Texas Chapter APWA - Texas Public Works Association

Texas Chapter APWA
Board Meeting - Minutes
February 2, 2014
1:00 p.m.
Lewisville Convention Center
Item 1
President Sharon Valiante called the meeting to order. Trustee Eric Dargan called roll.
Board Members Present:
Sharon Valiante
Kristina Ramirez
Wade Benton (GoTo)
Peter DiLillo
Andy Phillips
Tom Reyna
Steven Dean (GoTo)
Carlos A. Sanchez
Linda Huff
Eric Dargan
Tom Wendorf
Tim Tumulty
Robert Woodbury
Ex Officio – Susan Causey
Item 2 Introductions
Guests/Members Present:
Bill Verkest
Dorothy Bergesen
Jeff Ground
Joe duMenil (GoTo)
Jimmy Foster
Howard Lazarus
Eric Hemphill
Nancy Beward
Shannon Hicks
Troy Dorman
Robert Canterbury
Mark Pavageaux
Ronnie Bates
Troy Dorman
Item 3 Approval of Minutes
Tim Tumulty made motion to approve the minutes; Kristina Ramirez seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously and the minutes accepted.
Item 4 Old Business
Branch Funding Committee
Wade Benton
Mr. Benton reported that the Committee will reconvene and report at the Annual
Conference Board meeting.
Texas Chapter APWA
Board Meeting - Minutes
February 2, 2014
APWA 2016/18 Congress
Tim Tumulty
Mr. Tumulty reported that Texas Chapter was not selected for the site of the 2016
Congress. Mr. Tumulty asked the Board to consider submitting for the 2018 Congress.
Item 5 Treasurer’s Report
Linda Huff
Texas Chapter Year-end report
The year-end financial report is included in the packet. Kristina Ramirez made
motion to approve the Chapter’s year-end financial report; Eric Dargan
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously and the Chapter’s yearend financial report accepted.
2014 Budgets
Ms. Huff mentioned that the 2014 Texas Chapter budget will be tight. Cash flow will
be watched carefully in the coming year. Ms. Huff asked the Board to come together
to discuss the expenditures. Ms. Valiante announced that the March 6th Workday will
be held for the Board only to discuss the Texas Chapter finances and strategic issues
for the Chapter. Ms. Huff indicated that she will be providing a summary of past
expenses and revenues for board consideration at the work day.
Board members also discussed the need to have a set amount in Reserve. In
addition, Board Members specifically questioned the 2013 expense for storage,
contract labor and professional development.
Year-end Branch submissions
Ms. Huff announced that the Treasurers will meet Monday at 9:30am in the Pantheon
Room during the Short Course for financial reporting training. Ms. Huff was working
with Ronnie Bates to provide video conferencing via GoTo meeting. Ms. Huff
reminded Branches that tax information is due February 15, 2014.
Item 6 President-Elect
Kristina Ramirez
Jeff Ground
Scholarship Chair Jeff Ground has submitted revised scholarship applications (in
packet). Linda Huff made motion to approve the revised applications as
presented; Eric Dargan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously
and the revised scholarship applications were approved.
Mr. Ground asked that the scholarship funding remain at the $10,000 indicated in the
2014 adopted Chapter budget. Ms. Ramirez asked for Board input how the $10,000
should be spent. Mr. Ground gave the history of how scholarships were funded and
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Board Meeting - Minutes
February 2, 2014
distributed in the past and explained that the Scholarship Committee has had the
leeway of distribution of scholarships (professional development/higher education).
Board Members indicated the need to define the term Professional Development and
to define what qualifies as within the field of Public Works. Some examples of items
that should be considered by the scholarship committee were those in the medical
field, those taking equipment training, professional development hours, continuing
education credits, leadership, and supervisory training. After a lengthy discussion, the
Board recommended that Scholarship Committee look at varied needs for scholarship
funding and come back at the March meeting with recommendations for the Board.
