WRAPP Funding Projects

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Recycling waste material:
Altima Cabinet Works Ltd.  $10,000 to support the installation of wood-shredding
equipment to enhance the diversion of wood-waste material from the landfill.
Antex Western Ltd.  $17,500 to demonstrate the potential of combining waste materials
such as glass and carpet fibre to create a soil stabilizer and pilot its use in constructing a
Portage and District Recycling Inc.  $25,000 to support the installation of equipment
intended to improve recycling efficiency.
Rural Municipality of Hanover  $3,000 to assist in the purchase of recycling bins and
enhance the community’s waste diversion strategy.
The Pas and Area Recycling Centre  $10,000 to support the installation of a conveyor and
converter to increase efficiencies in northern recycling services.
Reducing waste and pollution:
Altima Cabinet Works Ltd.  $15,000 to demonstrate the use of new technology in its
paint-finishing process and improve pollution prevention.
ArtsJunktion mb Inc.  $7,000 to support a business outreach program to educate local
businesses and manufacturers on alternative waste management options for their excess,
reusable waste materials.
Rural Municipality of Oakland  $25,000 to establish a waste transfer station intended to
provide a more environmentally sound way to manage waste.
Rural Municipality of Shoal Lake  $3,300 to support the installation of appropriate storage
for enhanced electronic waste collection.
Sherridon Community Council  $10,000 for recycling trailers to improve and enhance
recycling opportunities in the northern community.
Wabowden Community Council  $5,000 for recycling trailers to improve and enhance
recycling opportunities in the northern community.
Conseil de développement economique des municipalités bilingues du Manitoba (CDEM) in
partnership with the Town of St.-Pierre-Jolys  $10,000 to support a comprehensive
composting pickup program for rural francophone communities.
CDEM in partnership with the Rural Municipality of de Salaberry  $15,000 to support
development of a composting processing site to divert municipal organic waste.
ErosionControlBlanket.com Inc.  $25,000 to support fish waste composting in Riverton.
The Forks Renewal Corporation  $25,000 to demonstrate the viability and sustainability of
a new technology to divert organic waste at a highly visible public space.
Hanover School Division  $15,000 to implement a waste management system aimed at
diverting 50 per cent of the school division’s waste.
Manitoba Food Charter Inc.  $20,000 to enhance organic waste diversion and garden
sustainability in northern communities through a compost pilot project.
Nelson McIntyre Collegiate  $525 to showcase school and community efforts in
composting and diverting organic waste.
Pembina Valley Conservation District  $15,000 to demonstrate a composting system that
incorporates a range of waste generated at a park.
Providing sustainability education:
Green Action Centre  $100,000 to support waste reduction education services.
Tribalistic Triathlon Manitoba  $3,500 to publish a handbook that integrates green
sustainability standards for triathlon events in Manitoba.