September 17, 2015

Office of Sponsored Programs
Raubinger Hall 309
Funding Opportunities Newsletter
September 17, 2015
Please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs when you begin working on a proposal.
Funding Opportunities
Chemistry, Toxicology, and Addiction Research on Waterpipe Tobacco
Grants 101: The Anatomy US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS); National Institute of
Health (NIH); The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is
of Writing Grants
Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015
12.30 pm – 2.00 pm
Valley Road Room 1020
August 2015
Jane Stein
College of Arts & Comm.
Mid Atlantic Arts
City of Poets
$ 2,000
Sherrine Schuldt
Student Development
NJ Dept. of Mental Health
and Addiction Services
Strategic Framework
$ 96,288.00
August 2015 Awards
Carmen Ortiz
Educational Opportunity
NJ Secretary of Higher
to encourage biomedical, behavioral, and social science research that will inform
the development and evaluation of possible regulatory action on waterpipe (or
hookah) tobacco products. Proposals are due October 13, 2015. For more
information, visit
Mathematical Biology
National Science Foundation (NSF); Directorate for Mathematical and
Physical Sciences (MPS); This program supports research in areas of applied
and computational mathematics with relevance to the biological sciences.
Successful proposals are mathematically innovative and address challenging
problems of interest to members of the biological community. Projects may
include development of mathematical concepts and tools traditionally seen in
other disciplinary programs within the DMS, e.g., topology, probability, statistics,
and computation, etc. To receive appropriate and timely review, such proposals
should be submitted directly to the relevant disciplinary program that has the
earliest deadline, but they will be considered for co-review by this program,
which may be selected as a secondary program. Note that proposals that use
established mathematical, statistical, and computational tools to address
problems in the biological sciences are typically not appropriate for consideration
by the disciplinary programs within DMS. Proposals are due November 16, 2015.
For more information, visit
Applied Mathematics
National Science Foundation (NSF); Directorate for Mathematical and
Physical Sciences (MPS); Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS); The
program supports mathematics research motivated by or having an effect on
problems arising in science and engineering. Mathematical merit and novelty, as
well as breadth and quality of impact on applications, are important factors.
Proposals are due November 15, 2015. For more information, visit
National Science Foundation (NSF); Directorate for Mathematical and
Physical Sciences (MPS); The program supports research on the theory and
applications of probability. Subfields include discrete probability, stochastic
processes, limit theory, interacting particle systems, stochastic differential and
partial differential equations, and Markov processes. Research in probability that
involves applications to other areas of science and engineering is especially
encouraged. Proposals are due November 7, 2015. For more information, visit
Computational Math
National Science Foundation (NSF); Directorate for Mathematical and
Physical Sciences (MPS); This FOA supports mathematical research in areas
of science where computation plays a central and essential role, emphasizing
analysis, development and implementation of numerical methods and
Kevin Walsh
algorithms, and symbolic methods. The prominence of computation with analysis
Ed Leadership and Prof.
and ultimate implementation efficiency of the computational methods in the
research is a hallmark of the program. Proposals ranging from single-investigator
projects that develop and analyze innovative computational methods to
US Dept. of Education
interdisciplinary team projects that not only create and analyze new
Turnaround Partnership – NJ
mathematical and computational techniques but also use/implement them to
$ 1,999,265.74
model, study, and solve important application problems are strongly encouraged.
2015 - 2018
Proposals are due December 1, 2015. For more information, visit
EOF, FY2016
$ 1,009,441.00
2015 - 2016
Search for Funding
*Use online databases such
as the subscription services
provided through WPU’s
Office of Sponsored
Programs or free services
available from the Federal
Government or other
Search for funding and
find collaborators.
Grant Search
Search for funding that is
right for public colleges
and universities.
Federal portal to finding
funding opportunities and
applying for support.
Grant Resource Center
Extensive information on
federal and other funding
Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies
National Science Foundation (NSF); The intention of this program is to
advance technologies that specifically focus on the experiences of learners;
innovations that simply focus on making teaching easier will not be funded.
Proposals that focus on teachers or facilitators as learners are invited; the aim in
these proposals should be to help teachers and facilitators learn to make the
learning experiences of learners more effective. Proposals are due December 7,
2015. For more information, visit
Social Psychology Program
National Science Foundation (NSF); Directorate for Social, Behavioral and
Economic Sciences (SBE); The program supports basic research on human
social behavior, including cultural differences, and development over the life
span. Among the many research topics supported are attitude formation and
change, socialcognition, personality processes, interpersonal relations and group
processes, the self, emotion, social comparison and social influence, and the
psychophysiological and neurophysiological bases of social behavior. Proposals
are due January 15, 2016. For more information, visit
Research Grants
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP); The program supports
research on suicide and suicide prevention from a variety of disciplines:
psychiatry, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology, neurobiology, and
others. Grants are awarded for one to two years under five programs: Young
Investigator Grants ($85K); Standard Research Grants ($90K) & Linked
Standard Research Grants ($225K); Distinguished Investigator Grants ($100K);
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships ($104K); and Pilot Grants ($30K). Proposals
are due annually on November 15. For more information, visit
Pragmatic Research in Healthcare Settings to Improve Diabetes
National Institute of Health (NIH); The purpose of this Research
Demonstration and Dissemination Projects (R18) is to encourage research
applications to test approaches to improve diabetes and obesity prevention
and/or treatment in routine healthcare settings. Research applications should be
designed to test practical and potentially sustainable strategies to improve
processes of care and health outcomes for individuals who are overweight or
obese or at risk for becoming overweight or obese and/or at risk for or have type
1 or type 2 diabetes. Proposals are due November 2, 2015. For more
information, visit
Office Hours
Review Board