EcoRep Position 2014/15 Application Form This application should be completed and submitted to Julie Rosenbach by Friday May 9th through email to or you can drop off your application at the front office in Facilities Services and ask them to put it in my mailbox. Interviews will take place the week of May 12th. *If you will not be on campus during short term, please arrange for an interview over the phone. Position Requirements: * All EcoReps must attend a full one-day training on September 2nd (the day before fall semester classes begin). * All EcoReps must attend scheduled weekly meetings in addition to weekly project work (excluding finals and breaks). Please type or print the following: Name: _____________________________________________ Class Year: _______________ Major: _______________________________________ Student ID#: ____________________ Campus residence/room number: ____________________________________ Box: _______ Email: ______________________________ Cell Phone Number: ______________________ As an EcoRep you'll have an opportunity to help make Bates more environmentally sustainable through programs that promote reuse and recycling, energy conservation, climate action, and sustainable transportation. You will work in teams to organize events, develop creative programs, and lead peer-to-peer outreach. Please list any extracurricular activities, jobs, and/or experiences you have had that will make you a good EcoRep: The EcoRep program cultivates environmental responsibility by training student leaders to engage and lead their peers in sustainable practices. The EcoRep team is a diverse group of students representing many different majors and personal interests who work to encourage environmentally responsibility through educational and awareness building activities. Please list strengths and skills you have that will contribute to the success of the EcoRep program: Do you plan to work at any other jobs next year? _____ (yes) _____ (no) If so, where? Please attach a short personal statement (1 page) in which you discuss the following topics: What are the most effective ways to educate and engage students in sustainable behaviors? What do you feel are the most important challenges to changing unsustainable behavior? What do you think are the greatest opportunities to make Bates more sustainable?