Book Report Format

Book Report Format
Title: Write and underline the title of the book.
Author: Write the complete name of the author.
Illustrator: If the book has an illustrator, write the complete name. If the book has no
illustrator, indicate “none” in this section.
Publisher: Write the publisher of the book and the year of which it was published. This
information is usually located at the front of the book.
Pages: Indicate the amount of pages. You must select a book with at least 70 pages.
Genre: Indicate the type of genre: realistic fiction, science fiction, fantasy, mystery,
autobiography, folklore, historical fiction, biography, etc.
Plot: Write at least a ten sentence paragraph describing the plot. The paragraph should
stimulate another person to read the book without telling the whole story.
Critique: In your own words, write at least an eight sentence paragraph explaining why
you liked or disliked the book.
Users: Indicate the grade level(s) you think would enjoy reading this book.
Extra Information: List all the awards the book has won. If you read an award-winning
book, (The John Newberry Award, The Jane Addams Children’s Book Award, etc.), I
will double your book pages. For example, The Westing Game is 216 pages and has won
the John Newberry award. Instead of earning 3 book reports, you will earn six.
Discussion Questions: Write three critical-thinking questions that would lead into a
broad discussion regarding the story. I will not accept any question that can be answered
with a “yes” or “no”.
Suggested Titles: Suggest another book that is similar to the one you’ve read. Write the
title and author of the book. For example, if you read The Cay by Theodore Taylor you
might suggest Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. The suggested titles must be related to the
original book you’ve read.
1st Quarter: 7 book reports
3rd Quarter: 6 book reports
2nd Quarter: 7 book reports
4th Quarter: 5 book reports