TEXAS CHAPTER APWA Board Meeting June 6, 2012 Mesquite Convention Center—Mesquite Item 1—Call to Order President Bobby Ballí called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Board Members Present Bobby Ballí Jason Watts Trent Epperson Tim Tumulty Robert Canterbury Eric Dargan Troy Dorman Sharon Valiante Kristina Ramirez Ronnie Bates Carlos Sanchez Larry Peirce Wade Benton Ex Officio Susan Causey Guests Present Mark Pavageaux Lori Dullnig-Warlen Linda Huff Dorothy Bergesen Jeff Ground Gary Saunders John Espinoza Dixie Cawthorne Andrea Brinkley John Pledger Item 2--Introductions Item 3—Approval of Minutes President Ballí asked the Board to review the minutes from the February 12th Board meeting. Sharon Valiante motioned and Trent Epperson seconded the motion to accept the minutes with correction of the date. The motion passed. Item 4—Old Business A. Texas Chapter, Permian Basin and Paso del Norte By-law Review Carlos Sanchez The Texas Chapter By-laws have been reviewed by national APWA and are ready to be presented to the general membership for approval during the TPWA Business meeting. Troy Dorman made the motion to support and resubmit the Branch by-laws of the Paso del Norte Branch and Permian Basin Branch to national APWA. Jason Watts seconded the motion and the motion passed. The Paso del Norte and Permian Basin representatives gave update on the establishment of the new Branches. Gary Saunders represented Permian Basin and the Paso del Norte Branch was represented. B. Assessment of Video Conference Technology Bobby Ballí th Mr. Ballí led discussion to assess the April 16 video conferenced Board meeting held at various HNTB facilities. To address the concerns of those who were unable to attend the meeting at an HNTB facility it was determined that with the support of Social Media Chair Jason Watts, a future Board meeting will be held on Go To Meetings. C. Training Funding Policies Wade Benton Mr. Benton reported that a Committee consisting of Troy Dorman, Robert Canterbury, Linda Huff, Lacy Lovelady, and Kristina Ramirez met to discuss the process for Texas Chapter Board’s funding of Branch training. The Committee recommended 1) three application deadlines for Branch financial requests 2) enhanced visibility of process be placed on the TPWA web site. Discussion was held to solicit Board input. Ms. Causey reminded the Board that by December 15th all Branches are required to submit a 2013 budget. Because of the budget process, Branches have the opportunity to assess future funding requests. In presenting this budget to the Chapter, the Chapter Board will be informed to the 2013 requests that will come to the Board. After discussion, Mr. Ballí asked the Committee to come to the TML Board meeting with a proposed process. D. Ambucs Tryke Sharon Valiante The Texas Chapter Board of Directors approved funding a $600. Ambucs Tryke. Ms. Valiante reported the Tryke will be presented during the Annual Conference. Mr. Tumulty thanked the Board for the contribution. Additionally, the Annual Conference Planning Committee will present an Ambucs Tryke on behalf of all of the speakers at the conference. Item 5 President-Elect Tim Tumulty A. Scholarship Written Jeff Ground provided a written report and Mr. Tumulty asked Mr. Ground to recap. Mr. Ground reported that there were 13 applications for scholarships, a scholarship flyer has been prepared and distributed, and Freese and Nichols presented the Texas Chapter with $2500. to be used for professional development scholarships. On behalf of the Committee, Andy Anderson and Andrea Brinkley, Mr. Ground presented recommendations that 8 $1000. And 3 $500. Educational scholarships be presented. Additionally the Committee recommends that 2 $1000 professional development scholarships be presented. Since the recommended amount represents an amount above the budgeted scholarship amount, Board approval for payment was requested. Ronnie Bates made the motion and Sharon Valiante seconded the motion to pay $11,500. in scholarships. The motion passed. B. History Tim Tumulty Richard Ridings announced that the boxes of photos are ready to be returned to the Texas Chapter. The photos have been digitized. Richard Ridings will be available to do oral history interviews with his personal laptop. Ms. Causey reported that Headquarters prepared a history of the Texas Chapter APWA which will appear in the TML 100th anniversary publication. The one-page article will serve to promote TPWA. Ms. Causey noted that the written text came verbatim from the existing histories of the Texas Chapter. Ms. Causey stated that being able to fulfill the request of TML is but one example of the value of having a written history. The most recent written history ends with the 1989 year. Tim Tumulty offered to provide continuity for the History project and offered to oversee the History project through completion. C. Chapter Dinner Tim Tumulty The Chapter dinner will be held at the Alcatraz Brewery on Tuesday night of Congress. Transportation will be provided by the two traditional sponsors and registration will be handled by the Texas Chapter. The cost per person will be $50. Item 6 Vice President Sharon Valiante A. 2012 Annual Conference Tim Tumulty Mr. Tumulty welcomed individuals to the 2012 Annual Conference in Mesquite. Tim reported that attention has been directed at increasing attendance in the exhibit hall. A