1987. Recommended snow control measures for the Klondike Highway. Technical Report (Federal Project Number F-097-2(9); State Project Number 69368) prepared for the Southeast Region, Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Juneau. 55 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1987. Recommendations for aerial survey of pipeline snowdrifts at Prudhoe Bay. Final Report, Field Service Order A-08998, prepared for ARCO Alaska, Inc. 5 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1987. Slide rule for snow fence design. Western Snow Conference (Vancouver, B.C.; April 14-16, 1987) Proceedings 55:162-165. Bredthauer, S. R., L. J. Acomb, and R. D. Tabler. 1987. Seward Peninsula snow distribution analysis. Final Report prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Alaska State Office, Anchorage. 113 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1987. Performance of 4-foot Tenax Gigan snow fence, 1985-86 winter. Technical Report prepared for ATP Corporation, Ashtabula, Ohio. 23 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1987. Review of plans for snow fences at Kaktovik, Alaska. Technical Report, Contract No. 86-77, Project CIP 07-140, prepared for North Slope Borough, Department of Public Works, Barrow. 9 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1986. Modeling snow distribution. Technical Report prepared for R & M Consultants, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska. 11 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1986. Snow fence handbook (Release 1.0). Tabler and Associates, Laramie, Wyoming. 169 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1986. Preliminary recommendations for snow control at the Summitville Mine. Technical Report prepared for Summitville Consolidated Mining Company, Del Norte, Colorado. 10 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1986. Wind loads and fence design. Technical Report prepared for the Signode Corporation, Glenview, Illinois. 41 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1986. Snow fence plan for Park Creek road, Mile 15.85-17.25. Technical Report prepared for Summitville Consolidated Mining Company, Inc., Del Norte, Colorado. 23 pp. 6 Tabler, R. D. 1986. Wind loads and fence design. Technical report prepared for the Tensar Corporation (Morrow, Georgia). 91 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1986. Signode snow fence study. Technical Report on performance of the Signode snow fences over the 1985-86 winter. Prepared for the Signode Corporation (Glenview, Illinois). 90 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1986. Tensar snow fence study. Technical Report on performance of the Tensar snow fences over the 1985-86 winter, prepared for The Tensar Corporation (Morrow, Georgia). 52 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1986. Summitville Mine snow study. Technical Report, Technical Services Agreement No. 17598-HC-20, prepared for Bechtel Civil and Minerals, Inc. (San Francisco, Calif.). 22 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1986. Round Mountain snow study. Final Report for Engineering Agreement No. 40617, prepared for State Highway Commission of Wyoming. 25 pp. Tabler, R. D. and D. L. Sturges. 1986. Watershed test of a snow fence to increase streamflow: preliminary results. American Water Resources Association, Cold Regions Hydrology Symposium (Fairbanks, Alaska; July 22-25, 1986) Proceedings: 53-61. Tabler, R. D. and R. A. Schmidt. 1986. Snow erosion, transport, and deposition in relation to agriculture. Pages 11-58 In: Proceedings, Symposium on Snow in Agriculture (Swift Current, Sask.; July 9-11, 1985), H. Steppuhn and W. Nicholaichuk, editors. Great Plains Agricultural Council Publication No. 120. 716 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1985. Ablation rates of snow fence drifts at 2300-meters elevation in Wyoming. Western Snow Conference (Boulder, Colo.; April 16-18, 1985) Proceedings 53: 1-12. Jairell, R. L. and R. D. Tabler. 1985. Model studies of snowdrifts formed by livestock shelters and pond embankments. Western Snow Conference (Boulder, Colo.; April 16-18, 1985) Proceedings 53: 167-170. Jairell, R. L., R. D. Tabler, and R. A. Schmidt. 1984. Portable ten-meter instrument mast. Western Snow Conference (Sun Valley, Idaho; April 17-19, 1984) Proceedings 53:167-170. Tabler, R. D. 1984. Using visual range data for highway operations in blowing snow. Optical Engineering 23(1): 055-061. Tabler, R. D. 1983. Using visual range data for highway operations in blowing snow. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Proceedings, Vol. 414 (Optical Engineering for Cold Environments): 68-77. Tabler, R. D. 1983. Snow control research and engineering in Japan. Hokkaido Development Bureau, Civil Engineering Research Institute Report No. 81. 26 pp. Martinelli, M. Jr., R. A. Schmidt, and R. D. Tabler. 1982. Technology transfer in snow control engineering. Journal of Technology Transfer 6(2): 27-37. Tabler, R. D. and R. P. Furnish. 1982. In-depth study of snow fences. Public Works 113(8): 42-44. 7 Schmidt, R. A., R. D. Tabler, and R. L. Jairell. 1982. A new device for sampling mass flux of blowing snow. Western Snow Conference (Reno, Nev.; April 20-23,1982) Proceedings 50: 102111. Also published in Eastern Snow Conference Proceedings 50: 102-111. Tabler, R. D. 1982. Frequency distribution of annual peak water-equivalent on Wyoming snow courses. Western Snow Conference (Reno, Nev.; April 20-23, 1982) Proceedings 50: 139-148. Also published in Eastern Snow Conference Proceedings 50: 139-148. Tabler, R. D. and R. P. Furnish. 1982. Benefits and costs of snow fences on Wyoming Interstate-80. Transportation Research Record 860: 13-20. Martinelli, M., R. A. Schmidt, and R. D. Tabler. 