to read the Constitution and Bylaws

St. Cletus Parish and Grade School
Men’s Club
Constitution and Bylaws
(as amended) Jan 2010
Table of Contents
ARTICLE II - Purpose
ARTICLE III – Membership and Dues
ARTICLE IV – Officers
ARTICLE V – Duties of Officers
ARTICLE VI – Coordinators
ARTICLE VII – Meetings
ARTICLE VIII – Nominations and Elections
ARTICLE IX – Order of Business
ARTICLE X – Parliamentary Authority
ARTICLE XI – Amendments
ARTICLE XI – Expulsion
ARTICLE XII – Finances
Sec. 1 The name of this organization shall be SAINT CLETUS MENS CLUB
ARTICLE II - Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be:
Sec. 1 The authority, as given by the Pastor, to develop and administer the St Cletus Parish
sports program for grades K-8 (and juvenile program) as part of the archdiocese CYC or
CYA, including and policies and procedures related to the sports program
Sec. 2 Function as a service organization to the Parish and Day School to assist either solely or
in conjunction with other parish organizations the maintenance of the church, school, and
property, and the support of parish activities
Sec. 3 “Imitate Christ in word and deed” by returning a portion of God’s gift’s to us through
various forms of stewardship of time, talents, and treasure.
Sec. 4 Develop and foster a feeling of community and close relationship between the men of
the Parish.
ARTICLE III – Membership and Dues
Sec. 1 Any male twenty one (21) years of age or older who is registered at St. Cletus
Parish and in good standing with the Pastor shall be eligible for membership
Sec. 2 To be a member in good standing, he must attend four (4) Men’s Club meetings per year
and his annual dues must be paid for the current year or at the time of initial
Sec. 3 All members shall pay annual dues of $3.00 to the Treasurer who will keep a record of all
member’s dues paid
Sec. 4 The Executive Board may waive any of the above requirements for membership
ARTICLE IV – Officers
Sec. 1 The officers of this club shall be:
Vice President
Marshalls (2)
Sec. 2 The Officers and Coordinators shall constitute the Executive Board.
The Pastor shall be an Ex-Officio member
No member of the Executive Board shall, under any circumstances, have more
than one vote per person
Sec. 3 A Presidential vacancy shall be filled by the Vice-President until the next election. Other
vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term by a majority vote of the membership at
the next general meeting
Sec. 4 In the absence of the President at any meeting, the other Officers shall preside in the
following sequence: Vice-President; Secretary; Treasurer.
ARTICLE V – Duties of Officers
Sec. 1 The President shall preside at all meetings and shall act as the Chairman of the Executive
Board. He shall appoint a person for each standing coordinator position with the
approval of the Board. He shall be the representative for the Men’s Club at other parish
or school meetings or designate a representative in his absence. He shall be Ex-Officio
member of all committees and shall perform all other duties incident to the office of
Sec. 2 The Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President in his absence. He shall
also preside as the coordinator of Stewardship.
The Secretary shall keep Minutes of all meetings and a record of Club activities. He shall
preside over the vote count at all Executive and general meetings and document the
Sec. 4 The treasurer shall collect and disburse all funds of the Club under direction of the
Executive Board and keep books of the account. He shall make a monthly financial
report at each general meeting and submit a Annual Financial Report to the Parish
Business Manager in July. He shall keep a record of all members and dues paid.
Sec. 5 The Marshalls shall organize food and beverages for each general and Executive Board
meeting. They shall preside over the elections of officers. They shall monitor the general
meeting for conduct, motions and votes properly executed, and time limits.
ARTICLE VI – Coordinators
Sec. 1 There shall be FOUR (4) standing Coordinators for athletic programs, of which the duties
will be defined in the St. Cletus Sports Policy and Procedures document, which shall be
known as:
1. Soccer Coordinator
2. Volleyball Coordinator
3. Basketball Coordinator
4. Baseball/Softball Coordinator
Sec. 2 There shall be ONE (1) Concession stand coordinator which shall have charge of all
matters relative to the operation and maintenance of the concession stand
Sec. 3 There shall be ONE (1) Adult Volleyball coordinator which shall have charge of all
matters relative to the operation of the Adult Volleyball program.