letter was sent to the cities in the Metroplex inviting public works employees to attend the exhibit at no cost. Additionally, exhibitors were charged the 2006 rate for exhibiting. Award Banquet will be held on Thursday. B. Education Committee Mark Pavageaux Mark Pavageaux stated that the Education Committee did a great job in preparing the Annual Conference educational program and gave special thanks to Robert Canterbury for a job well done. The schedule is full of good programs and Mark suggested that the Board may be interested in attending a session, Overcoming the Five Dysfunction of Team. The 2013 Short Course planning will begin in earnest after the Annual Conference. Mr. Pavageaux reinforced that the Committee is moving forward in strengthening the Emergency Management Track and asked that the Board provide comments if this does not meet the expectations of the Board. John Espinoza stated that the weekly Education Committee Conference calls have been beneficial in moving the Committee forward. C. Cvent Evaluation Committee Tim Tumulty With the upcoming Cvent contract renewal due in October, Mr. Tumulty would like to establish a Cvent Performance Evaluation Committee. Bob Canterbury, Mark Hines, Steven Dean, Trent Epperson, Jason Watts, Dorothy Bergesen and John Pledger will meet by conference call to discuss performance of Cvent services and make recommendations to the Board regarding registration services. D. Technical Committee Reports E. Branch Reports Written Written F. 2013 Short Course Theme Approval Sharon Valiante Local Planning Committee Chair Dorothy Bergesen reported that the 2013 Short Course Committee recommends the theme Sweet Home College Station Where Traditions Matter. Trent Epperson moved that the theme be accepted and Eric Dargan seconded. The motion passed. G. 2013 Annual Conference Kristina Ramirez The City of Waco will be represented at the 2012 Annual Conference as they observe the process. Item 7 Secretary Kristina Ramirez A. Membership Committee Written Kristina Ramirez reported that Steve Voiles was unable to attend and stated that there are 1516 members. Jason Watts presented a breakdown of Branch membership. B. Public Relations Committee Dixie Cawthorne The Public Relations Committee has two active members and is proposing additional participation in the project of the Chapter. The Committee offers to participate and liaison in the Annual Conference, Short Course, TML, Membership and Awards Planning Committees. The Committee has $5000. and can be of assistance. Troy Dorman asked the Committee to prepare a one page flyer that he can distribute by email. Ronnie Bates stated that the Committee can be utilized to contact agencies that have vacancies and Robert Canterbury asked that Branches be made aware of the most recent membership information. C. Social Media Report Jason Watts Jason Watts provided a written report to the Board. Jason will work with Dixie Cawthorne on overlapping projects. Ronnie Bates will be utilizing Twitter throughout the Conference for the benefit of the participants. Jason Watts will provide an updated list of members in the Paso del Norte Branch to Kitty Rayas. D. Headquarters Report Headquarters reminded the Board that the next due date for the Participant is July 1. Bobby Ballí challenged each Branch to submit an item for the theme “Leadership”. Ms. Causey reported that the Texas Chapter has qualified for the 16th year to apply for the PACE. Item 8 Treasurer Carlos Sanchez Carlos Sanchez gave the financial report. Item 9 Trustee Wade Benton TML has been contacted to reserve a booth. Sharon Valiante made a motion that TPWA host a booth at TML and spend a maximum of $2000. Ronnie Bates seconded and the motion passed. Item 10 Past President Ronnie Bates A. Nominating Committee Ronnie Bates The Nominating Committee announced the addition of Linda Huff to the slate of officers. With motion from Sharon Valiante and second by Jason Watts, the Board approved the proposed 2013 slate of officers. The proposed slate of officers: Tim Tumulty Sharon Valiante Kristina Ramirez Carlos Sanchez Wade Benton Linda Huff Eric Dargan Bobby Ballí President President elect Vice President Trustee Treasurer Trustee Trustee/TML Rep. Past President Mr. Bates will present the slate of officers to the general membership at the membership meeting. Nominations will be taken from the floor. B. Awards Ronnie Bates Award Chair Joe du Menil was unable to attend and Mr. Epperson announced that the national awards are ready to go. Sharon Valiante will assist with the presentation of the awards. There were not many nominations for the national awards. Mr. Epperson asked what barriers exist to submissions for APWA awards. Board members are encouraged to submit a nomination for APWA Top Leader of the Year. Item 11 TML Representative Eric Dargan A. Educational session at TML The Texas Chapter will host an educational session on Smartphone Applications for cities. Trent Epperson motioned and Sharon Valiante seconded support of Eric Dargan’s proposed program. The motion passed. Item 12 HOD Report Larry Peirce Item 13 New Business A. Agenda for General Business Meeting Bobby Ballí The Board established the agenda for the General Business Meeting. Branch Presidents are encouraged to participate in the program. Item 14 Motion to adjourn After two hours six minutes and 27 seconds the meeting was adjourned.