1981. Research application helps solve blowing snow problems. p. 345-356 in: Division I. XVII International Union of Forest Research Organizations World Congress (Kyoto, Japan; Sep. 6-12, 1980) 615 pp. IUFRO Secretariat, Schonbrunn-Tirolergarten, A-1131, Vienna, Austria. Sturges, D. L. and R. D. Tabler. 1981. Management of blowing snow on sagebrush rangelands. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 36(5): 287-292. Takeuchi, M. and R. D. Tabler. 1980. Blowing snow in Wyoming. Japan Snow and Ice Society Annual Conference (Sapporo, Hokkaido; Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1980) Proceedings: 162. (in Japanese) Tabler, R. D. 1980. Snow fences on Wyoming's Interstate Highway-80. Japan Snow and Ice Society Annual Conference (Sapporo, Hokkaido; Oct.31 - Nov. 3, 1980) Proceedings: 171-172. Tabler, R. D. and R. L. Jairell. 1980. Studying snowdrifting problems with small-scale models outdoors. Western Snow Conference (Laramie, Wyo.; April 15-17, 1980) Proceedings 48: 1-13. Farmer, E., R. S. Johnston, and R. D. Tabler. 1980. Chapter 4. Snow Management. p. 29-33 in: User Guide to Hydrology. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report INT-74. 64 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1980. Self-similarity of wind profiles in blowing snow allows outdoor modeling. Journal of Glaciology 26(94): 421-434. Tabler, R. D. 1980. Geometry and density of drifts formed by snow fences. Journal of Glaciology 26(94): 405-419. Tabler, R. D. 1979. Visibility in blowing snow and applications in traffic operations. In: Snow Removal and Ice Control Research, Transportation Research Board Special Report 185 (Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium; Hanover, New Hamp.; May 15-19, 1978). p. 208214. Tabler, R. D. 1978. Visibility in blowing snow and applications in traffic operations. Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Circular 193: 9-12. Tabler, R. D. 1977. Preliminary design criteria for snow fences on Alaska's North Slope. In: Gropp, Dora. Experimental snow fences at Prudhoe Bay. 66 pp. Alaskan Arctic Gas Study Company, Anchorage. Appendix A, p. 1-32. 8 Tabler, R. D. 1975. Predicting profiles of snowdrifts in topographic catchments. Western Snow Conference (Coronado, Calif.; April 23-25, 1975) Proceedings 43: 87-97. Tabler, R. D. 1975. Estimating the transport and evaporation of blowing snow. Symposium on Snow Management on the Great Plains (Bismarck, N. Dakota; July 1975) Proceedings, Great Plains Agricultural Council Publication 73: 85-104. Tabler, R. D. 1974. New engineering criteria for snow fence systems. Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Record 506: 65-78. Johnson, K. L. and R. D. Tabler. 1973. An enclosed weir for small streams in snow country. USDA Forest Service Research Note RM-238. 8 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1973. Report on a field test of the surface condition analyzer. Report prepared for Surface Systems Inc., St. Louis, MO. 13 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1973. Evaporation losses of windblown snow, and the potential for recovery. 41st Western Snow Conference (Grand Junction, CO; April 17-19, 1973) Proceedings 41: 75-79. Tabler, R. D. 1973. New snow fence design controls drifts, improves visibility, reduces road ice. 46th Annual Transportation Engineering Conference (University of Colorado; Denver; February 22-23, 1973) Proceedings: 16-27. Tabler, R. D. 1973. Snow fences improve highway safety. Public Works 104(8): 74-75. Tabler, R. D. 1972. Evaluation of the first-year performance of the Interstate-80 snow fence system. Final Report on Contract No. 16-247-CA, prepared for the Wyoming Highway Department. 84 pp. Tabler, R. D. 1972. Report on a preliminary study of winter weather conditions on the Clarks Fork Road. Prepared for the Wyoming Highway Department, Cheyenne, WY. 43 pp. Tabler, R. D. and R. A. Schmidt, Jr. 1972. Weather conditions that determine snow transport distances at a site in Wyoming. UNESCO / WMO Symposia on the Role of Snow and Ice in Hydrology (Banff, Alberta; September 6-13, 1972) Proceedings: 118-127. Tabler, R. D. and D. L. Veal. 1971. Effect of snow fence height on wind speed. Bulletin of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology 16: 49-56. Tabler, R. D. and R. L. Jairell. 1971. A recording gage for blowing snow. USDA Forest Service Research Note RM-193. 7pp. Tabler, R. D. and K. L. Johnson. 1971. Snow fences for watershed management. Symposium on Snow and Ice in Relation to Wildlife and Recreation (Ames, Iowa; February 11-12, 1971) Proceedings: 116-121. Tabler, R. D. 1971. Design of a watershed snow fence system and first-year snow accumulation. Western Snow Conference (Billings, Mont.; April 20-22, 1971) Proceedings 39: 50-55. 9 Tabler, R. D. 1970. The hydrology of sagebrush lands and management of blowing snow. University of Wyoming Hydrology Seminar (June 25-26, 1970) Proceedings: 11-15. Tabler, R. D. 1968. Physical and economic design criteria for induced snow accumulation projects. Water Resources Research 4(3): 513-519. Tabler, R. D. 1968. Summary of snow research by the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station at Laramie, Wyoming. In Proceedings, International Hydrologic Decade Workshop on Snow and Ice Hydrology (Colorado State University; August 18-22, 1969), pp. 134-135. Tabler, R. D. 1968. Soil moisture response to spraying big sagebrush with 2,4-D. Journal of Range Management 21(1):12-15. Tabler, R. D. 1964. An indirect approach for the evaluation of the concentration of particulate material in the atmospheric haze. In Investigations of the Temperature and Spectral Emissivity Characteristics of Cloud Tops and the Earth's Surface. Colorado State University Department of Atmospheric Sciences Technical Paper No. 51, pp. B1-B20. Tabler, R. D. 1964. The root system of Artemisia tridentata at 9,500 feet in Wyoming. Ecology 45(3):633-636. 10