Sec. 4 Other temporary or standing coordinators may be added by a majority vote of the
Sec. 5 Any female parishioner over the age of 21 and in good standing with the Pastor is eligible
to be a coordinator. While not a member of the Men’s Club, she will retain all
rights as part of the executive board while holding that coordinator’s position.
Sec. 6 Coordinator positions will be appointed by the President with approval by the Executive
ARTICLE VII – Meetings
Sec. 1 The general meeting of the Club shall be held every month on the Second Tuesday of the
Month, in the St. Cletus school cafeteria, with the exception of the Christmas Dinner
Sec. 2 Twenty (20) members or more present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business at any general meeting
Sec. 3 Special meetings shall be called by the President or upon written petition by any five (5)
members of the Executive Board
Sec. 4 The Executive Board shall meet at least once per month, typically on the Fourth Tuesday
of the month, in the St. Cletus cafeteria, but may be changed by the President as
necessary. Any regular member may attend these meetings, however the President
retains the right to close all or portions the meeting.
ARTICLE VIII – Nominations and Elections
Sec. 1 Elections for officers of the Men’s Club will be held in November.
Sec. 2 Each year at the October general meeting, the current Officers shall announce their
intention of running for re-election. Also at this time, any current member of the Club
may offer himself up for nomination or accept the nomination from another member for
any Officers position.
Sec. 3 Prior to the November meeting, the Secretary shall develop a ballot for each position
with the nominations for each position
Sec. 4 At the November general meeting, the Marshalls will conduct the election for each office
using a ballot box for each position. The voting will be completed at the beginning of the
meeting and the results will be tallied and read by the Secretary at the conclusion of the
Sec. 5 All elected officers will begin their term in January of the next year.
ARTICLE IX – Order of Business
Sec. 1 The order of Business at all regular meetings shall be the following with the discretion of
the President to modify as needed:
1. Opening Prayer
2. New Members
3. Reading and Approval of Minutes
4. Report and Approval of Treasurers Report
5. Reports from the all Coordinators
6. Report of Men’s Club, School, and Parish Business
7. New Business
8. Adjornment
ARTICLE X – Parliamentary Authority
Sec. 1 Parliamentary procedure in accordance with revised “Roberts Rules of Order” shall
govern the proceedings of this Club, subject to special rules which may be adopted from
time to time.
ARTICLE XI – Amendments
Sec. 1 The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Men’s
Club by the affirmative vote to amend by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present
ARTICLE XI – Expulsion
Sec. 1 Any officer or member of this organization found in violation of the purposes of this
organization or any Articles of the Constitution and By-Laws shall be expelled from
membership on recommendation of the Executive Board and majority vote of the
membership at a regular meeting. A member facing expulsion will have the right to
present his case to the membership before the vote is conducted.
ARTICLE XII – Finances
Sec. 1 The Men’s Club generates funds by (but not limited to) the collection of sports
registration fees, registration fees of tournaments, operation of the concession stand,
fundraising activities, and private donations.
Sec. 2 The fiscal year will be defined as July thru June of the next year, to coincide with the
parish and school.
Sec. 3 The Executive Board shall retain the right by majority vote of the Executive Board to
spend up to five hundred dollars ($500) using funds from the treasury of the Club without
a majority vote of the membership on Men’s Club activities.
Sec. 4 All disbursements made by the Executive Board shall be reported to all regular members
at the next regular meeting.
Sec. 5 The Men’s Club may spend up to two thousand dollars ($2000) from the treasury of the
Club by a single majority vote of the membership at a regular meeting.
Sec. 6 Disbursement of funds above two thousand dollars ($2000) requires a second majority
vote at the next regular meeting.
Sec. 7 The Executive Board may petition to hold the second vote at the same meeting based on
timing constraints, emergency situation, etc, with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the
membership. If this vote is approved, then a second vote will be held at the end of the
Sec. 8 Normal operation of Men’s Club activities, such as the operation of the sports program
and concession stand will not be subject to the above monetary values and voting
Sec. 9 The President and/or Executive Board may call a meeting in between regular meetings to
authorize the disbursement of funds from the treasury of the Club in an emergency
Sec. 10 If the Men’s Club is terminated for any reason, the remaining members in good standing
will vote to determine how the remaining funds in the treasury of the Club will be
distributed at the final official Club regular meeting.