LIT 2330 PICTURE BOOKS: ORAL REPORTS M. Magellan Requirements: Choose one author/illustrator and bring to the classroom at least three of that author’s picture books. (The Dade County Public Libraries have excellent collections.) Try to choose books that are both written and illustrated by the same person. In a report of approximately 5-10 minutes: Discuss the author and a bit about his background as a writer/illustrator. Also, discuss the author’s contributions to the development of the genre and refer to recurring themes and changes in his/her style over the years. Choose one or more classic or popular book and: Show several illustrations. Read selections as time permits. Explain the theme or purpose. Evaluation Criteria: Content, organization and English usage will be an important focus of evaluation, but delivery is no less important. Focus on clarity, voice volume, posture, and eye contact with audience. Speak in a conversational tone; do not read only. In addition: Make sure you bring to class: Several books by the author, a brief outline of your oral report, and a Xerox copy or printout of a classic character. Evaluation: 1. volume 2. posture 3. tone 4. eye contact 5. Books to show class 6. Xerox of most famous character 7. outline 8. brief background of author 9. contribution to or influence on the genre 10. Explanation or reading from most famous work