Mr. Ground requested that each Branch appoint a member to the Chapter’s
scholarship committee. No action was taken.
Richard Ridings
Kristina Ramirez indicated that no action had been taken by the History Committee.
Ms. Ramirez will research the contract for the history project and bring her findings
forward to the March Board meeting.
Public Relations
1. Banners
Dixie Cawthorne
Dixie Cawthorne presented a written request for $1,684.99 to have banners
produced. Sharon Valiante asked the Board to present feedback to Dixie
Cawthorne. Carlos Sanchez motioned that the Board approve and move
forward with the Public Relations Committee’s request. Robert Woodbury
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Texas AltCar Conference
Texas Chapter APWA will be a sponsor of the Texas AltCar Conference that will
be held March 27-29, 2014 in Irving.
Chapter Dinner
Kristina Ramirez
Kristina Ramirez stated that there has been informal discussion regarding the Chapter
Dinner. The Board and guests in attendance discussed the possibilities of combining
the Texas Chapter dinner with Oklahoma since it is their anniversary year, and making
the Chapter dinner less formal this year. Tom Wendorf offered his support in
arranging the event. A recommendation regarding the future of the Congress Dinner
will be brought to the March meeting.
Item 7 Vice-President
Carlos Sanchez
Bill Verkest
Public Works Institute
Bill Verkest reported that APWA approved the Texas Chapter Public
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Board Meeting - Minutes
February 2, 2014
Works Institute (PWITX) on November 18, 2013. Mr. Verkest stated that APWA
indicated that the PWITX must include a sustainability module by 2015. Based on the
date of approval, the first offering of the Institute will be April 9-11 in Lewisville. The
PWITX Planning Committee anticipates that they will have too many applicants and
not a shortfall. To date, the Committee has had expenses totaling $4,044.81(detail in
packet). Linda Huff asked Mr. Verkest if the PWITX had a business model to
determine when the PWITX will be self sustaining.
Mr. Verkest reported that the intent of the PWITX Planning Committee is to move the
Institute around the State to Houston in October in 2014, to San Antonio/Austin in April
2015, and the final session back in the DFW area in October 2015. Mr. Verkest
clarified that the PWITX Planning Committee believed that the response would be
better if the training was held at a separate time than the Short Course and Annual
The PWITX website is the one primary goal for the PWITX Planning Committee. Mr.
Verkest and Mr. Tumulty met with the President of TCMA and he will be supportive of
the Institute. Additionally, the PWITX marketing will be done through the Chapter and
through the Branches.
Ms. Valiante stated that, based on conversation with APWA, the Board needs to
sanction a formal PWITX Committee. Robert Woodberry motioned to formally
sanction the creation of the PWITX Steering Committee with Nancy Beward as
Chair. Eric Dargan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Verkest asked for Board approval of the submitted contract with Ms. Ines Roach
for the Administrator of the PWITX. The contract with Ms. Roach provides an annual
salary of $10,000.00 plus $5,000.00 in expenses. The job description will be an
attachment to the contract and identifies anticipated expenses for this position. Carlos
Sanchez, as Chapter Vice President (VP), will sign the Administrator contract. The VP
will be included in the Committee meetings (similar to the VP role in the Short Course
and Annual Conference). The Board clarified that a written request for payments to the
PWITX will need to be made, the VP will submit those payment requests on behalf of
the PWITX to the Chapter President and Chapter Administrator, the Chapter President
will authorize the payments, and the Chapter Administrator will make the authorized
payments by check.
2014 Short Course
Eric Hemphill
Eric Hemphill recognized the efforts of Robert Canterbury in the planning of the event.
Mr. Canterbury recapped the full two-day agenda including over 60 educational
sessions and two technical tours. The Short Course represents hours of preparation
and over 400 have registered with 19 sponsors.
Mr. Canterbury’s daughters have provided the session signs for each of the technical
tracks. Mr. Tumulty praised the efforts of Mr. Canterbury.
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Board Meeting - Minutes
February 2, 2014
Headquarters made the Board aware of multiple requests for assistance, primarily
from administrative assistants, regarding technology challenges.
Headquarters requested Board guidance regarding Short Course refund policy.
Discussion was held. Kristina Ramirez motioned that TPWA not offer refunds for
cancelations beginning with the 2014 Short Course based on the contractual
agreements. Eric Dargan seconded the motion. The motion passed
Mr. Canterbury requested that the SOPs for the Short Course and Annual Conference
be re-evaluated.
2014 Annual Conference
Dorothy Bergesen
The Annual Conference will be held June 18-20, 2014 in Galveston. Dorothy
Bergesen stated that the Annual Conference Committee anticipates the conference
website to be online by February 6, 2014. Ms. Bergesen notified the Board that the
Committee is working on a mobile app for the conference in order to decrease the
amount of paper. Ronnie Bates reminded the Committee that there may be a tax
situation for sponsors if they are listed in the mobile app and encouraged the
Committee to review the rules with Laurence Rhodes of APWA.
Ms. Bergesen and Sharon Valiante discussed with the Board the proposed schedule
at the Annual Conference this year. The Welcome Reception will be held on
Wednesday evening followed by Family Night. The Texas Chapter Annual Meeting will
be held Thursday at noon. The Awards Banquet theme will be “Denim and Diamonds”
and will be held on Thursday evening. A younger member’s event is being planned
for Thursday night after the Awards Banquet. Technical tours will be held Friday
morning and the plan is to hold a class in conjunction with each tour. The conference
will end at noon on Friday.
The Annual Conference Committee will engage elementary school students during
Public Works Week to create signs for the Annual Conference. The no refund policy
will be included in the registration information.
2015 Short Course
Octavio Garza
No report
Education Committee
Robert Canterbury
Carlos Sanchez stated that the Committee will begin to work on the
Annual Conference’s educational programming after the Short Course. There is a
written Education Committee Activity Report prepared by Mr. Canterbury in the
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Board Meeting - Minutes
February 2, 2014
Technical Committee Reports
No reports
Big Cities Committee
Howard Lazarus
Howard Lazarus noted that the Big Cities Committee held an event at TML in October
2013. Mr. Lazarus (City of Austin) engaged city representatives from Dallas, Fort
Worth, Houston and Plano and they will participate in a panel discussion during the
2014 Short Course. Mr. Lazarus offered to host a Big Cities panel discussion during
the 2014 Annual Conference. It was noted that future discussions could cover training
of labor, funding/expenses, and worked performed by Engineers versus NonEngineers. Mr. Lazarus indicated that the City of Austin is looking into APWA
accreditation. Mr. Wendorf praised the efforts of Mr. Lazarus.
Branch Reports
The Central Texas Branch and Southeast Branch submitted written reports that were
included in the packet. The North Central Branch handed out a detailed branch report
of recent and future branch events during the board meeting.
North Central Funding Request
Robert Woodbury
Mr. Woodbury presented a request for funding for the North Central Branch Short
Course which will be held in Richardson in October/November 2014. The request
is for $2,000.
Ms. Valiante asked Mr. Woodbury to provide the Board with a written request
utilizing the Chapter’s Branch education funding request form. Mr. Woodbury
agreed to submit their request—including application—prior to the March 2014
Chapter board meeting.
Item 8 Secretary
Wade Benton
Membership Committee
Membership Committee report is included in the packet. The Texas Chapter had a net
loss of two members. However, we are still the largest Chapter of APWA.
Additionally, the Membership Survey compiled by Bob Kopp and national APWA were
Site-Selection Committee
Carlos Sanchez
Mr. Sanchez reported that the response to the request for proposals was poor. Only
one response was submitted and it was for the 2018 short course. Mr. Sanchez’
recommendation was to not accept the proposal. Mr. Sanchez reported the following:
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Board Meeting - Minutes
February 2, 2014
New Braunfels
Sharon Valiante asked the Site Selection Committee to define a new direction very
quickly to address the 2015 vacancy. Suggestions for venues were offered.
Mr. Lazarus offered to explore the possibility of hosting the 2015 Annual Conference
in Austin. Additional discussion was held providing suggestions for future sites of the
Annual Conference.
Ms. Valiante offered to gather information and find locations for the 2015/2017 Annual
Social Media Committee
Ronnie Bates
No report
Headquarters Report
Participant Editorial Review
Headquarters reminded the Board that articles are due March 17, 2014.
Officer photos
Sharon Valiante
Sharon Valiante requested Board members to send a professional headshot
photo to be added the officer’s page on the website.
Past Technical Sessions
Robert Canterbury
Mr. Canterbury stated that a button has been added to the Chapter website for
an online library. Past educational programs can be posted in that location.
Issues Impacting Public Works
Leah Garrett
On behalf of Leah Garrett, Kristina Ramirez asked for attendance at the
upcoming TXDOT session at the Short Course.
APWA Template Website
Dorothy Bergesen
Dorothy Bergesen gave a presentation on the opportunity of the Texas Chapter
becoming an APWA template website. Ms. Bergesen stated the advantages of a
template website are: uniform event registration (linked to APWA membership),
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Board Meeting - Minutes
February 2, 2014
template is easy to maintain, appeal to young professionals, and immediate links
to APWA. The obstacles mentioned were: need to reload information, the
existing contract with webmaster, and branding of TPWA. Ms. Bergesen stated
that it is easy to migrate to a template site.
Carlos Sanchez made a motion that the discussion be tabled until the
March 2014 board meeting because of contractual and financial issues.
Linda Huff seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Item 9 Trustee
Eric Dargan
No report
Item 10 Past President
Tim Tumulty
Joe duMenil
Field Service/Annual Awards
Mr. duMenil reported that there will be 10 field service awards presented on Tuesday
during the Awards Luncheon.
Updated Chapter award nominations have been placed on the website by webmaster.
The deadline for the Chapter awards is April 25, 2014.
National APWA award nominations must be submitted through the website and are
due March 3, 2014. Headquarters inquired if the national APWA submissions needed
to be processed through the Chapter in order to receive credit for the PACE award.
Mr. duMenil shared with the Board that he has asked President Valiante to seek an
individual to replace him and work on the Awards program. Ms. Valiante stated that
she is doing so.
Item 11 TML Representative
Mr. Poe presented a written report included in the Board packet.
Item 12 HOD Delegate
Tom Wendorf
HOD Reorganization
The HOD is being reorganized and will be renamed Council of Chapters and the
suggestion has been made by APWA to have elected members with three year terms.
Mr. Wendorf will provide additional information as it becomes available.
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Board Meeting - Minutes
February 2, 2014
2014 Spring Region VII Meeting
The Board was asked to provide financial support for the 2014 Region VII annual
meeting. Mr. Wendorf is planning the meeting March 28-29 in Austin. Howard Lazarus
and the City of Austin Public Works department will be providing a tour for the guests.
A dinner will be held for those attending the meeting and Mr. Wendorf has invited
Texas Chapter members to attend the dinner. A detailed budget will be considered at
the March board meeting.
Item 13 New Business
Transfer of SOP duties to Trustee
Tim Tumulty
Mr. Tumulty requested that the Board consider a transfer the responsibility of updating
all Chapter SOPs to the Trustee position. Linda Huff made a motion to move SOP
maintenance to the tasks of Trustee. Carlos Sanchez seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Work Day
Sharon Valiante
Ms. Valiante reminded the Board that the annual work day will be a board meeting on
March 6, 2014 in San Antonio at the El Tropicana Hotel. The Board will work on this
year’s budget, long term planning, and updating strategic goals.
Kristina Ramirez made the motion to adjourn. Eric Dargan seconded the motion.
According to Mr. Tim Tumulty, the meeting adjourned at 4:09 p.m.
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